Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 179 Don't use S.H.I.E.L.D.

As Zola wished, Feeney said lightly: "If you don't want to disappear today, you'd better tell me!"

Since Finny dared to come to Zola alone, he was certainly not completely unprepared. Before coming in, he had followed Sitwell's suggestion and used special equipment to block the surrounding signals.

So now Zola can't receive or send messages at all, and he obviously discovered this a long time ago.

"I amputated the entire brain, kept it active, and then created an information conversion device, and finally succeeded in transferring consciousness."

After receiving the threat, Zola immediately responded cooperatively, without any intention of continuing to resist.

"Are you going to have your brain removed?"

Feeney frowned, and then asked: "What if there are two consciousnesses in that person's body? How to judge and separate them?"

"You mean Hulk?"

Zola was very smart, and guessed the purpose from just a few words from Finny, and said excitedly: "You want to separate Banner and Hulk!?"

"Yes, can it be done with your method?"

Feeney didn't deny it either. In fact, when he decided to come over, he didn't intend to keep Zola. This guy is too difficult to control, so it's better to clear it directly.

As for the Zola algorithm and the insight plan, they will not succeed anyway, and Feeney really thinks it is impossible. Now Nick Fury will still be like the original plot, and it takes that level to find anomalies.

"Let's think about it, they share the same body, but have two consciousnesses..."

Zola said enthusiastically, even if he lost his body, he was still a scientist and had a great interest in scientific research. Because Banner's information was also stored in the storage database, he directly started to calculate.

The machine was buzzing, and some screens displayed the video data left by Banner after he mutated in the laboratory. Feeney looked at it with interest. It has to be said that Hulk's destructive power is still as strong as ever. .

After a while, Zola appeared on the screen again, with a disappointed face, and said: "It shouldn't be possible, Banner's body structure has been mutated, and it should include the brain, so the consciousness transfer device is most likely not suitable for him." will be useful."

Hearing this, Finny sighed in his heart, but he came here to get inspiration, and he didn't hold any hope that it would work, so he wasn't too disappointed.

Then he took out two USB flash drives, connected them to Zola's device, and said, "Transfer all the manufacturing data of your consciousness device to this USB flash drive."

"And the list of Hydra personnel you know!"

Zola transmitted the data obediently, without asking why or what Finny wanted to use it for.

"By the way, Bucky Barnes was transformed by you, right?"

In the process of transmitting the data, Fini suddenly asked Zola again.


Zola was taken aback, then nodded, and replied: "Yes, he fell off a cliff back then, we rescued him and transformed him into a Winter Soldier."

"What is his method of control?"

Finny continued.

Zola is the kind of person who, once he chooses to surrender, will never resist unless he is absolutely sure, so when faced with Feeney's question, he knows everything and told Feeney all the orders to control Bucky.

"Is there a way to remove the control?"

"Yes, but it's very troublesome and requires special equipment to do it."

Hearing Zola's words, Finny nodded, and didn't ask about the detailed solution. Since it's troublesome, he must be too lazy to help, so it's better to leave it to the US team to figure out a solution.

The data transmission was completed soon, and Feeney was about to leave.

To be honest, Feeney didn't believe that Zola didn't do some tricks while transmitting the data, but he didn't care. Anyway, no matter what the tricks were, Zola probably couldn't see the result.

"I'm leaving, you'd better not tell anyone that I've been here!"

Looking at the cautious Zola on the screen, Feeney said.

"Okay, I will definitely not tell anyone!"

Zora nodded, with a nervous expression on her face, hoping that Finny would leave quickly.

Feeney nodded, turned around, and after walking a few steps, suddenly turned to look at Zola and asked again: "By the way, am I handsome?"

Zola on the screen was taken aback for a moment, then nodded flatteringly, and replied, "Handsome, very handsome!"

Only then did Finny take a deep look at Zola, and left the basement, but when he left, he murmured in a low voice: "You know I'm handsome through the visor, but you know too much!"

Flying into the air with Wukong, Feeney looked at the military training base below. He had checked again, and there were no guards around.

It can be seen from here that in fact, Alexander Pierce did not value Zola very much.

After taking a deep breath, Finny began to chant:

"Blacker than black, darker than black,"

"Merge with my true red!"

"The time for awakening has come."

"Falling into infallibility,"

"Create an invisible distortion!"


The flames enveloped the entire base, and the small building where Zola was located was turned into ruins under the bombardment of a few 'explosion magic'. Under such circumstances, if Zola survived, there was nothing he could do.

After checking the surroundings for the last time, and cleaning up the scene by the way, after making sure nothing was missed, Finny opened the portal and returned home.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Tricurve Wing Building, Security Department, Top Floor.

"What's going on? Why did that guy go?"

In the office, Alexander Pierce lost his temper angrily. In the dark and sealed room, there was a bald head standing aside looking at him in fear.

Although Zola was not reused, he was still one of Alexander Pierce's most important subordinates. After being eliminated by Feeney, he quickly got the news. According to the situation at the scene, they also deduced that it was Feeney who did it. .

"I don't know. The identity of God's Punishment Knight is too mysterious, and Nick Fury doesn't allow anyone to investigate him, so we don't know why he went there."

Sitwell said nervously, he was really nervous now, and he didn't expect Finny to kill Zola directly.

"No, I can't let him go anymore!"

Alexander Pierce panted heavily, and said with resentment in his eyes.

"But Nick Fury has repeatedly ordered that no investigation of any kind be initiated against him."

Sitwell said carefully that he is now a triple agent, Nick Fury's capable subordinate, Alexander Pierce's confidant, and Feeney's tool man, so he must be cautious in every word he says.

"Then don't use SHIELD's way!"

Alexander Pierce said in a deep voice: "Send all the Winter Soldier out and let them kill God's Punishment Knight at all costs!"

"But can the Winter Soldier kill him?"

Sitwell, as Pierce's confidant at this time, of course has to behave a little bit more qualified and ask questions.

"Then can you find anyone else?"

Alexander Pierce threw the glass over angrily. If there were other ways, why would he do this? At the beginning, he wanted to use Loki's hand to get rid of Finny, but it failed.

During this period of time, he was already annoyed by Nick Fury's investigation, but now that this happened again, his hair was about to fall out.

Sitwell didn't dare to say anything more, he just wanted to show loyalty, and if he said too much, it would arouse suspicion.

At the same time, he was also thinking about how to contact Feeney, and then quickly told him the news.

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