Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 140 You Should Call Him Uncle (Second)

When he was on Vormir, Finny's experience bar was almost full. According to his prediction, with the help of the Red Skull, he would be able to draw the seventh skill in a week at most.

But I didn't expect the teleportation to come so suddenly, so that it is still a little short of the seventh draw.

Originally, he planned to go to Karma Taj today to see if he could find a way to maximize his experience, but it was a pity that Loki was discovered so quickly that he was called over before evening.

So when I heard Nick Fury's words, I couldn't help but think about whether I should take the opportunity to take a look at Thor.

"I've never seen an alien, let me meet this thunder god!"

And Tony has always been very interested in the Asgardians, so he immediately stood up and said.

Before Finney came, Captain America, who had been prejudiced against Tony, frowned when he heard it. He is the least familiar with the world, so he read the information in the most detail. He has an impression of Thor, a male god with a lover on Earth. Not bad, so he retorted:

"Stark, we don't know Thor's purpose yet."

"So I'm going to find out the situation for everyone!"

Tony was also a little upset with Captain America. After saying this, he turned his back to him and gave Finny a provocative look, as if asking if he wanted to go with him.

Finney was just thinking about whether he could get the seventh draw directly from Thor, so he decisively accepted the 'provocation'.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he walked to Tony and said, "Then I will go with you, and be responsible for supervision, so as not to let him mess around!"

For Feeney, the "lifesaver", the US team still gave some face. Of course, the most important thing is that this matter really needs to be resolved by someone.

And according to Nick Fury's intelligence and reports on TV, he knows that Feeney and Tony are the only ones who can fly, and Feeney is probably the strongest.

Judging from the current contact, his personality is not as unreliable as Tony's, so he looked at Feeney, finally nodded, and said: "Please be careful!"

Feeney responded, and equipped the 'ghost haunting' equipment, which opened Barton's eyes again, who had a thin sense of presence.

But Tony's battle suit is not so convenient. Although it has been improved many times, it is impossible to catch up with Finny before the nanotechnology is mature.

"You got that guy out of the ice?"

On the way, Tony asked Feeney curiously.

"The guy you mentioned is an American hero." Hearing Tony's words, Finny gave him a funny look and explained, "It's Nick Fury, he found the captain in the glacier, and asked me to help him with The portal has just been brought back."

"Then he should stay in the nursing home well, instead of giving orders here!"

Tony pouted, still looking a little upset about what happened just now.

"Speaking of which, he is of the same generation as your father. If you really think about it, you should call him uncle!"

Finny teased Tony.

"Call him uncle!?"

Tony seemed to think of that scene, his body shivered, and he shook his head resolutely: "Then I'd rather let the iron plate on my chest go into my heart."

"Speaking of which, have you ever thought about taking them out?"

Hearing this, Feeney paused slightly, looked at Tony and asked.

Tony's expression was a bit hesitant. At the beginning, he didn't have anyone he trusted, so he didn't have the surgery, but now he doesn't dare to have the surgery.

Because he was afraid of the outcome of the failed operation.

The world can live without Tony, but it cannot live without Iron Man. Tony is not ready to hand everything over to others.

What's more, now he doesn't have to worry about palladium poisoning, he has a beautiful girlfriend, a powerful armor, and his life is quite happy, so he would rather maintain the status quo.

"You have a way?"

Tony turned his head and asked, of course, if Finny has any special security method, he still doesn't mind trying it.


Feeney shook his head. At present, none of his abilities can help Tony take out the iron piece.

However, he thought of the future doctor who abandoned the doctor. He should have a high chance to help Tony remove the iron plate safely, but considering his current personality, in order to ensure a 100% success rate of the operation, he should directly refuse to do this. Operation.

"But you can try to find a Chinese doctor..."

Feeney thought of the plot in the original plot and suggested.


Tony responded with some disappointment, and didn't care. In fact, what he lacked was not the doctor for the operation, but the psychological preparation for the operation. In other words, what he thought of was a 100% successful operation.

Seeing Tony's expression, Feeney didn't say anything more. In fact, he still had a suggestion in his mind, and the other party did have a greater and safer probability of solving Tony's problem.

That is 'poor' Wakanda.

Because of Zhenjin, this country's science and technology in all aspects surpasses society by a large margin, and Black Panther's sister is also a genius. Their technology should be able to safely help Tony solve those iron pieces.

But how to get the other party to help is a problem. Wakanda is an extremely closed country. People don't even care about the life and death of their own compatriots. Why should they save Tony.

As for the use of money, although the poverty seems to be extremely poor on the surface, it is known from the people's rejection of "poverty alleviation" from the beginning to the end that money cannot solve the problem.

So Feeney did not say this suggestion for the time being.

While he was thinking, Tony had already equipped his battle suit, and the two flew to the target location according to Nick Fury's instructions.

At this time, the sky over the aircraft carrier was covered with dark clouds, and one or two thunderbolts flashed from time to time. Finifei scanned the surroundings in mid-air, and Nick Fury's reminder came from the headset:

"The peak value of dark energy continues to rise, be careful!"

Just as Nick Fury's words fell, a huge lightning flashed across, and at the same time, there was a falling figure accompanying the lightning.

Finny saw Thor at a glance. This was the first time he saw him. The red cloak and long golden hair were very conspicuous in the dark sky.

"I saw him!"

It wasn't just him, Tony also obviously noticed it, only hearing Tony yell excitedly in the headset, and then the jet system on the palms and soles of the feet was activated, and rushed towards Thor at high speed.

Finny followed closely, and the dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate with Thor's arrival.

After falling for a while, Thor immediately raised the Meow Hammer to stabilize his figure, and at the same time saw Tony rushing towards him at high speed, and was immediately startled.

Immediately afterwards, the reaction of the muscles to fight was greater than the thinking of the brain, and unconsciously used the Meow Hammer to throw a bolt of lightning towards Tony.

"Energy charge is thirty percent!"

Jarvis' report rang in Tony's ears.

Since meeting Fini, the research on the 'Anti-Fini Armor' has not stopped, one of which is how to deal with the 'Explosion Magic', so in terms of the absorption of pure energy, Tony has improved a lot on the Iron Armor.

Besides, it is electricity, the most common energy source in modern society!

"Hey, brothers, you see, this is his first move!"

Obviously, Tony would not regard this flash of lightning as a friendly greeting from Asgard. After saying something to everyone in the headset, he, who wanted to test the opponent's strength, blasted back with an energy cannon!

There may be only two updates today... I want to think about the plot carefully, if possible, I will make up for the fourth update tomorrow! ?

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