Halle Quinn’s words made Tony Stark’s brow furrow slightly, and he looked at Harpy.

“Actually, I did come to Professor Halle. She has made great achievements in the field of psychology and is an outstanding psychologist in recent years. Harpy said.

He was telling Tony Stark.

Harley Quinn was found by him, not on his own initiative.

“This way.” Tony Stark breathed a slight sigh of relief, “Then you can send her away, because I don’t need a psychiatrist.” ”

Tony Stark looked at Harpy with a determined gaze.

Harpy nodded, and turned to Harley Quinn with some helplessness: “I’m sorry, Professor Harley.” ”

With that, he made a gesture of invitation.

Motioned for Halle Quinn to leave.

Harley Quinn glanced at Harpy and then at Tony Stark, as if thinking about something.

After a moment of silence, Halle Quinn turned to Tony Stark, “Mr. Stark, can I have a request.” I want to meet the clown. ”

Halle Quinn wants to meet the Joker.

The idea came from Polaris often mentioned to her.

Halle Quinn has studied the clown for a long time.

See the clown controlling people’s hearts.

Control the North Star.

And as a psychiatrist, she was almost attracted to the clown’s tirade.


Halle Quinn was unwilling.

It’s like, in an area you’re good at, and suddenly someone shows up and punches you in the face with something you’re good at.

This is extremely uncomfortable for Harley Quinn.

“You said you didn’t come to save the Joker.” Tony Stark looked at Harley Quinn with a cold gaze.

A person who had just said that he had come to help him see a doctor suddenly said that he wanted to see the clown.

There was no way Tony Stark could not be suspicious.

“Mr. Stark, I hope you will listen to me.” Halle Quinn thought of Tony Stark’s reaction and quickly said to him: “I am a psychiatrist. But recently, almost all of my patients have come to see me because of the same person. They said almost exactly the same thing to me, but I couldn’t treat them. ”

“In their hearts, it seems that what I say is not as good as the few words that the clown said.”

“One by one, they all fell and became another clown in this society.”

“The whole world is full of clowns.”

“I want to help them, but I can’t help it.”

“That includes the North Star.”

“Before I came, I didn’t know that the Joker had been caught by you.”

Harley Quinn finished these words in a very fast manner.

Because she was afraid that before she could finish her sentence, Tony Stark threw him out.

She believes that Tony Stark as a genius inventor.

Should be able to understand her.

Although they are engaged in different industries.

But all have characteristics. If someone could research something now, Tony Stark couldn’t study it.

Presumably he would also find it very uncomfortable.

So Harley Quinn wanted to try this to convince him.

“I can understand you, but I can’t let you see the Joker.” Tony Stark finished listening to Halle Quinn.

Although from his heart, she believed in Harley Quinn.

Perhaps because Harley Quinn’s image is completely unrelated to the appearance of a clown.

That’s why Tony Stark believed her a little.

But weighing the pros and cons, Tony Stark thinks it would be better if she didn’t see the Joker.

Tony Stark said and turned around and seemed to be ready to leave.

This is obviously something that Halle Quinn did not expect.

“Mr. Stark.” Halle Quinn called out to Tony Stark.

But Tony Stark had no intention of stopping.

At this moment, Harpy also stopped Harley Quinn and signaled her to leave.

“Mr. Stark, have you ever thought that, perhaps, the clown needs psychotherapy!” Harley Quinn knew that if she left this time, she might never have this opportunity again.

Harley Quinn has always been a relatively submissive woman.

She rarely rebelled against something.

Because she was educated from childhood, she was not allowed to resist.

However, she really wanted to see the clown too much at this time.

More precisely, she wanted to study clowns.

So she continued to persuade Tony Stark’s back as he left: “Joker’s live broadcast, I think you should have watched it, he likes chaos and is crazy. From a psychological point of view, he is a sign of insecurity, and I don’t know what he has been through in the past. ”

“But we can roughly tell from what he said earlier that he is a pessimist.”

“He sees all the dark sides of this world too thoroughly.”

“He will become a clown, perhaps because he has been treated unfairly.”

“If there’s a psychiatrist who can talk to him, help him get out.”

“Maybe he can help more people.”

“Mr. Stark! You are Iron Man, you should think about what the whole M country has become now! ”

Harley Quinn said almost everything she wanted to say without pause.

It seems to refer to the current situation of country M.

Tony Stark stopped.

It’s not that he doesn’t know the situation of the entire country M now.

He’s just like everyone else.

Knowing that only the Joker can solve this problem now.

He has been reluctant to let the clown out because he believes in his heart that going out will not have a good impact on the world, but will accelerate the acceleration of chaos in the world.

Maybe…… Harley Quinn was right.

Although Nick Fury is psychologically and tacticulous, he is an agent.

He went with a purpose.

But Harley Quinn is different.

She is a psychiatrist, and her purpose is to treat clowns.

And she’s a woman.

Perhaps the clown will not have a high defense against him.

And he also found a reason to ask the clown about his father.

Although, Tony Stark doesn’t have much hope that Halle Quinn will cure the Joker.

But it’s good to have a little hope now.

“Professor Halley, you should go back.” Because Tony Stark has not made his attitude clear, Harpy is still persuading Halle Quinn to leave.

“Just this once.”

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