Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 127 Ancient One! ! ! (first update)

Dissipating the titanium alloy brand pan in his hand, Feeney thought in his heart that he would have a chance to get in touch with vibrating gold in the future, and he could try to change to a vibrating gold plate. Then he looked at the red skull that fell on the ground and could not get up, and began to check the experience of.

It is not much different from what he expected. The experience gained by the Red Skull is not as good as that of Mordo, but it is not too bad. If you calculate carefully, it looks like 0.85 Mordo.

This level is already very satisfying to Finney. After all, the Red Skull is just a soldier injected with serum, and he has not fought for so many years, and his body is not a real body.

The experience of the Red Skull made Feeney determine the idea of ​​brushing up the experience here before leaving.

After all, the sixth skill obtained is the blue-eyed white dragon that has not yet grown up, so it will not play a big role in the alien invasion that may be faced next, the New York War.

So if possible, Feeney very much hopes to extract the seventh skill before that, or cultivate the blue-eyed white dragon.

"Are you okay?"

Feeney looked at the Red Skull who finally got up after a long time, and asked with concern.

Red Skull shook his head disappointedly and said, "I lost!"

"It's okay. There are many people who lost to me. You don't have to feel ashamed."

Finny's consolation obviously didn't make Red Skull happy, but he had actually expected this result before the battle, so it wasn't too uncomfortable.

In this way, Feeney temporarily settled down on Vormir.

Although he didn't have any materials, he dug a big hole in the mountain and made a bed out of stones, which was barely a place to live. At the same time, he used the Golden Great Expansion Technique to create some simple and easy-to-maintain items, and it wasn't too painful to live in.

But there is no problem with the residence, but life is a bit tormented.

On the entire Vormir planet, there is only Red Skull, a thing that can barely be called a living thing, and there is almost no communicable existence except him.

Not to mention the Red Skull, even he himself couldn't fight all day long, so it only took him a week. After visiting the planet, he became bored.

"How do you usually bear this kind of life alone?"

Feeney looked at the Red Skull who was sitting in a daze by the altar, and couldn't help asking, you know, he has been here for seventy years, and he doesn't know how he got here.

"Actually, when no one comes, I am mostly asleep."

What the Red Skull said made Finny roll his eyes. Obviously, this method does not apply to his current situation.

"Let's go climbing together, I'll take a photo for you!"

Feeney took out his phone boredly and looked at it, turned on the camera and took a few photos of the distant scenery, planning to go back as a souvenir.

Because of the creation of the Golden Great Diffraction Technique, he doesn't have to worry about running out of battery, but the signal, even if he uses the Golden Great Diffraction Technique to create it, he still can't contact the earth.

"No need, I have walked every mountain here."

Red Skull shook his head and refused, he was too familiar with everything on Vormir, and he was too lazy to look at it again, and in the past two days, Feeney also told him that he would be a training partner for the next period of time .

So don't look like he is in a daze, but he is actually thinking about how to defeat Feeney.


Feeney sighed, he was actually just too bored, and it was only an hour since the last battle. Looking at the Red Skull, it seemed that he hadn't recovered from the defeat just now.

In desperation, Finny had no choice but to summon the blue-eyed white dragon and began to feed it. Since the last time the body was destroyed by energy, the second star has become very obvious, and it is not far from the success of evolution.

Meanwhile, Earth.

Skye hung up the phone that no one answered, with uncontrollable worry on his face, Finny almost never had such a long time without contacting her, and was unable to contact her.

Although before leaving, Feeney also said that she would leave for a week, but during this week, she called more than once, but she couldn't get through.

After all, a week has passed, and there is still no answer, and the ambiguous words when she left made her extremely worried.

After thinking about it, Skye called Pepper again and asked about it.

"Finny!? I haven't seen him. Tony has been with me these days. Dr. Banner is also in the laboratory. He hasn't come to us."

After receiving Pepper's answer, Skye became more and more worried. After careful consideration, he came to the Sanctuary in New York alone in the evening.

"Hello, I have something to ask Master Daniel."

While the entire Karma Taj knew Finny, not everyone knew Skye, even if she had been there for a while.

"Please wait."

The mage guarding the temple looked at Skye and went to report.

"Miss Halsides, why are you here?"

Soon, Daniel went downstairs and asked in surprise when he saw Skye.

"Phini has been missing for a week, and it's the first time he disappeared suddenly like this. I want to ask the Supreme Mage, can I trouble you?"

Hearing Skye's words, Daniel's face became a little serious. They are mages, and they understand the dangers of this world better than ordinary people.

So he said at once: "Follow me!"

Daniel took Skye all the way to Karma Taj, and met Modu who was training and practicing on the way.

"Miss Halsides, where's Feeney, why isn't he here?"

Mordo looked at Skye alone, a little surprised.

"He's missing, and I haven't contacted him for a week." Hearing what Modu said, Skye showed deep worry on his face.

"He told me earlier that he had things to deal with and it might take a week."

Modu also frowned slightly and said.

"I know, but it's been a week now, and he's never been in such a situation, and he can't be contacted at all." Skye said, she believes that Finny is not the kind of person who is too busy to be desperate, unless something happens Make him unreachable.

"She wants to ask the Supreme Master to see if she knows the situation."

Daniel also explained to Modu on the side.

"I'll take her there!"

Mordo nodded to Daniel.

After that, Modu led the way and led Skye to Gu Yi.

After listening to Skye and Modu's narration, even Gu Yi was slightly surprised: "He disappeared?"

"You don't even know where he went?"

Skye's face began to look a little anxious. She thought that Gu Yi had arranged some important tasks for Finny, but it was obviously not the case.

"You take your time, Miss Halsaides."

Gu Yi said a few words of relief to Skye: "Finnie has great strength, so it won't be so easy to get into trouble. Maybe it's just some accidents that delayed his trip."

Hearing Gu Yi's words, and thinking of Finny's mysterious power that has always been incomprehensible, Skye's face finally recovered a little.

"Master Mordo, take Miss Helsaid to rest first. If I find Feeney, I will notify you as soon as possible."


Modu saluted respectfully, and left with the worried Skye.

After the two of them left, Gu looked at the closed door, hesitated for a moment, and began to use spells to find Finny's location, but a strange symbol began to flash between her eyebrows.

Mage, energy is something that I borrowed with my ability, why should I pay it back! ?

Feeling the plundered energy, Dormammu shouted impotently and furiously in the dark dimension:

"Ancient One!!!"

I... I... I... try to add more. . . Please keep subscribing! ?

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