Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 117 Testimonials!

To be honest, the results of this book are not very good, and I was scolded for a long time when I wrote it in the early stage, but no matter what, I am still persisting!

Although it is not good, I am also working hard to improve it, hoping to write better and better.

So I hope you can also accompany me, so that I won't let me write here alone.

It will be on the shelves at noon tomorrow. I don't dare to guess how the result will be. After all, this is a second dimension, and anything can happen. Maybe I don't even have 200 first orders.

Haha, if that's the case, I might really be unable to bear the blow and have to cut the book!

You shouldn't let me be so miserable!

Besides, I don’t know if you can feel it until now. I like to play some jokes, and the style is always as relaxed and funny as possible.

In fact, it is really difficult to take pictures like this, so the amount of hair loss I lose every day is simply terrifying!

For the sake of your hair, make a first order tomorrow, okay? ?

I'm not a tentacle monster, and I can't code all day long, and sometimes I have to struggle for a day for a plot and can't code it.

So tomorrow's explosive update or something, I will work hard!

Maybe it's easier to increase the first order by setting up a Flag or something! ?

Otherwise, I would also set up an initial order of 3,000, such as boutique women's clothing, but this is obviously beyond reality! (Whispering: What if, what if!)

When I posted this testimonial, I had less than 30,000 collections. In fact, I feel that I am grateful to have an average subscription of 1,000. Any higher results are all thanks to you~

So, I thought about it, if the average subscription is really expected to exceed 1,500, 2,000, or even 3,000, then I should pay it off in the end.

I dare not make specific promises, because I am afraid that failing to do so will disappoint you, but if you are really lucky enough to achieve a good result, I can only say that I will do my best not to let you down.

Okay, okay, there are enough sensational ones, sincerely, sincerely, I sincerely hope that you can give me a subscription tomorrow, even if it's just to make my first subscription score look better.

Also, if you have the ability, give a reward tomorrow to celebrate! (Again whispering: cute master, cute master!)

Thank you~

By the way, there are also monthly tickets and recommended tickets. I almost forgot, but remember to vote!

Thanks again~

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