Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 243 Heading to Jotunheim

Although the news that Feeney said had some effect on the dwarves, the effect was actually not that great.

Thanos is not relying on any conspiracy and tricks, but a strong army and strength. Although the dwarves are huge in size, if they really want to fight, there is nothing special about them except for their strength.

And the number is still rare. There are only 301 dwarves on the entire Nidawi forge. Let alone Thanos with the army, even if he comes by himself, the dwarves may not be able to withstand it.

Eitri thought seriously, the dwarves had absolutely nothing to say to their friends, so he still believed in his heart that Asgard would protect them.

It's just that the prophecy of Ragnarok is not a secret, and even Itri knows it, so I still feel a little worried.

Seeing the expression on Itri's face, Fini pondered for a while, and finally said: "If this thing really happens, if you have any way to contact me, you can let me know, and I will come to help .”

"Although I don't have a Rainbow Bridge, I have a portal magic, and I can get there right away!"

After much deliberation, Feeney still felt that it would be better to come and help if possible, and he and Thanos would have to face each other sooner or later, preventing him from obtaining the Infinity Gauntlet was also a weakening of his strength.

And Itri was a little surprised. Although he didn't know the specific strength of Feeney, he knew that Feeney was quite strong. Not to mention that he could defeat Thor. In Vanaheim, he eliminated nearly ten thousand people with one move and got The title of "White Butcher" is enough to show the horror of Feeney.


Yitri thanked him. Although these things were still gone, he was still very moved by Finny's behavior.

Later, Finny received a hammer-shaped, very delicate and compact instrument. Although it cannot be used to communicate with each other, if something happens to the dwarves, it will receive a unique distress signal and change at an extremely fast speed.

Originally, Finny planned to leave after the magic wand was finished, but for the sake of Yitri, he ended up staying for an extra week.

During this week, all the dwarves tried their best to study the "ghost haunting", and Fei Ni also actively cooperated without feeling damaged.

But the result was very unsatisfactory. Until Finny was about to leave, they still failed to research the forging method of "ghost haunting".

I didn't even fully understand what metal was used in the forging, and the final result was only to study the conversion method between the sword and the armor. I was inspired to create a weapon mold with a second form, which is not completely absent. reward.

The failure of the "Haunted by Evil Ghosts" hit the dwarves deeply, and they were even more reluctant when they learned that Finny was about to leave.

"Can't you just stay a while longer?"

Itri tried his best to keep Finny: "We have good wine and food here, and we can contact Asgard to help you find what you want."

"I'm really sorry!"

Finny shook his head, looked at Yitri and said, "I've been here for a long time, and I'll come again next time I have a chance!"

"All right!"

Seeing that Finny had already made a decision, Yitri no longer insisted on staying. After squatting down and giving Finny a hug, he said reluctantly, "I hope you can come as a guest soon, my friend!"


Finny waved his hand with a smile, then held the magic wand that was finally named 'Breath of the White Dragon', walked to an open space, and shouted to the sky: "Heldam!"

Although he can return to Asgard by opening the portal by himself, but it requires the power of the space gem, and it takes a lot of effort. Anyway, there are free tools available, so why should he spend so much effort to do it by himself.

Colorful light beams descended from the sky, instantly covering Finny's figure, and disappeared under the reluctant and nostalgic eyes of all the dwarves.

Back at the Asgard Observatory, what Finny saw was still the lonely Heimdall, who was pulling the long sword out of the trigger device of the Rainbow Bridge in his hand.

"I didn't expect you to be so popular with the dwarves!"

Heimdall drew out his long sword, looked at Finny holding the 'White Dragon's Breath' and couldn't help but say something.

"Handsome! No way!"

Feeney spread out his hands, with a narcissistic expression, and asked Heimdall: "Did anything happen to Earth during this time?"

"Your family is all well!"

Feeney nodded reassuringly. It has been more than two months since he came out. Counting Asgard, he has only been to three places now. He has to hurry up.

After bidding farewell to Heimdall, Finney returned to the palace of Asgard and sent someone to report to Odin. Later, when he wanted to find Thor and the three warriors, he found that they were no longer Asgard.

There are many other places besides Vanaheim, so several people were sent to investigate the situation.

Seeing this, Finny didn't care too much. He didn't plan to stay too long this time, so he found Odin the next day and asked him to go to Jotunheim.

"You want to go to Jotunheim?"

There was a hint of surprise on Odin's face. He looked at Finny who was nodding, and asked in a deep voice: "The environment there is harsh, full of ice and snow everywhere, and the relationship between the Frost Giants and Asgard and humans is not friendly. , where are you going and what are you doing?"

"I want to see the scenery of each realm in the Nine Realms. I will go to Jotunheim sooner or later. Why don't I put the harsh environment in front of it."

Feeney replied frankly that what he said was indeed the truth, but there were still some things he didn't say. For example, he wanted to take the opportunity to gain the experience of the Frost Giant and the Frost Behemoth.

Odin looked at Feeney with deep and dignified eyes.

Since Finny came to Asgard, he has been quietly observing Finny. Even though he is the father of the gods and has lived for an unknown number of years, he still can't see through the various situations of Finny.

Even Gu Yi didn't give him such a feeling. Although he could feel the power of Gu Yi, he could also see the power of Gu Yi clearly, and he was even aware of Dormammu's dark energy.

But Finny is the only person so far who he can't see through at all. He was deeply surprised by his unpredictable and strange abilities, and his unpredictable future and trajectory.

That's why he was cautious and prudent in his attitude towards Finny. Although he didn't have the idea of ​​asking Finny to help break the Ragnarok prophecy, he had considered this choice in his heart.

"Asgard will not restrict your freedom, but Jotunheim lost their king not long ago and suffered some damage, so I hope you can give them some tolerance, and I don't want to see any more wars occur!"

Although Odin didn't know Finny's purpose, he had a certain understanding of his behavior style, so he looked at Finny admonishingly and said something.


Feeney nodded with a normal face. He didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Although he had the idea of ​​gaining experience in his heart, as long as the other party didn't overdo it, he wouldn't kill him easily.


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