Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 125 The Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the Soul Gem (please subscribe~)

Feeney also turned his head to look at the Red Skull, with a confused expression on his face, what's the use of him wanting the Red Skull! ?

Help people read the name, do you recognize the father! ?

But even if Finny wants it, the soul gem is reluctant to give it. It needs a guide to explain the rules to those who are looking for it.

"I have nothing to give you!"

In the end, the soul gem surprised Fei Nibai.

"No, you have!"

Feeney retorted dissatisfiedly that one of the six rarest and most powerful stones in the Tangtang universe couldn't even offer an apology, and no one would believe it.

"You are too weak, you can't bear my strength, and I can't break the rules I set!"

Although Finny wanted to refute that he was not weak, but unfortunately he really shouldn't be able to bear the cost of using infinite gems.

"I need your energy!"

Feeney thought for a while, and made his own request for the soul gem.

The soul gem flashed, and replied: "But your body will collapse if you do this!"

"Not for me!"

Feeney explained a sentence, then summoned the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card, held it in his hand, threw it to the open space and shouted, "My turn, come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

After the mighty and ferocious blue-eyed white dragon came out, Red Skull's expression didn't fluctuate at all, it was just a dragon, what's the big deal, even if the dragon immediately turned into a big beauty, he wouldn't be surprised anymore,


After the blue-eyed white dragon came out, he uttered a slight cry, and rubbed his neck against Finny to show his intimacy.

"I hope you can give it energy!"

Feeney touched the smooth scales of the blue-eyed white dragon and said, although he intended to swallow the space gem, it would not have much impact if he could replace it with a soul gem.

"Transform dead things into real life, and also have a soul, how did you do it?"

Soul Gem seemed to be very surprised by the appearance of the blue-eyed white dragon, and simply ignored Finny's words.

"You give it energy first!"

Of course, Feeney couldn't say that this was the mighty power of the system, and looked at the soul gem urging.

"But even it still can't bear my strength!"

The soul gem replied truthfully that although the blue-eyed white dragon looked tall and powerful, it was actually not much stronger than Finny in terms of body.

"Anyway, let's try it first!"

Feeney is actually not worried that the blue-eyed white dragon will die, because even if the body really can't bear the energy and collapses, it will only turn it back into a card, and it can't be summoned again in a short time.

This is also the reason why he dared to play the space gem idea before, because there is no need to worry about it.

Seeing that Finny's attitude is so firm, and the soul gem is also curious about the blue-eyed white dragon, so he said: "You let it hold me!"

Finny gave an order to the blue-eyed white dragon, let it walk over obediently, and held the soul gem into the claws with great difficulty.

Then, the soul gem blossomed in the blue-eyed white dragon's claws, and the orange light traveled across the blue-eyed white dragon's body, and the pure white scales seemed to have some cracks.


The blue-eyed white dragon let out a huge roar, and it looked a little painful, but its body was quietly getting bigger and bigger.

Looking at the appearance of the blue-eyed white dragon, Feeney felt a little distressed. Although this was done to make it evolve as soon as possible, the process seemed a bit cruel.

Just when Finny was about to stop the soul gem, the body of the blue-eyed white dragon suddenly emitted a burst of light, and then disappeared, turning back into a card again.

Feeney ignored the soul gem that fell to the ground, quickly grabbed the card, and saw the second star that was a lot clearer at a glance.

However, Finny didn't feel very happy. The current Blue-Eyes White Dragon was still too weak to withstand the energy of the Soul Gem. Although he had absorbed some of it, the painful process really worried him.

Fini frowned, looked at the blue-eyed white dragon card in an unusable state, and dissipated the skill to make it dissipate in the air.

"It can absorb energy and evolve!"

During this process, the soul gem also understood the reason why Finny let it transmit energy to the blue-eyed white dragon, and then said: "Unfortunately, it's still too weak!"

After hearing this, Finny just looked at the soul gem and didn't speak. He was also thinking about this question.

Only once, the blue-eyed white dragon almost completed the two-star evolution. It can be seen that his idea is feasible, and the only problem to be solved is the painful process.

Although the blue-eyed white dragon won't really die, Finny doesn't want to let it evolve in this way.

After a long time, Finny raised his head, looked at the red skull not far away, and asked the soul gem: "Apart from allowing him to read his name and know his origin, do you have any other abilities?"

"This is the duty I entrusted to him!"

Soul Gem replied.

"I mean, can he fight me?" Feeney asked frankly.

He thought for a long time just now, and suddenly felt that he didn't need to be too anxious to go back. The earth was very peaceful during this time.

On the side of Hulk, Banner has already begun to feel the disadvantages that often make Hulk appear. The more mature Hulk is, the higher his ability to control his body. He even doubts that one day, the status of the two will be exchanged. .

That is to say, when Hulk appears every day, Banner can only appear if Hulk is not angry and wants Banner to appear.

Therefore, Banner has begun to resist Finny, who has only called Hulk out to fight, but has not made any progress in separating them.

As far as Skye is concerned, she now has the ability to protect herself to some extent, even Tony, if he is not aware of Skye's ability in advance, he may overturn in front of her if he is not careful.

As for the rest, it is the practice of Karma Taj and the experience baby of Modu.

But on Vormir Star, there is no limit to the Golden Diffraction Technique, and the rate of experience growth has increased a lot, which is enough to make up for Karma Taj's practice.

If there is another all-day experience baby like Red Skull who doesn't need to eat, sleep, or go to the toilet, then Vormir Star can be said to be a perfect place to earn experience!

Feeney can prepare for his seventh skill draw here, and let the blue-eyed white dragon evolve in the normal way first, which is to feed fried chicken nuggets.

If the evolved blue-eyed white dragon can withstand the energy of the soul gem, then his strength is likely to usher in a leap-forward growth.

"Why fight? His mission is to guide the seeker and tell the rules."

The soul gem was strange for a while.

"Am I bored!?" Feeney replied angrily, then frowned and asked, "Then what if you meet someone who doesn't believe you?"

"Believe it or not is your own business!"

Soul Gem replied as a matter of course.

"So, is he really just a complete tour guide!"

Feeney is a little distressed. If this is the case, he can only simply practice skills, and the evaluation of the experience dungeon of Vormir will be greatly reduced. Or during this period of time, see if he can wait for a powerful alien to accidentally pass by here! ?

It's just that judging from the situation when I chatted with Red Skull before, I'm afraid it will take decades to wait for the existence of one or two crooked melons and cracked dates.

However, the next words of the Soul Gem immediately surprised him.

"I can temporarily give him a soul entity to accompany you, but the matter of sending you here is over."

"You have to be responsible for sending me back when the time comes, and then provide some energy for the blue-eyed white dragon in the future, and this matter will be settled at this point!"

Just in case, Feeney added a condition and replied.

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