Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 245 Frost Giants

At this time, a large number of frost giants gathered here to rebuild their royal palace. In the snowy weather, they and the tamed frost giants carried huge boulders and worked hard.

Feeney was in an invisible state, watching this scene in the air, couldn't help but sighed a little.

The original strength of the frost giants is definitely among the best in the Nine Realms, otherwise they would not be the sworn enemy of Asgard, and Odin was blinded by them at the beginning, but now it looks a bit miserable.

But he just lamented that Feeney actually didn't have a good impression of the Frost Giant.

After all, they invaded the earth at the beginning, wanting to return mankind to the Ice Age. If there was no assistance from Asgard at that time, the earth may not be what it is now.

Falling from the sky, Finny did not cancel the stealth mode, but prepared to investigate the situation quietly first.

Although Lao Fei was dead, judging from the current situation, they might already have a new king, so he thought it would be safer to get some information first.

Feeney wandered among the frost giants, relying on the translator he got in Asgard, he could also understand the conversation between the other parties.

According to the information he heard along the way, he sorted it out and found that the current Frost Giants seemed to be led by three people.

Chief among them was Farbouti, a Frost Giantess, wife of Laufey, and the other two were her sons, Helbrindi and Beleister.

The three of them are now in charge of the entire Frost Giants.

When he heard the news, Finny was extremely surprised. The first thing that came to his mind was Loki, and he didn't know what Loki would think when he knew about them.

However, Finny guessed that Loki would only hate and want to destroy Jotunheim even more. He hated the race of the Frost Giants and his own life experience. He still felt that he was an Asgardian in essence, the son of Odin. , Loki, the god of trickery.

What's more, he was abandoned back then.

Putting aside the thoughts about Loki in his head, Finny sneaked into the newly built palace according to the information. The three of them are currently living here, and it was they who summoned almost all the frost giants, which caused Finny to encounter All of them are Frost Behemoths.

Even the newly built palace is still very crude, and because the frost giants don't like light and heat, everything around them is very dark, making it extremely difficult for Finny to sneak in.

"We should have formed an alliance with Karnila to fight against Asgard together!"

"Shut up, Belester!"

Just as Finny was struggling to find the way in a daze, suddenly there were a few voices of arguing indistinctly in his ears, and following the direction of the voices, he found a stone room.

"Look at the people outside, are they enough for you to start a war?"

The wide door of the stone room was not completely closed, and the sound came from inside. Finny approached the relatively loose door crack for him, and took a peek at the situation inside.

Several large windows were opened in the stone room, so that the room was not so dark, and it also allowed Finny to see clearly the appearance of several people in the loud quarrel.

Although in Finny's eyes, most of the frost giants look very similar, there are obvious differences between the few in front of them.

The first is the size. The three frost giants in front of them are much larger than ordinary frost giants, and they look like real giants.

Then there is the equipment on the body. Feeney doesn't know how the living conditions of the frost giants are, but the frost giants outside who are building the palace are very poorly dressed.

The armor of the soldiers only protected the most important parts, and it also looked very old.

But the equipment on these people in front of them is obviously much more refined, and based on the name they just heard, Feeney has some guesses about the identities of these people.

But just as Finny was about to pass through the crack of the door and go in to secretly listen to what they were talking about, who knew that as soon as he stepped into the room, a cold breath suddenly spread from his feet to his body, as if to freeze him.


This is obviously a warning device or spell, specially used to detect outsiders.

Feeney was startled, and without thinking about it, the 'breathing method' was activated instantly. Although the energy of the sun here is very scarce, fortunately, it was enough for him to activate the flame mode.

"Fire Giant!?"

Seeing Finny showing his figure on fire, several people in the room couldn't help but stay for a while.

If the Frost Giants and the Asgardians still have reasons for hatred and the possibility of mutual understanding, then the Frost Giants and the Fire Giants are completely born to dislike each other.

Frost giants like a cold and humid environment. Apart from disgusting them, heat and fire are also a kind of weakening and torture for them. In contrast, the same is true for flame giants.

Both races are extremely environment-conscious races, so although they both know each other, they have rarely seen each other's race.

Now that a 'flame giant' suddenly appeared on his own territory, the surprise was no less than discovering that Odin was dancing with Gungnir.

However, they were only surprised by Finny's appearance of flames all over his body. After careful observation, they found that Finny didn't seem to be the flame giant in their impression.

"Who are you?"

However, because of the 'ghost haunting', they didn't immediately think of Finney on Earthlings or Asgardians. There are so many strange races in the universe, and no one can guarantee that they know all of them.

After turning on the flame mode, the frozen aura spreading from his feet disappeared, making Finny heave a sigh of relief, and then heard the other party's interrogation.

Feeney looked up at the three tall frost giants who surrounded him in front of him, thinking about what to do next.

Meanwhile, Asgard.

Heimdall of the Observatory looked through countless planets and saw Finney who was discovered by the Frost Giants.

In fact, Finny's guess was right. Odin didn't want Finny to go to Jotunheim, but he didn't want to restrict Finny's behavior, so he secretly ordered Heimdall to send Finny to the farthest distance from the frost giant when teleporting. s position.

But it's a pity that he didn't expect that even so, Finny found the gathering place of the frost giants.

"He met the Frost Giants!"

After hesitating for a while, Heimdall reported to Odin through his own ability.

"Well, I see, let's see what he is going to do first, and don't interfere with him!"

After hearing this, Odin couldn't help frowning, and after giving an order, he thought about what the purpose of Finny's going to Jotunheim was.

And Feeney was also a little helpless at this time. He didn't expect to be discovered so soon. Sure enough, he was still not suitable for the job of scouting. Looking at the three guards in front of him, he sighed softly and said hello:



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