Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 116 Preparing for Evolution

Nick Fury didn't quite understand what Feeney meant, and he still had some doubts about Feeney's behavior.

He has always felt Finny's rejection of S.H.I.E.L.D., and his personality shouldn't be such a nosy person. Why did he suddenly have to tell him about it.

"Although you have been hovering on the verge of death, after all, the starting point is good."

Feeney looked at Nick Fury calmly, and this was probably the only place he could recognize Nick Fury, otherwise, he really couldn't find any bright spots in Nick Fury.

"And I don't want the earth to be in turmoil, so I just remind you to prepare you."

Feeney continued, seeming to explain the reason for doing so, and finally concluded by retreating: "But I advise you to choose to give up that thing, so that everyone can live in peace!"

Finny gave Nick Fury an illusion from beginning to end, making him mistakenly think that the trouble he was referring to was that Asgard wanted to recycle the Rubik's Cube, but the real trouble Finny was referring to was actually continuing to study the Rubik's Cube.

And he knew that it was impossible for Nick Fury to give up the Rubik's Cube, so he said that.

In the original plot, it was because Loki used it to reversely open the door of space, let him know how dangerous this thing is, and it may be more troublesome to keep it on the earth, so Thor took it away.

But nothing has happened yet, and it is absolutely impossible for Nick Fury to give it up just because Finey said that it is someone else's property, and that someone is going to come and take it.

"This is the property of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Nick Fury's attitude really did not exceed his expectations.

"If you add Hulk, can you keep the Rubik's Cube?"

Hearing Nick Fury's question, Feeney was secretly happy in his heart, and shook his head calmly on the surface and said: "It depends on who and how many people can come."

Feeney was also afraid of frightening Nick Fury by saying too much, so he couldn't help adding: "But according to the condition of their Rainbow Bridge, it should be fine."

"But why should I help you keep that thing? It's not good for me or the earth."

Although Finny's purpose was to get close to the space gem, but in order not to make Nick Fury suspicious, he had to act as if he refused.

Nick Fury frowned tightly and didn't answer. After a while, he spoke again: "When are they going to come and get it?"

"How would I know!"

Feeney looked indifferent, in fact, to blur the concept, and then said: "You shouldn't ask me about this kind of thing. If you want to ask, you should ask the people in Asgard."

"Thank you for your reminder, I will be prepared for this matter."

Nick Fury pondered for a long time, finally thanked Finny, and asked, "Do you need me to take you back?"

"No, I'll just find a place to open the door and go back later."

Finny shook his head. Although Nick Fury didn't ask him to help in the end, he believed that he would definitely ask in a short time.

After bidding farewell to Feeney, Nick Fury rushed to the base established by NASA and S.H.I.E.L.D. by helicopter, where the research project of the Rubik's Cube was carried out.

In addition to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there are also various other projects here.

Taking the elevator all the way to the underground, Nick Fury found the research director of the Rubik's Cube project, Eric Selvig, who had had an indissoluble bond with Thor.

"How is the energy research of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube going?"

Nick Fury asked.

"Boss, this is a very difficult matter."

Eric Selvig shook his head and replied: "There is almost infinite energy in the Rubik's Cube. It is very difficult to peel them out of it, and this energy may cause unimaginable destructive power if you are not careful."

"It means there is no result, right?"

Nick Fury frowned. Although he understood that if the Rubik's Cube was really so easy to study, it wouldn't have been placed until now, but after hearing the news, he still couldn't help being a little angry.


Eric Selvig didn't care either. Although he didn't produce any research results, he also left important research materials, and he always felt that he seemed to be a little forgetful recently. If he was fired, he could just take a break.

After sending Eric Selvig away, Nick Fury found Hawkeye Button who was sent to monitor him.

"Is there anything unusual about him?"

Hearing Nick Fury's question, Barton lazily shook his head and reported: "Except for testing data and doing experiments every day, everything is normal, and I haven't contacted any outsiders."


For Barton, Nick Fury still has more trust. Thinking of what Feeney said before, he decided to give Barton the bottom line first: "There may be additional guards in these two days. Pay more attention and keep an eye on the Rubik's Cube. What's the problem?" Report immediately."

"Is someone coming to attack?"

Barton lifted his spirits, and his eyes became sharper.

"It's just possible!"

Nick Fury didn't explain too much, and after checking the Rubik's Cube again that there was no abnormality, he left the base.

As for Finny, while waiting for Nick Fury's reply, he was not idle. He didn't want to put all his eggs in one basket. In addition to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he also considered several other ways to give Qingyanbai Dragon evolution.

Tony Stark's new Elemental Ark reactor is one of them.

But this is Tony's most important thing, and it is expensive to make. If the blue-eyed white dragon can digest it, he will have no problem with one or two. If it is fed every day, it may not be possible.

At the same time, Feeney has never thought about how to ask Tony for it, so it has been delayed until now.

Now that the space gem has been roughly resolved, he will also try to ask Tony for an Ark reactor.

In the evening, Feeney came to Tony's villa, and Pepper was also there. The two are now in a formal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, and it is normal to live together.

"Good evening, Finny, isn't Skye coming?"

Seeing Finny, Pepper said hello and asked about Skye's situation. Since that meeting, the two have become friends and have kept in touch with each other on weekdays. Pepper even wanted Skye to go to the company to help. She's busy.

It's a pity that Skye has been too lazy to stay at home for a long time. Like Feeney, he doesn't want to work.

"She's too full to eat at home and doesn't want to move!"

Feeney shrugged, looking helpless. Although the shock wave ability can solve the body problem, the feeling of fullness cannot be eliminated.

"All right."

Pepper showed a look of envy, obviously she also knew that Skye's superpower could help control the figure.

"Tony is in the studio, go down and find him yourself."

Feeney nodded, came to Tony's studio with ease, entered the password, and saw that Tony was concentrating on researching something.

"Mark Seven?"

Feeney looked at the model of the computer and asked casually.

"You're here." Tony wasn't surprised because he had already contacted him beforehand. He continued to study and asked, "Do you think anti-tank missiles or heavy missiles are better?"

"Shouldn't you want them all?"

Feeney found a chair and sat down, and replied indifferently.

"makes sense!"

Tony thought about it, and it seemed to make sense. After recording something on the computer, he turned to look at Feeney and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

I'm sorry, I didn't get stuck in the plot point I was expecting in the end, but a new wave of plots will start soon. . . I hope you can continue to subscribe and watch, hope to support, thank you!

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