Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 257 Surtur

Feeney frowned slightly. When he learned that the system's upper limit for gaining experience was 1,000 enemies, he became less interested in the astonishing number of fire demons with little experience.

If it was changed to a thousand Surturs, it would probably be a lot of excitement, but if there are really a thousand Surturs in front of him, then it is he who should run now.

Seeing the Fire Demon crawling down the pillar, Feeney flew straight down.

At the same time as he landed, the flame giant who had been sleeping on the throne woke up instantly.

"The smell of Asgard, are you an Asgardian?"

The flame giant suddenly grabbed the long sword beside him, stood up, looked down at Finny, and said again: "No, you are not Asgardian!"

While thinking about the taste of Asgard in Surtur's mouth, Finny introduced himself:

"Hello, I'm Phini Helsaid, a mage from Karma Taj on Earth. I'm training now, and I want to challenge all kinds of powerful people!"


The flame giant was really surprised by the earth, but he didn't care. Instead, he looked at Feeney, holding the long sword and jokingly said: "I didn't expect you, a little bug, to find this place!"

Feeney looked at the flame giant in front of him. Judging from his state and behavior, Surtur basically didn't run away.

"You have a lot of Asgardian smells on you, have you been in contact with them?"

Seeing that Surtur was so obsessed with the taste, Finny considered whether he should take a bath, and at the same time nodded and replied: "Yes, I arrived here from the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard."


Surtur muttered twice, then stabbed the ground with the Twilight Sword fiercely, and said angrily: "I am the end of Asgard, Ragnarok, I will end everything they have !"


Feeney did not refute Surter's words, but nodded in agreement.

The prophecy of Ragnarok is actually very strange. Many people know the content, and many people also believe that Surtur is the executor of the prophecy.

Among them is Odin.

He wanted to stop Ragnarok, so he defeated Surtur and took away his eternal flame. He also thought about killing Surtur to end the prophecy.

But unfortunately he couldn't.

Surtur is a flame giant, but he is not an ordinary flame giant. The crown and the eternal flame are both his sources of power. If the crown is not destroyed and the eternal flame is not extinguished, he will never be extinguished.

So Odin can only delay the occurrence of the prophecy. He split Surtur's power, separated the crown from the eternal flame, and tried to keep Surtur in a weak state forever.

It has to be said that Odin succeeded. Although he did not completely terminate the prophecy, he delayed the occurrence of the prophecy almost indefinitely.

But as he gets older, many people also believe that the prophecy will be carried out again, but many Asgardians also believe in Thor, believing that Thor can delay the prophecy again like Odin.

But only Finny knows that if he doesn't participate in changing the future, it will be Thor who decides to start Ragnarok. Of course, that is a last resort.

Seeing Finny's actions, Surtur couldn't help being surprised, looked at Finny carefully again, and asked, "What is your relationship with Asgard?"

"Should be regarded as friends!"

Finny thought for a while and replied.

Although there was some unpleasantness with Odin before, the relationship is generally quite friendly, especially Thor and his friends are already his friends.

"Then you still dare to appear in front of me!?"

Surtur sat back on the throne again, and he was considered to be on an equal footing with Odin. Facing an 'unknown' little character like Finney, he certainly didn't bother to do it himself.

"How should I put it, I think my strength is barely okay!"

Feeney will not feel how powerful he is now, but he will also not underestimate himself. He has also considered the selection of enemies, and of course he will not provoke those who should not be provoked casually.


Surtur laughed a few times, looked at Feeney and said, "Where do you come from? Forget it. Unfortunately, if you have no relationship with Asgard, you can save your life!"

Looking at Surtur who was waving his hand to let his subordinates to attack, Finny sighed.

However, Feeney didn't want to fight with Surtur directly when he came here this time. First of all, his body from fighting with more than a thousand fire demons has not fully recovered.

In addition, even if he defeated Surtur at this time, the experience gained may be completely discounted.

So the main purpose of coming here this time is to explore the location and at the same time determine whether the king is Surtur or not. Now that the purpose has been achieved, it is time to retreat first.

Looking at Surtur sitting on the throne for the last time, Finny opened a portal casually.

"I will be back!"

After releasing a statement that made people feel a little strange, Finny stepped into the portal and disappeared into the underground palace in an instant.

After he left, Surtur stood up again from the throne, held the Twilight Sword, looked at the place where Finny disappeared, and muttered:


Then wake up all the fire demons around, and ordered: "Find him for me!"

Hearing the order, the fire demons started to move one after another, crawling out one by one, only the fire demon who led the way before was still confused about why Finny left suddenly.


The location that Feeney teleported was the place where he came. After all, he didn't know a few places in the whole Muspelheim.

Looking at the dust floating in the air, he planned to find a place to rest first, and after confirming the refresh time of the experience limit, he could go to Surtur to fight.

When he was in Jotunheim, Feeney found a cave to rest, and in Muspelheim, he also continued this habit.

But the difference is that because the effects of the 'Golden Diffuse Technique' are different in the two worlds, his resting environment in Muspelheim is obviously better.

With a big soft bed, cool and comfortable air conditioner, tables, stools, and even some wallpapers that were thought out leisurely, Feeney almost transformed the dark cave into a themed apartment with the "Golden Day Technique".

But Fini, who was enjoying the comfort, didn't know that there were countless fire demons looking for him frantically outside at this moment.


Although Heimdall was willing to believe in Finny, in order not to be unable to report when Odin asked, he still planned to take a second look at what Finny was doing at this time.

So after looking through countless galaxies, he saw Feeney who had just completed the 'cave renovation' plan and was about to rest.

Withdrawing his dull gaze, Heimdall couldn't help but wonder: "He really intends to find someone to fight, not to enjoy it in a different environment!?"

The computer almost broke~ heartache~

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