Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 244 The Second Mode of 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts'

Frost giants are a race that will naturally become very powerful as long as they can persist until they reach adulthood, even stronger than ordinary Asgardians.

This is mainly due to the harsh environment in which they live. Although frost giants are resistant to cold, they are not immune to death. Frost giants in their infancy and even weaker youths can easily die in that severe cold environment.

Under the pressure of survival, they have to become stronger, because the weak ones have died in the process of growth.

It was only when he arrived in Jotunheim that Finny realized for himself how harsh the climate and environment the frost giants lived in.

He often practiced his skills in the Himalayas, where most of them were snow-capped mountains, so even without the 'ghost-ridden' equipment, his tolerance to the cold was very high.

But when he arrived at Jotunheim, he felt a biting chill instantly. This is because he possesses a powerful physique that far exceeds that of normal earthlings.

If you were an ordinary person on Earth, you would be frozen to death within a few minutes of arriving in Jotunheim.

Looking at the surrounding wind and snow, Finny was a little dazed, he just asked Heimdall to take him to a safer place, but he didn't expect such a ghostly place, he was a little confused where to go now.

"I need to go where there are frost giants!"

Finny took out the 'compass' that hadn't been used for a long time, and thought about where he wanted to go. Now it's freezing around, and there are no ghosts. He wants to find some frost giants to ask about the situation first.

Jotunheim is very big, at least much bigger than Nidawi. Under the guidance of the 'compass', Finney flew for a whole day without seeing a single person.

During the period, the Frost Behemoth met a few and gained some experience.

However, the few frost behemoths he encountered were small in size and average in strength. Although their skins were rough and fleshy, they were resistant to cold and cold, but perhaps because of their low intelligence, seven of them could barely gain one experience. Resist him for a day of practice.

Jotunheim hardly distinguishes between day and night, because it is basically snowing all day long, so the sky is always gloomy.

After flying for so long, Feeney was also about to stop and rest. At this moment, he seriously doubted whether Heimdall had put him in such a remote place on purpose.

At the beginning, Thor and Loki were sent to Jotunheim, which led to everything that happened later. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, they deliberately sent him to a location far away from the Frost Giants.

In the cave, Finny looked out at the severe wind and snow weather outside, even though he was wearing a 'ghost haunted', he couldn't help shaking.

It's a pity that he couldn't light a fire because there was nothing to burn. Feeling the low temperature around him, Finny began to calm down and prepared to practice the 'breathing method'.

When the 'ghost haunted' evolved into a flame mode because of the 'breathing technique', he knew that the 'breathing technique' could absorb more than one kind of energy.

In this freezing world, he finally clearly felt and absorbed the second energy.

Feeney called this second energy the energy of water. Although in this kind of weather, he thought it would be good to call it the energy of ice, but it didn't matter what it was called. The most important thing was the effect.

After one evolution, the 'ghost-ridden' seems to have adapted to the energy absorbed by the 'breathing method', so the development of the second mode is far simpler than he imagined.

The armor of the 'ghost haunted' is silvery white, but after absorbing the energy of the water, it gradually turned into a light sky blue.

Feeney called this mode the water mode, curiously feeling the changes in his body.

Unlike the flame mode, the water mode does not strengthen the strength, but there is a thin layer of light blue water cover on the surface of the armor.

Feeney tested it, using the 'Breath of the White Dragon' he had just obtained not long ago to attack hard, using almost the maximum strength to barely poke the water cover, and then the water cover recovered almost instantly after breaking open normal.

"So strengthened defenses?"

Feeney looked at the protective layer on his body and thought about it.

The original defense of 'Haunted by Evil Ghosts' is very high, but now there is an additional layer of such toughness, recovery and all-round protection, it will be even more difficult for the enemy to break through his defense in the future.

Another very important point is that he can control this layer of water cover.

Looking at the water cover like a huge light blue transparent balloon spreading around, Finny couldn't help poking it again, feeling vaguely Q-bombed.

"I didn't expect it to be a range defense!"

Feeney looked at the range of the water cover. At present, the limit he can control is only about three meters in diameter, which is about the same as the 'City of Death'. Although it is not big, it is not very small.

Feeney continued to test and found that the water cover can be used as a kind of cage in addition to self-defense and range defense. However, the control of the water cover has a limited range. If he wants to trap people, he must also use the other party Keep a certain distance.

"Water Prison!?"

Feeney thought of a ninjutsu in an anime, which seemed to be very similar to his move, but the difference was that when he used this ability, he didn't need to stay still except that the distance was within three meters.

Like the flame mode, the water mode also consumes a lot of energy. The 'ghost-ridden', which can be worn for a day without any problem, may not be able to last for a few hours in these two modes.

Afterwards, Feeney studied it carefully for a while, but apart from these, he did not find any other features of the water model for the time being.

However, these abilities have already made him very satisfied, and at the same time, he is looking forward to what new abilities the "Haunted by Evil Ghosts" will have after absorbing other energies.

Finney originally thought that Heimdall's teleportation location was a little remote at most, but when he took the "compass" that he almost thought was broken, and searched for a full three days before seeing the figure of the frost giant, he understood it in his heart. Gad probably just didn't want him to come into contact with the Frost Giants.

Finney didn't know if it was Heimdall's own initiative or Odin's instruction, but no matter what, he still managed to meet the Frost Giant.

Except for Loki's Frost Giant who is not a Frost Giant, this is the first time Finny has seen this race. He has ice-blue skin and bloody red eyes. Although he is called a giant, he is actually no bigger than him. Too tall, at least he felt that he was actually worse than a dwarf.

When Finny saw the Frost Giants, he also saw their palace.

Compared with the few palaces he had seen so far, the frost giant palace in Jotunheim was undoubtedly the most shabby, not just because a large part of it had been turned into ruins.

Judging from the remaining complete architectural style, even if it is in good condition, it is not so magnificent.


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