Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 138: The Avengers' First Gathering (Part 3)

Hearing Finny's words, Skye bowed his head and remained silent for a while, not knowing what to think of, and finally blushed slightly, reluctantly agreeing.

While Finny was persuading Skye, after Nick Fury left the base, he first contacted the congressman.

"This may be the first interstellar war on Earth, but we are not ready yet, so I need a response team to prevent this war from happening."

"But you are playing with fire, Commander!"

On the screen, a congressman looked at Nick Fury and said, "These are not forces under your control."

Several other people actually did not agree with the Avengers plan in their hearts, especially Nick Fury deliberately stated in the plan that they were not under control, so they did not speak for the time being.

"Ever fought a war? Senator!"

Nick Fury looked at the group of superiors who had stayed in the office for too long, and said in a deep voice: "During the real battle, do you like to be controlled by others?"

"You said that Loki has an army in his hands. Does this mean that Asgard is going to declare war on the earth?"

Seeing that her colleagues were speechless, another female congressman changed the subject and asked.

"Not Asgard, but Loki."

Nick Fury remembered that Finney said that Thor might come to help, so the army couldn't be Asgard's.

"Where's his brother? That Sol!"

The congresswoman continued to ask.

"According to intelligence, Thor has no malice towards Earth, but he is far away in the sky, and we can only rely on ourselves." Nick Fury said.

"What about the Silver Knight?"

The congresswoman mentioned Feeney and asked, "Can't the Silver Knight stop Loki?"

The disappearance of Feeney was only known to the people at the base, and since he had returned today, Nick Fury replied with a normal face: "He needs help, so this response team should be formed all the more!"

After inking for a long time, Nick Fury finally let these people give in and agreed to set up this response team temporarily, but whether it can be really established depends on the follow-up performance.

After solving the procedure, Nick Fury immediately rushed to the next place without any rest.

In a boxing gym with a sense of age, a strong man with well-developed chest muscles and raised buttocks was ravaging sandbags crazily.

One punch to the left, one punch to the right, the movements are sharp and powerful.

"Can't sleep?"

Seeing the sweaty Captain America exercising, Nick Fury, who came out of his house, stepped forward and asked.

"Seventy years of sleeping in one sleep, sir, I think I've had enough."

"Then you should go out for a walk and take a look at the scenery."

Seeing Nick Fury approaching, Steve Rogers finally stopped his movements and stopped beating the sandbags violently. While removing the bandages on his hands, he asked, "Is there a mission for me? Sir! Let me integrate into the new world ?”

"Let you save it!"

Looking at a document handed over by Nick Fury, Steve hesitated for a moment, then took it, opened it, and saw the Rubik's Cube on it at a glance.

Nick Fury briefly talked about Loki's affairs, and then said slowly: "This world is changing faster than you can imagine."

"I'm used to it."

Steve was still angry about the Rubik's Cube, replied blankly, then packed his things and prepared to leave.

"I have placed the details of the mission in your home."

Looking at Captain America who was carrying the sandbag to leave, Nick Fury thought for a while, and added: "Do you have any specific suggestions for retrieving the Rubik's Cube?"

"You should leave it in the sea!"

Steve said a word without looking back, then left the boxing gym and returned home.

Looking at the material that Nick Fury put in an extremely prominent position, Steve sighed, and took it in his hand to read it seriously.

In fact, there are no specific mission plans or actions in the information, and more are actually introductions about other people, such as Asgard and Thor, Loki’s information, Banner’s situation, and Tony’s identity and steel suit etc.

On the other side, Coulson also came to Stark Tower to find Tony and Banner according to Nick Fury's instructions.

The top floor of Stark Tower.

Tony and Pepper were chatting with each other, and suddenly Jarvis's voice sounded: "Sir, Agent Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D. is calling for you."

"Say I'm not here!"

Although he has the name of a consultant, Tony actually doesn't have much affection for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I'm afraid he won't believe it, sir."

With Tony's continuous upgrades, Jarvis's intelligence level is getting higher and higher.

"Be confident, Jarvis, I'm dating now!"

Tony said casually, intending to continue to develop a relationship with Pepper.

It's a pity that Pepper is well aware of the importance of interpersonal relationships, and also has a certain affection for Coulson, an agent, so he persuaded Tony: "Let's see what he wants from you first, in case it has something to do with Feeney!"

After Tony heard it, his expression changed, and he finally chose to connect the phone.

"Stark, we have to talk, it's urgent!"

On the phone screen, Coulson's serious face appeared.

"What's the matter, is the end of the world coming?"

Tony joked casually.


But Coulson's answer stunned Tony. Seeing that Coulson's serious face didn't look like he was joking, he opened up the security clearance and let him take the elevator to come to him.

"What trouble have you caused again?"

Seeing Coulson walking over with a computer in his arms, Tony asked with an unhappy face.

"You can look at this first."

Coulson hands the computer to Tony.

"I don't like people handing me things that you can put on the table."

Tony didn't take the computer, but shrugged and went to sit on the sofa, waiting for Coulson to put the computer in front of him.

Pepper saw that Coulson was anxious and nervous, so he didn't embarrass him. He took the computer and saved Coulson from embarrassment: "It's okay, I like things that others give me."

After that, he came to Tony and handed him the computer.

Tony held the computer, looked at Pepper and then at Coulson, pouted helplessly, started the computer, transmitted the data to the server in the building, and then opened it on the holographic projection in the room.

Pepper was also looking at the information around her in surprise. Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something. She turned to Coulson and asked, "Phi... the Silver Knight has appeared?"

"This is the latest information compiled by the director general."

Coulson nodded. Although he didn't see Feeney coming back with his own eyes, he had read more detailed information and knew that Feeney appeared with Loki.

When Tony heard the news from the side, a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "I knew that guy wouldn't be so easy to get into trouble."

"By the way, please inform Dr. Banner, it is best for him to participate in this task!"

With Feeney's changes, Natasha finally does not need to perform the dangerous task of contacting Banner, although this may also cause Banner to lose a hopeless love.

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