Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 141 Yes, I'm Not Worthy (Part 1)

"Stark, don't mess around!"

The voice of Nick Fury came from the headset immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Captain America also immediately said: "Halseyz, tell Stark to stop attacking quickly, we should talk to Thor first!"

Hearing this, Finny rolled his eyes and said perfunctorily, "Right away, right away!"

He said so, but Feeney didn't intend to stop him at all. He also wanted to see how much Tony's strength had improved after not seeing him for so long.

In Asgard, there are not many people who can maintain their rationality when encountering battles. In most cases, they will first choose to be reckless. If Reckless wins, I will do whatever I say. Talk about it.

Thor is the quintessential Asgardian.

Even though he knew that his mission was to find Loki first, but when faced with Tony's attack, he still resolutely chose to fight. How could fighting be fun for my brother.

Of course, the most fun thing should be hitting the younger brother.

Although his brain is not easy to use, Thor's strength is real. Even if his real divine power has not been awakened now, years of fighting and the Meow Hammer in his hand are enough for him to defeat most of the enemies.

In the face of Tony's energy cannon, Thor directly chose to resist. The armor on his body was a fine piece of dwarves, and it also had Asgard's magic attached, so after being hit by a shot, it was no big deal.

Although the Meow Hammer can take him to fly, the straight-forward form is not very conducive to air combat, so Thor decided to get Tony to the ground first.

He quickly lifted into the air with the Meow Hammer in his hand, and when Tony attacked him, he suddenly accelerated, sprinted against the energy cannon, and slammed into Tony.

Because he didn't react in time, Tony was hit in the arms directly, and the two fell from a high altitude together and fell into the mountain.

Watching the battle between the two, Finny shook his head speechlessly in the air. At present, although Tony is stronger than before, it is still limited. The enhanced firepower of the Mark VII will not cause too much damage to Thor.

And Miao Miao hammered down a few hammers, which may seriously damage his battle armor.

In terms of strength and defense, Thor is not much worse than him in armor. This is why the Asgardians are called the Protoss, and their physique is inherently strong.

Seeing that Tony was starting to feel a little embarrassed, Feeney didn't wait and see any longer, and prepared to go down and take over the battle.

When Thor threw the hammer out, preparing to prevent Tony from taking off and adjusting, Finny instantly opened a portal on the flight path of the hammer, and sent the hammer to an altitude tens of thousands of meters away.

Let the hammer fly for a while!

It was difficult for him to do this before, but with the growth of the 'Golden Diffuse Technique' and the previous perception in the space gem teleportation, the teleportation door made rapid progress and succeeded.

What about the hammer! ?

The most beloved hammer disappeared, Thor was stunned for a moment, and then quickly stretched out his palm to recall it, but it disappeared for a long time, and suddenly flew into a rage.

"Where did you get my hammer?"

"It might be homesick!"

Tony also saw the portal. Although Feeney's help made him feel a little ashamed, he was not ashamed in front of Feeney once or twice, and he was used to it.

Fortunately, he didn't let Jarvis connect to the aircraft carrier's computer and broadcast the battle live.

But he didn't know, he didn't do it, but Nick Fury obviously didn't forget that they came out with a bunch of small unmanned cameras.

Therefore, the scene of him being beaten just now has been seen by everyone in the aircraft carrier, but everyone was shocked by Thor's power, and everyone had time to say nothing.

After losing the hammer, Thor was obviously a little angry, and his body began to flash with lightning. Seeing that, Finny was startled, and hurried to him, explaining: "You didn't lose the hammer, it's on its way back!"

But Thor ignored Finny's words and yelled, "Hand over my hammer!"

Then rush to Finny.

"Leave it to me here, you go back first!"

Feeney, who was planning to fight, didn't hesitate. After saying something to Tony, he went straight up and added the following status to himself in a low voice:

"Strength increase!"

"Agility boost!"

"Defense increase!"

When the two fists collided, there was a muffled sound, and Feeney took a few steps back. In the first wave of strength competition, he was considered to have lost.

Although Thor doesn't have the attribute of rage to enhance strength like the Hulk, his emotions have affected the divine power in his body, which still makes him stronger than before.

However, strength was not Finny's strong point from beginning to end, so after losing power, Finny was not discouraged, and immediately used his best kite tactics.



"slow down!"


Thor, who was roaring, couldn't make a sound, and coupled with the abnormality of his body, his expression was particularly uncomfortable.

In fact, at this time, Finny suddenly misses Vormir a little bit. If the battlefield is placed there, it must be very interesting for him to directly create a few large Thor hammers to smash Thor.

Feeney didn't think too much about it. It was very difficult to maintain the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' in battle. If his thoughts were confused, the effect would disappear soon.


After nearly half a year of training, all of Finny's skills have made great progress, and the same is true for 'Explosion Magic'. The bombing after one after another made Thor begin to doubt whether he had really arrived on Earth.

Fortunately, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the sky. Thor felt the familiar feeling, and hurriedly looked into the sky, his eyes filled with surprise.

"My hammer!"

Just as Thor stood up to the bombing and stretched out his palm to welcome the return of Thor's Hammer, suddenly, a circle with golden sparks appeared not far in front of his palm.


Seeing this familiar scene, Thor immediately wanted to withdraw his summoning hand, but before he could brake, the speeding hammer passed through the portal again and disappeared with a whoosh.

Feeney watched Thor's hammer being teleported away again, and he was slightly relieved. There is still a difference between Thor with the hammer and Thor without the hammer.

After all, he is still barely considered a hammer god, and the addition of a hammer to his strength is not a little bit.

"Who are you?"

The hammer disappeared twice, and Thor was forced to calm down. Seeing that Finny stopped attacking, he quickly explained: "I am not an enemy. I came here to find Loki."

"You first admit that you have lost!"

Finny ignored Thor's words, but flew in the air and stared at him.

"NO, I have not!"

Thor froze for a moment, then shook his head resolutely: "You can't beat me. I am Thor, the god of thunder. You should have heard of me. I heard Jane said that I am also very famous among you."

"Then next time I'll throw your hammer into the outer sky!"

Finny looked up at the sky, and said with a look of waiting.

"No, you can't do that!"

Thor was furious: "You are not worthy to be a warrior!"

"Yes, I am not worthy, because I am a mage!"

Finny nodded appreciatively.

Cough~cough cough~cough cough~this is the state of the code word~o(╥﹏╥)o

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