Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 139 Meeting for the First Time (Part 1)

It was mid-afternoon the next day when Finny received the contact from Nick Fury, during which time he took Skye to his parents and stayed by their side.

"Find Loki so soon?"

Arriving at the base of S.H.I.E.L.D., after seeing Nick Fury, Feeney asked a little unexpectedly, but soon realized that Loki was forced to retreat this time, and did not control Hawkeye Patton and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents .

Without the cover of insiders, Loki, who is arrogant and looks down on the earth, probably didn't think much about hiding, so it is not impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to be discovered so quickly.

"Well, but things are a bit troublesome, I formed a response team, I will take you to meet them first!"

Nick Fury nodded and said.

"The Avengers!?"

Feeney curled his lips and was still dealing with the team. He thought about it carefully. It seemed that Thor was the only one he hadn't seen in the entire Avengers League. Of course, if he had to count, Captain America probably didn't know him.

Nick Fury nodded without denying it.

Sitting on the Quinjet fighter, Feeney carefully looked at the internal structure of the plane. After being trapped on Vormir, he felt that it was necessary for him to learn about spaceships.

Coming to the sky carrier that Nick Fury is proud of, Feeney saw several familiar figures.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Feeney stepped forward to greet the two of them.

"Where did you go all this time?"

Although he got the news yesterday, but because he didn't confirm it, Tony was really relieved when he saw Feeney appearing in front of him.

"It's hard to say, how are you all these days?"

While Finny and Tony were talking, they also looked at Banner. After not seeing him for so long, Banner's demeanor became more gentle and refined. Anyone who saw him for the first time would think he was a good-tempered person.

"Except that he loses his temper and wants to find you, everything else is fine."

Banner shrugged, happy to have Feeney back.

In his heart, Finny is the only existence that can restrict Hulk. In the past six months, he has tried various methods to separate or eliminate Hulk, but all have failed.

On the contrary, he ruined the relationship that was finally eased, and since Feeney was not around, he actually didn't have a good time during this time.

Noticing Banner's flash of bitterness, Feeney was thoughtful, but now that there are so many people on the field, he didn't ask any more questions, just nodded.

After saying hello to two familiar friends, Feeney looked at this age-old man with a strong buttocks not far away.

"Hello, Captain America, although it doesn't seem like it's the first meeting for me, Finny Helsetts, you can call me Finny."

Feeney walked up to Captain America, lifted the 'ghost haunting' and stretched out his hand, saying that almost everyone in this room knows his identity, so he didn't bother to hide it.

Seeing that the armor on Finny who was walking towards him suddenly disappeared, Captain America was obviously stunned, then held Finny's hand, and replied: "Rogers Steve, I know you, thank you for bringing me back .”

"You're welcome!"

Feeney shrugged, replied indifferently, and then looked not far away at the black widow and Hawkeye who had been staring at him after he lifted the 'ghost haunting', and said speechlessly:

"Although I know I'm handsome, don't you think it's too much for you to stare at me like this?"

After Barton heard it, he immediately turned his head in embarrassment, but the black widow raised her eyebrows, walked over and said, "I didn't expect you to look like this under the armor. Let's meet again, Natasha Romanov. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"There are so many things you didn't expect!"

Feeney rolled her eyes, and then told her, "Remember not to reveal my identity."

At this time, Barton also came over and said to Feeney: "I just introduced it a few months ago, I don't know if you still remember, Clint Barton, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"My memory isn't that bad."

Then Feeney said the same thing to Barton.

Seeing Finny directly confessing his identity and introducing himself to everyone, the most unexpected one was Nick Fury. He felt that this was Finny accepting himself, and at the same time felt that the chances of pulling Finny into the Avengers were even higher. big.

In fact, Feeney didn't think much about it. After staying on Vormir for so long, he would feel kind to the beggars on the roadside when he came back, so he could only say that he thought too much about Nick Fury's thoughts.

"Okay, now that everyone knows each other, shouldn't we also discuss how to deal with Loki and get back the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

Seeing that Feeney and everyone had finished their introduction, Nick Fury stood up and said.

Hearing what Nick Fury said, everyone looked at each other without speaking first.

While on the plane, Nick Fury also told him about the current general situation.

Although he didn't control Patton, Loki didn't know what method he used to capture Eric Selvig, but because there was no Patton's advice, Loki didn't have the same power as in the original plot. Rod 'self-cast'.

Instead, he directly used the spiritual scepter to control a small country that Feeney had never heard of, and began to study the Rubik's Cube.

In fact, when Feeney heard this, he was very surprised, because it might mean that even if Loki opened the portal, New York would no longer be a battlefield.

However, if it can be prevented, Finny certainly doesn't want Loki to open the portal.

"Can't you just sneak in and catch him?"

After a while, Banner, who was the most ignorant of the battle, spoke first.

"Dr. Banner, it's marked in the information. In addition to being able to control people, he also has the ability to jump in space." Nick Fury explained, and looked at Feeney subconsciously as he spoke. In fact, Loki can be dealt with as Finny.

"So the first action is very important. If he is alerted, it will be more difficult to arrest him again."


Banner shut his mouth obediently. In fact, he didn't want to come at all at first. Years of fleeing made him have a deep prejudice against the government. If he couldn't refuse Tony's invitation, he wouldn't have come at all.

But before they could come up with a suitable plan, Nick Fury's headset suddenly heard Hill's report.

"Director, the surrounding weather suddenly reacted strongly!"

Nick Fury frowned, as if thinking of something, looked at Finny and asked directly: "You said before that Thor would come to Earth?"


Feeney was stunned for a moment, and nodded unconsciously. Thor was the only younger brother, and of course it was impossible to let him wander outside, even if he didn't know Loki's purpose yet.

"He may have come!"

Nick Fury said in a deep voice: "We can't let him scare the snake!"

I'm a little stuck, sorry, actually I want to write something new, but I still stick to the original plot. I want to change the plot of the outline, so the night's two updates may be delayed. . . Sorry again!

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