Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 233 Prophecy

Although the royal palace in Vanaheim is not luxurious enough, it is complex and mysterious enough. Feeney felt very magical about many places along the way.

And he also noticed that, compared to Asgard's dual practice of science and magic, Vanaheim paid more attention to magic, that is, the spells in their mouths.

When Fini came to the palace, he saw King Njord, but found that he was an old man with white hair like Odin, and his face looked even older than Odin.

"Thank you for coming!"

However, Njord's attitude was very friendly, and the welcome ceremony for them was also grand.

"Long time no see, Son of Odin!"

Sure enough, Thor had been here before, and Njord was the first to greet Thor after stepping down from the throne.

"His Majesty!"

Thor returned the salute with a respectful attitude.

After greeting Thor, Njord turned his head to look at Fini for the first time. After carefully looking at Fini with a pair of clear eyes, he said slowly: "You should be the white butcher!"

Feeney's face darkened, and he firmly refused to accept the nickname, so he replied, "Hello, Your Majesty, I am a mage from Karma Taj, Feeney Helsandz."

"Kama Taj..."

A familiar look appeared on Njord's face, he pondered for a moment, then suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh, the little girl who came to chat back then seemed to say that she was from here too!"

"She seems to be called Supreme Mage now, do you know her?"

Feeney was taken aback, and looked at Njord. Hearing what he said, Gu Yi seemed to know him, so he couldn't help but replied, "If she's called Gu Yi, I'm her disciple!"

"That's the name!"

Njord nodded, looked at Finny again, and said, "I never thought that there would be so many interesting characters in the atrium in less than a thousand years."

"And that guy Odin is willing to give you this stone!"

As he said that, Njord glanced at Finny's chest. Although it was covered by clothes, Finny felt that Njord's sight seemed to pass through it.

Finny couldn't help taking a step back. He knew that the stone Njord was talking about was a space gem, and he found that Njord was putting him under more pressure than Odin.


Seeing Finey's actions, Njord smiled, and finally looked at Hogan who followed him, his expression became much colder immediately, and said, "Don't embarrass Vanaheim outside!"


Hogan nodded, also without much expression on his face.

Although the relationship between Vanaheim and Asgard is very friendly now, they are two countries after all. Hogan, as the Vana Protoss, became a soldier of Asgard. Germany is happy.

After saying hello, Njord asked Finny and Thor to take a rest first, and a banquet to thank them will be held in the evening.

Hearing this news, Feeney felt a little helpless for a moment. He thought that Vanaheim's style was so mysterious, and the way of thanking him would be different, but he didn't expect to hold a banquet.

Thor, on the other hand, was looking forward to it. Although he had been to Vanaheim several times, he had never attended a banquet in Vanaheim.

On the way to be taken to the room to rest, Finny secretly asked Thor about Njord.

"I'm not so sure either!"

But Thor shook his head and replied: "I only know that in the early days, at least before I was born, the relationship between Vanaheim and Asgard was actually very bad. He seems to be the enemy of my father."

"It wasn't until my father led Asgard to unify the Nine Realms and signed a peace treaty that the relationship improved."

Finney thought about it. Thor's words basically had no useful information, and he also knew that the Nine Realms were not brought down by Odin alone, and Hela also contributed a lot.

But in any case, even if Njord's strength is not as good as Hela and Odin, it should not be much worse, and he is still on the magic side, and even Gu Yi came to chat with him, but Finney felt that It is likely that the two are discussing magic.

This made Finny couldn't help being curious about Vanaheim's spells.


Finny changed his clothes helplessly and followed Thor to the banquet hall of the palace. He thought it would be like Asgard, where everyone would sit down and just drink and eat meat, but he didn't expect to find that Not like that.

If the atmosphere of the banquet in Asgard is cheerful and lively, then the atmosphere in Vanaheim is elegant and noble, which made Thor, who came in excitedly and prepared to have a big drink, feel a little confused for a moment.

Although it was a banquet, Fini felt that it was more like a ball on Earth. Almost everyone was dressed up, and wonderful music was played around, and people gathered in small groups to communicate in low voice.

This situation surprised both of them.

Fortunately, although Thor doesn't like this kind of banquet very much, as the prince of Asgard, he has been taught etiquette since he was a child, so he won't make a fool of himself.

Feeney is even simpler. His face is destined to be ugly as long as it is consistent with human aesthetics, no matter how it is done.

Although both of them could adapt to such an occasion, Thor was still very dissatisfied, and complained to Feeney in a low voice: "What's the point of drinking like this, if I knew it was like this, I should have gone back earlier!"

The reason why Thor brought Finny here was to experience the banquet in Vanaheim, but he was extremely disappointed by the unexpected result.

"I think it's okay!"

Feeney said indifferently, in fact, whether it was the banquet in Asgard or the banquet in Vanaheim, he didn't like it very much. The most important thing was that he didn't like drinking at all.

Only he and Thor attended the banquet this time. After seeing Nyord, Hogan directly chose to leave the palace and go back to join the soldiers.

Feeney and Thor also saw that he didn't like it here, and Njord didn't like him either, so they didn't stop them.

At the banquet, the two exchanged in low voices. Thor kept complaining that the wine was not as good as Asgard's, the meat was not as good as Asgard's, etc., while Finny was perfunctory while thinking If there is any chance to learn about Vanaheim's spells.

As the most important people at the banquet, the two have been observed by the people around them since they arrived. Thor is okay, and many people know him well.

But Feeney is different. Mysterious origin, powerful strength, and handsome appearance attract everyone's curious eyes.

Just when a group of Miss Vanaheim, who may be hundreds or thousands of years old, were entangled in whether to tease Thor or Finny first, the arrival of Njord helped them make a choice.

"how do you feel?"

Njord looked at Finny and Thor and asked.

“The wine is delicious!”

Thor quickly replied.

"It's not as good as Asgard's!"

Njord glanced at Thor, seeming to mean something, which made Thor a little embarrassed, but fortunately Njord ignored him, and immediately looked at Finny and asked, "Would you mind chatting with me alone? "


Feeney was a little surprised. After looking at Thor, he nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

Following Njord to the secluded garden outside, Finny was a little curious about what the other party wanted from him.

"I once got a prophecy..."

But when Njord opened his mouth, Finny couldn't help being taken aback.

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