Suddenly, Tony Stark looked back at Halle Quinn and said, “Just this time, if there is no obvious effect, I will ask you to leave.” ”

Tony Stark looked at Halle Quinn and said.

He didn’t expect Harley Quinn to really do any psychotherapy for Luo Bing and let Luo Bing restrain himself from the cliff.

But he needed a reason to go to Luo Bing.

He needed to know about his father.



【Fingerscrossed Ishutmymouth)


Eerid singing sounded from a brand new CD player in the dimly lit space.

Rhythm and eerie filled the room.

Luo Bing, wearing a suit and funny big-headed shoes, was dancing to the music.

On the TV, the latest news is played.

A group of marchers shouted with signs drawing the heads of clowns.

Next to the TV, there is also a cup of steaming coffee.

With a “squeak” sound.

The iron door was opened, and a light shone into the room.

Aimed at Luo Bing, who was dancing.

At the moment, he is like the protagonist of the story surrounded by all the aura.

Elegant, funny and headache-inducing.

Tony Stark looked at this scene and frowned: “I didn’t let you send him a CD.” ”

He looked at Harpy, pressed his temple and said.

“Actually, this is him… I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. “Harpy wants to say that these were all lured by Luo Bing.

But on second thought, why would he be coerced and lured by a locked up person?

Sighing, Harpy quickly apologized.

“This… Is it a clown? Harley Quinn on the side looked at the scene in front of her and asked with some surprise.

“If you’ve been in contact with him for a long time, you’ll find that none of this is surprising. He often does. Harpy shrugged, echoing Harley Quinn’s words.

Tony Stark ignored the two of them.

Just walked towards the iron cage where Luo Bing was kept.

Harpy and Harley Quinn on the side also hurriedly followed Tony Stark.

Luo Bing seemed to notice him and stopped dancing.

Luo Bing looked at Tony Stark and revealed an intriguing smile.

“I didn’t expect you to come to me so soon.” Luo Bing said while turning off the CD player.

He straightened his suit.

Sitting on a somewhat low wooden chair, he looked at Tony Stark and said, “It’s shorter than I thought.” ”

“It’s not me who came to you.” Tony Stark’s face was a little unpleasant, as if someone had poked his heart.

A little stiff head turned to the side and said to Harley Quinn, “You can start.” ”

His words made Luo Bing shift his gaze to Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn was stunned.

A little panicked answered.

She didn’t dare to look directly at Luo Bing.

It’s like, you’ve been watching a man off the TV.

This man influences the whole world.

You painstakingly study this man, studying his every move in front of the camera.

But one day, you see this man in reality.

It’s normal to panic.

“Tony, I’m getting less and less unable to understand your thoughts.” Luo Bing glanced at Harley Quinn, and then fell his gaze on Tony Stark: “You want to see me, do you already need to use a woman as an excuse?” ”

Luo Bing’s words hit the nail on the head.

Hit Tony Stark’s sore spot.

He sat there as if he was in control of everything.

But it doesn’t feel arrogant.

On the contrary, there is weirdness everywhere.

A criminal locked up in such a harsh environment can actually drink coffee and dance here happily?

It’s hard to imagine that this is a normal person’s move.

“You need psychotherapy!” Tony Stark took a deep breath, as if afraid that Luo Bing knew he was right.

Hurriedly said.

He didn’t dare to strongly refute, but directly stated the purpose of Harley Quinn’s coming here.

Yet hear this phrase.

Luo Bing suddenly smiled.


Laughed loudly.

Laughing almost fell back and forth, he almost fell out of his chair.

Luo Bing’s reaction, Tony Stark and Harpy have become accustomed to after some days of contact.

It’s Halle Quinn, instead.

Somewhat surprised… Even fear.

In the dark environment, a man in clown makeup laughed in an extremely loud and hysterical voice.

Laughter still echoed in the empty space.

This makes it difficult for Harley Quinn not to remember the atmosphere when making horror movies, which is exactly the same as this atmosphere.

“There’s nothing funny about that!” Tony Stark frowned and scolded with some annoyance.

“No, it’s funny. You know, it should be you who should receive psychotherapy, and it is you who are crazy. Luo Bing stopped laughing and said teasingly.

“We are all normal!” Luo Bing’s words once again poked Tony Stark’s heart.

He accentuated his tone and emphasized it to Luo Bing.

You know, Tony Stark is already very troubled because he may have an anxiety disorder.

No one wants to tell someone else.

Oh, you may have a neurological disorder.

No matter what the disease is, but others may misunderstand, you have a neuropathy.

So Tony Stark has been refusing to admit that he has an anxiety disorder.

Because he refuses to admit it, he will try to explain it like others.

But Harpy brought him a psychiatrist.

This is really an incomprehensible thing.

“Normal? You look at the people of this world, their reaction should be normal. Luo Bing suddenly walked in front of Tony Stark, looked at Tony Stark and pointed to the TV: “They are going to kill millions of people in this world, you don’t pay attention to it, but I caught it.” I exposed their conspiracy and you called me a criminal. Tell me, who is sick? ”

Luo Bing looked at Tony Stark, his face very close to Tony Stark’s face.

Closer Tony Stark could see the paint on his face.

He bared his white teeth and said something that no one could refute over.

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