Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 126 Why is it a frying pan! ? (Please subscribe!!!)

The Red Skull on the other side just looked at one person and one stone inexplicably and shifted the topic to himself.

He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and his sense of existence was almost zero. How could he be involved! ?

The Soul Gem reached an agreement without the slightest delay, and an orange light immediately shone on the Red Skull.

The flying black cloak no longer fluttered, and the feet that had disappeared had returned to stand on the ground.

Red Skull stared blankly at all this. After becoming a ghost, he could better appreciate the fullness of having a body. Although this was only temporary, and he didn't really have a body again, it still made Red Skull feel surprise.

Seeing the change of the Red Skull, Feeney walked over with a smile, summoned a chicken nugget roll, handed it over and asked, "Would you like to try it?"

Looking at the chicken nugget roll in Finny's hands, Red Skull hesitated. He hadn't tasted food for seventy years. He was unable to eat in his previous state. Now that he has a physical body, he can finally Tried to eat.


The Red Skull took the Jinji Chicken Nugget Roll and thanked him. Although he didn't understand why Finny wanted to turn him into a reality, he actually had nothing to lose.

Even if he dies and disappears, it is still a kind of relief for him.

Bite down the tender and delicious Jinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll, feel the impact of the taste buds that have been lost for many years, and the joy bursting from the bottom of my heart, which actually made the Red Skull's face shed tears.

Is this delicious enough to cry? ?

Finny was dumbfounded!

"Very tasty!"

After three or two bites, the Red Skull settled a Jinji fried chicken nugget roll, and after complimenting Feeney, he said expectantly: "Can I have another one?"

"It's okay, just eat!"

Feeney immediately created a large table and two chairs with the Golden Diffraction Technique, which made the Red Skull feast on it.

It seems to want to make up for all the past, or it seems to be the last supper, or the Jinji fried chicken roll itself is so delicious that the Red Skull can't stop eating it, although it is only this kind of food, But he still ate with great joy.

After half an hour, the Red Skull slowed down. Although the food intake was not as good as that of the blue-eyed white dragon, it was already comparable to the original Hulk.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Halsaces!"

After all, the Red Skull was also the leader of the Hydra back then. Although he had been a dead soul for seventy years, his elegance was not completely lost.

"You're welcome!"

Finny shook his head, thinking about how to talk to Red Skull about the battle.

As the leader of an organization, the Red Skull still has the ability to read words and emotions. Seeing Feeney's expression, he said directly: "No matter what you want, as long as I can do it, just ask!"

"It's nothing, I just want to learn from you."

Seeing that the Red Skull was so easy to talk to, Finny felt a little embarrassed.

"Just to learn from each other!?"

Red Skull was stunned, he was even ready to sacrifice to feed the dragon, but Finny just wanted to find someone to compete with! ?

That's it! ?

Although he felt that he had no hope of winning, Red Skull agreed without hesitation: "No problem!"

"Start now!?"

After seventy years of being boring, Red Skull found that he was not as indifferent as he had imagined, and that he still had some expectations and a desire to win in fighting with Feeney.

Although no matter what kind of ability Feeney has shown before, his chances of winning are almost zero.

Seeing that the Red Skull looked more anxious than himself, Feeney was stunned. In the end, it could only be attributed to the fact that he might not have seen anyone for too long and had not had a good chat, so he was a little excited for a while.

"If you don't mind, do it now!"

Feeney was not polite either. If there were no accidents, he might stay here for a short time, so he had to determine the experience that the Red Skull could gain.

After the Soul Gem transformed the Red Skull, it disappeared, and it didn't talk to Feeney anymore. I don't know if it was hiding in the dark to observe.

Although the Red Skull temporarily has an entity, he still belongs to the soul gem, so Finny did not choose the battle position on the altar.

Instead, they came to the beach at the foot of the mountain.

"Are you ready?"

Feeney was equipped with evil spirits and asked the Red Skull.

"let's start!"

Red Skull calmed down his somewhat nervous mood and nodded. Although Finny was very powerful, after thinking about it carefully, he didn't feel that he had no hope of winning at all.

At the beginning of the battle, Finny didn't use the explosion magic to bombard him, nor did he suppress it with the golden expansion technique. Instead, he relied on the bonus of haunting ghosts to fight with the red skull in close quarters, testing his strength, speed and defense little by little.

I have to say that the Red Skull, who was injected with almost the same serum as the US team, is really not too weak.

Especially that combat skill formed a kind of all-round suppression on Finny during the battle.

If it weren't for his strength not being able to break through the physical resistance of the evil spirits, maybe the Red Skull really had a slight hope of winning this battle.

After a period of testing, Feeney roughly understood the level of Red Skull's strength. It is definitely weaker than Hulk, but it is much stronger than most mages in Kama Taj.

Especially the superb fighting skills, in terms of Kama Taj's fighting style, it can be said that they are naturally incompatible.

Therefore, Feeney calculated that the overall strength of the Red Skull should be comparable to that of Modu who does not use large-scale destructive spells. Even if it is slightly worse, it will not be too weak.

This made Finny very happy. Although it seems that the strength is slightly worse than that of Modu, but it must be considered that the Red Skull is a training partner with no waiting around the clock. Where can such a safe and efficient experience tool be found.

Even Hulk, although he has high experience, can't pull out to fight every day, and he has to consider the risk of injury.

After figuring out the situation of the Red Skull, Feeney decided to end the battle and see how much experience the Red Skull could gain. After all, no matter how much he guessed, it was just a guess, and ultimately it depended on the system's judging criteria.

Although the Red Skull didn't know that Finny was just testing, he also knew how serious Finny's release of water was. After all, the powerful fire pillar had never been used once, and it had never flown into the sky on the ground.

He is a dignified Hydra leader, except for Captain America, he has never been defeated before, and now he has reached the point of letting people go to sea. You must know that even Captain America back then, the two of them were actually just 50-50.

Although he was prepared to lose from the very beginning, he didn't want to lose ugly, he had to lose with momentum.

While thinking like this, Red Skull heard Finny speaking in front of him:


The originally soft sand under his feet instantly turned into a quagmire, causing Red Skull to be careless for a moment and almost sinking into it. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and with his superb skills, he got out of the sandpit in time.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a black pan suddenly appeared in front of his face.

Until the last second, the consciousness in his mind was still...

Why a pan! ?

Looking at the Red Skull who was knocked down by a pot, Feeney looked at the frying pan created by the golden Da Yan technique in his hand with satisfaction.

In fact, he is still not very good at using the golden Dayan technique in battle, because it is too difficult to concentrate on fighting and maintain creation at the same time, so he can only take his time and try from the simplest weapons.

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