Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 178 Are you also terminally ill?

In the end, Feeney still couldn't do it. For him, it was easy to kill these people, but it was difficult to encounter similar situations in the future. Would he keep killing them? ?

Looking at these dozens of people, Feeney sighed, and finally decided to keep them first. Anyway, the US team has been thawed, and after a while, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. may no longer exist up.

Although it was raised, Feeney didn't bother to take care of these things seriously. Fortunately, he now has people under his command. He made a phone call and asked Sitwell to take over here.

Sitwell was very excited when he received the call, and secretly thought that he followed the right person, and it didn't take long for a faction to be wiped out.

When Hydra is unified, he will definitely be reused as a confidant.

Finny didn't know what Sitwell was thinking, and he felt a burst of relief after everything was settled, compared to him, Skye was in a state of entanglement.

Because Karl and Jiaying want her to go back and live with them.

Although Skye wanted to live with her parents, she didn't want to be separated from Feeney even more, so she struggled for a long time until she was ready to part before making a choice: "No, Feeney still needs my care, I can't go with you."

Carl's original home is not in New York, which is why Skye is entangled. If the distance is very close, she doesn't have to care so much.

"That kid..."

Although the erasure of memory changed Karl Johnson, the sequelae of the potion could not be eliminated instantly, so Karl was still easily angered.

Fortunately, Jiaying's personality and his complement each other perfectly. She stopped Carl who wanted to curse, looked at Skye gently and said, "If you want to stay, you can stay, but if you have a chance, you should visit us more often." , and changing your identity, it seems more suitable for you to get along with each other in the future."

The delicacy of being a woman and mother made her discover Skye's little thoughts, so she didn't force Skye to go with him like Karl did, but chose to let her stay.

Looking at his mother's gentle eyes and these meaningful words, Skye's face suddenly turned red, and he didn't say much, just nodded seriously.

At this time, Skye suddenly wanted to learn Karma Taj's portal very much, so that she could go wherever she wanted anytime and anywhere.

But she immediately thought of the shock wave ability, if it is trained to a certain level, it seems that it can also shake a space door.

Although Karl was very reluctant, he was dragged into a corner by Jiaying, and after careful persuasion, he still agreed, and then the two figures gradually disappeared on the street.

And Finny looked at the reluctant Skye in secret, although he was very dissatisfied with her reason for nonsense, but this kind of result also brought a smile on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.


The disappearance of Daniel Whitehall should have been a big deal for the entire Hydra, but Finney let Sitwell take over the matter.

Finding excuses and hiding the truth may be because he has done so much and so well that in the following days, this matter did not make a single noise, and passed away peacefully and like a pool of stagnant water up.

This was far beyond Finny's expectations.

He also thought that this incident should speed up Nick Fury's discovery of the existence of Hydra, but who knew that it would pass through so calmly.

No wonder Hydra has been able to hide for so many years without being noticed. In addition to the serious infiltration, there are certain reasons for its outstanding ability.

Sitwell's ability made Feeney a little impressed.

But now that things have become like this, Feeney has no intention of exposing it to Nick. After all, in general, he doesn't like S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra very much.

The end of the matter of Skye's parents finally gave Finny time to understand another matter,

Witton, New Jersey.

An abandoned military training base, it seems that Captain America was trained here.

Feeney, dressed in a 'ghost haunt', came here in a state of invisibility, and this is the location of Dr. Zola that Sitwell told him.

Looking around, Feeney found no signs of guards.

When they came to a small building that said to store military supplies, Feeney broke open the door and went in, following the method Sitwell said, all the way to the underground.

Finally found the computers where Zola transferred his consciousness.

From Sitwell, Feeney also learned some things about Zola. For example, he didn't stay here voluntarily, but couldn't leave.

When he was transferring his consciousness back then, because the technology was not mature enough, his thoughts were trapped on these devices, and he couldn't transfer it again.

Therefore, these computers can actually be said to be Zora's new body, and because the equipment is too old, it cannot be easily moved.

However, these have little impact on Zola, who was going to be active online.

The room didn't seem to be visited very often, so when Finny turned on the lights, he saw a thick layer of dust accumulating on them, then he found the switch and activated the devices.

The camera on the center console moved slowly, but when Zola looked for the person who started him from the camera, he suddenly froze, and there was no one in the empty room.

"who is it?"

Zola's image suddenly flashed on the computer screen, and the camera began to swing from side to side, and his voice came out from the speaker: "Who is here?"

Seeing Zola's nervous look on the screen, Feeney showed up and said hello: "Hello, Dr. Zola!"

"God's Punishment Knight!?"

Zola was stunned, as if he didn't expect it to be Feeney. His database is the database of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although there is information about Feeney, because of Nick Fury, there is no detailed identity information.

So he could recognize Feeney, but he didn't know the identity of Feeney's 'ghost haunting'.

"How will you be here?"

Zora couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Why can't I be here!"

Feeney stood in front of the camera, looked at Zola on the black and white screen, and said straight to the point: "I came to you to ask you something!"

"What's up?"

Zora was curious.

"How do you separate your consciousness and store it in these devices?"

"Are you also terminally ill?"

Hearing this, Zora asked involuntarily.


Feeney looked at the unexpected Zola on the screen speechlessly, and said impatiently: "Don't worry about it, just tell me your method."

In fact, from Sitwell, Feeney also learned that the current Zola is not as powerful as imagined.

His strength lies in the huge data, a database of 200,000 feet long, which is why he can create a computer algorithm for predicting a person's future for insights into plans.

But in other aspects of the network, limited by the performance of the "body", he is far behind Ultron, so there are not many things he can really do.

This reminded Feeney of the scene when he prevented Skye from investigating S.H.I.E.L.D. In fact, even if S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database was breached, Zola might not be able to find out or fight back.

"Why should I tell you!?"

According to the information, Zola knew that Finny was powerful, but as a member of Hydra, he was mighty and unyielding. How could he surrender directly with just a few words.

At least two more threats!

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