Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 256 Fire Giant

In order to verify this question of experience, Feeney was also exhausted.

First of all, because he didn't want to kill all these fire demons, he wanted to control his strength, and because of his resistance to the 'explosion magic', he could only use physical attacks.

There were a thousand fire demons, and he was almost exhausted from beating him. During this period, he used "Ke Ke Di: Four Bullets" twice to restore his state before he persisted.

The results of the test came out. Although there were still many fire demons, Feeney didn't want to continue fighting.

Even after going back in time, he is still very tired, and the remaining fire demons seem to be less than 1,000. Taking 1,000 experience points as the critical point, it is likely that there will be no changes until 2,000.

Feeney flew into the air with Wukong. The fire demons couldn't fly, so they could only look up dryly on the ground. Some smarter ones knew how to climb up the wall and jump down to attack, but they didn't think they would It won't fall to your death or something.

Afterwards, Feeney retracted the water cover covering the 'Zhiji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll', which immediately stunned the fire demons who had been attacking for several hours.

Then there was great joy, thinking that he had finally succeeded, and they all swarmed towards the fried chicken rolls on the ground.

The fire demons had very low IQs, and they didn't think about whether this was a Finny conspiracy or something, so they picked up the "Zinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll" and stuffed it into their mouths.

And the rest of those who were still thinking about how to get Feeney down immediately joined in after seeing it.

Although there were quite a few 'Zinji Fried Chicken Rolls' summoned, there were at least five or six hundred Fire Demons remaining, and under the frantic fight, they all disappeared in just a few seconds.

After that, they looked up at Finny again, which made Finny want to laugh.

"For the sake of being in a good mood, I'll fill you up once!"

Because the problem of system experience has finally been verified, although Finny is very tired at the moment, he is in a particularly comfortable mood.

Then, the sky began to rain called 'Sumire Kee Fried Chicken Nuggets Roll'.

Today is a very meaningful day for the fire demons here. They have suffered pain that they have never suffered in their entire lives, but they have also reaped happiness that they have never had in their entire lives.

Of course, this refers to those fire demons who have not been beaten to the ground by Feeney.

As for those who were lying on the ground and couldn't get up, it was really miserable, and they simply suffered the greatest pain in their life.

Under the huge appetite of the fire demon, it took nearly half an hour for Finny to summon them to satisfy them. At this time, almost all the fire demons fell to the ground.

One part was beaten, while the other part was braced.

Therefore, after Feeney landed from the sky, the fire demons did not choose to attack Feeney again, but just stared at him closely with their red eyes.

"Where is your king?"

Feeney casually found a hungry fire demon and asked.

He vaguely heard some fire demons asking whether they should bring him to the king, and he guessed that this king was very likely to be the real flame giant, that is, Surtur.

Surtur was very strong in his heyday. According to the judgment in the original plot, a single sword can completely collapse the entire Asgard. This kind of destructive power is far beyond what he can bear now.

But that was the heyday, and there was Surtur under the prophecy bonus.

The current Surtur is at most 50-50 with Thor. Considering that Thor has not lost his relatives, he may be slightly better than Thor.

Hearing Finny's question, Huo Mo was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Finny, and asked, "Who are you?"

Feeney felt a little helpless. From the very beginning, he introduced himself and said it twice, and now this guy even asked who he is! ?

"Mages of Karma Taj, come and give your king a gift!"

Feeney didn't say anything more about the discussion, and summoned the fried chicken nugget roll, waved it in front of them, and said, "Give this!"

Although he was too stuffed to move, Huo Mo couldn't help but open his mouth when he saw the 'Zhiji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll' summoned by Feeney.

"Do you know the location?"

Feeney handed him the 'Sumireji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll' and asked again.

Fire Demon took the chicken nugget roll, and after hearing what Finey said, he thought about it for a while and said, "The king doesn't want anyone to disturb you."

"I'm giving a gift, not interrupting!"

Feeney has the illusion of deceiving elementary school students.

However, Huo Mo's IQ is not even as good as that of elementary school students. After hearing this, he said without much thought: "Then I will take you there!"

The reason why the Fire Demons are still willing to contact Feeney even when Feeney has defeated so many of them is because Feeney only killed one unlucky guy, and the rest of the Fire Demons were seriously injured at most.

The most important thing is because of the 'Jinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll', the attribute of 'joy' made them feel the happiest mood in their life, and because of this, they developed a good impression of Finny.

So even if Finny knocks down so many people, they are still willing to contact.

Because of eating too much, the fire demon couldn't bear to walk, so Finny could only wait for him to digest and digest before moving, and he had to rest for a while to recover.

Resting inside the volcano is an experience that Finny has never experienced. Fortunately, he has the assistance of the 'Golden Great Diffraction Technique', and he can still bear it.

Glancing at the slowly flowing magma not far away, Feeney focused on the system.

Although he defeated more than a thousand fire demons this time, he didn't gain much experience, only about five o'clock, which was equivalent to his five days of skill training.

Because the strength of the fire demons is too weak, although the fire resistance is extremely high, the physical resistance is terrible.

Before the quantitative change can not reach the qualitative change, they are just like cannon fodder, so the experience is pitiful.

After resting for about an hour, some of the fire demons who were knocked down earlier recovered, so that he summoned some fried chicken nuggets to appease the wounded.

Feeney thought that the fire demon would take him out, but who knew that the way the other party led turned out to be underground.

Looking at the dark and deep underground hole in front of him, Feeney took out the 'Pearl of the Ocean', activated its 'bright' attribute, and followed the fire demon into the hole.

Feeney who walked through the winding underground passage was a bit tormented, but it was extremely easy for the fire demon who was good at climbing and had night vision.

After walking for a full two hours, Finny couldn't help but wonder if he had been tricked, when he finally saw a bright light ahead.

After coming out of the cave, Finny let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately looked at the surrounding environment.

There is a wide hall below him, and there is a throne on the empty ground, on which sits a flame giant that seems to be made of magma.

There was also a long sword by his side, and he seemed to be sleeping at this time.

"That is our king!"

The fire demon pointed to the flame giant and was about to climb down the nearby pillars. Only then did Finny notice that there were several times more fire demons hanging on the surrounding walls and stone pillars than before.

It might be a little later in the evening. . . Woo~

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