Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 232 The White Butcher

But Thor immediately cheered up again. Before the war was completely quelled, he didn't want to give up. Even if he really couldn't win, he didn't want to lose too badly.

And listening to other people's compliments on him, Feeney was actually flattered, but he couldn't show it too clearly, so he could only keep smiling.

"Lord Halsides, why are you here?"

In front of the bonfire, apart from Thor and the three warriors, there were also some small captains of Asgardian soldiers. They were very surprised that Finney was here, and a daring one couldn't help asking directly.

Hearing this question, Thor's face was the first to show worry. After so long, his father should have found out that he took Finny away, and he didn't know how to explain it when he returned.

"We all belong to the Nine Realms, shouldn't we help each other?"

Feeney didn't care at all, and gave a high-sounding excuse, looked at the few Vanaheimers around who showed gratitude, and lamented that he was becoming more and more deceptive now.

The soldiers were also full of admiration. At the same time, seeing that Finny was so easy-going, they couldn't help asking other questions.

As long as it didn't involve privacy or need to be kept secret, Feeney also answered frankly, and soon gained the favor of many Asgardian soldiers.

As the night darkened, everyone who had been fighting for a day was also preparing to rest. Because Finny didn't want to use the 'four bombs' to recover, the period of weakness had not completely passed, and he was also a little tired at this time.

In the tent specially prepared for him in Vanaheim, Feeney lay on the bed thinking about today's battle.

Although the experience given by the enemy is far lower than he expected, if this is not considered, he actually gained a lot of experience today, directly increasing the experience bar by one-fifth.

That is to say, even if the system does not support his large-scale accumulation of experience, as long as there are four more such battles, he can still make up for the ninth draw.

However, such a situation today is generally unavoidable.

And after this battle, it is estimated that his information should be spread out, and it should be difficult for the enemies to gather together like this time and let him take full damage with a burst of 'explosion magic'.

Thinking of this, Finny couldn't help sighing, hoping that the news would spread more slowly, so that he would have the opportunity to test whether the rules of the test system experience did not support his large-scale spawning of monsters.

In the following days, under the guidance of Heimdall, he and Thor went around to support together, but the scale of the battlefield they encountered was not as large as that of Tammy.

Moreover, the enemy seemed to know of their arrival, but whenever they encountered them, they immediately began to disperse and retreat, making Finny unable to find a chance to test the system experience acquisition rules.

The most important thing is that his name has indeed spread, but it is not the 'Great Magician' or 'Explosive Magician' as he imagined.


"Run, the white butcher is coming!"

"It's him, retreat quickly, retreat quickly!"

"It's the white butcher, retreat!"

Hearing the 'white butchers' next to his ear, Feeney's teeth itched in anger, why is it so difficult for him to get a better nickname! ?

No wonder Tony wanted to announce it himself!

Finny sighed deeply, and the scarlet eyes on the mask stared at those who called 'White Butcher' the loudest, and rushed towards them.

After he and Thor arrived, the morale of the enemy collapsed directly, so it didn't take long for the battle to end, and Finny was still teaching the few aliens who called the wrong nickname.

"White what?"

As Finny asked, he severely taught the alien with horns and tauren-like appearance in front of him. Thinking of this ugly nickname, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, and he clearly explained his occupation when he sang.

"White butcher! White butcher!"

The alien didn't know the reason, and while screaming in pain, he quickly answered the question.

Seeing that this guy was so ignorant, Feeney angrily snapped off the long horn on his left, making the guy scream, and then continued to ask: "What butcher?"

"O white butcher! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

So, the long right corner is gone.

The tauren's cry of pain made the bodies of the aliens beside him tremble continuously.

"Who is Bai!?"


Finny continued to ask, but unfortunately the tauren had passed out due to the pain and could no longer answer, and he didn't have a third horn anymore.

Feeney looked at the other people, and they were so scared that they almost cried. Fortunately, Thor came and saved them.

Seeing the horns in Finny's hands, Thor was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Are you planning to go back and make trophies? But it's a little small?"

"No, it's just that they are not pleasing to the eye!"

Feeney threw away the horns casually, looked at Thor and asked, "Where are you going next?"

"The Palace of Vanaheim!"

Seeing Finny's surprised expression, Thor smiled and said, "The war has been basically brought under control. King Njord of Vanaheim would like to thank you, so he invited us to visit the palace!"


Finny couldn't help showing a bit of curiosity.

After handing over the captives to the soldiers, Finny went to wash up briefly, and prepared to rush to Vanaheim's palace with Thor.

There were only a few Asgardian soldiers and Hogan accompanying him. The reason why he brought Hogan was because he was from Vanaheim. Too qualified to go directly to the king of Vanaheim.

As for Finny, he is a distinguished guest of Asgard, and even Odin has met in person. Unless Njord wants to offend Odin, he must at least give Finny the same honorable treatment as Odin.

Vanaheim's horses are fast and have more endurance than horses on the earth, so a few people rushed to Vanaheim's palace in just one day.

The palace of Vanaheim is built on a lake, surrounded by jungle and fog, looking from the outside, it is full of natural and mysterious atmosphere.

Moreover, compared with Asgard's Asgard, Vanaheim's palace is undoubtedly much simpler, with almost no gold, and mostly buildings made of stone and trees.

Moreover, it is filled with many complicated characters and patterns, and Feeney seems to be able to feel the energy in it, indicating that these are not decorative patterns.

Feeney looked at everything around him curiously, and wanted to take out his mobile phone to take a picture, but felt that it was impolite, so he planned to wait to see the situation first.

Thor's expression is quite normal. It seems that this is not the first time he has been here. Given the relationship between Vanaheim and Asgard, it is very possible.

Perhaps because of the long lifespan, Vanaheim, like Asgard, is an absolute monarchy. Njord is the king of Vanaheim, known as the god of summer and sea god, and is said to have extremely strong strength.

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