Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 281 Ancient One's Tangle (Happy National Day)

But for the dimensional space summoned by the evil king's true eye, Feeney didn't quite understand its attributes, or he could feel the power in it, but he didn't understand what it was.

Gu Yi didn't think it was too strange for Fei Ni's words. This situation is very special. She never knew that the dimension space can be sealed in the eyes.

Gu Yi thought for a while, took a sip of tea, and asked, "Then can you summon it now?"

"Yes, yes!"

Feeney nodded, he could feel that he could unseal the 'Evil King's True Eye', but he didn't know the consequences of unsealing, so he couldn't help hesitating: "But I haven't summoned it once."

"Well, you're right."

Gu nodded. Karma Taj's mages were dedicated to the dimensional defense of the earth. If Finney got in through a loophole, it would be fine if he didn't find out. If he took the initiative to expose it, he really didn't know what would happen.

After pondering for a while, Gu Yi put down his teacup, then looked at Finny and asked, "Do you have the hanging ring on you?"


Since he got this thing, he has basically never removed it from his fingers.

"You should be able to open the portals of other realms now, right?"

Feeney was stunned for a moment, then looked at Gu Yi who stood up, quickly understood what she meant, and immediately got up and said: "I used it in Muspelheim, go there!"


Gu Yi only agreed after pondering for a while.

Then Fini excitedly activated the breathing method and the golden expansion technique to bless his own abilities, then held the 'White Dragon's Food' on his chest, which is the space gem, and after preparing for a long time, he opened a road leading to Muspelheim portal.

The two stepped through the portal and arrived at this place of flames.

"Cool down!"

Because he didn't have the 'Evil Ghost Haunted' equipment when he teleported here, he felt a wave of heat as soon as he arrived, so he quickly used the 'Golden Diffuse Technique' to adjust the surrounding temperature.

Seeing Fei Ni's behavior, Gu Yi was taken aback for a moment, felt the rules of this world, and said involuntarily, "No wonder you like this place..."

But she didn't care too much, because she didn't dare to leave the earth for a long time, so she immediately looked at Fei Ni and said, "Call out the dimension in your eyes and let me have a look!"


Feeney didn't ink any ink, and after he finished speaking, he began to unseal the 'Evil King's True Eye'.

"Burst, reality! Crush, spirit! Banish this world!"

As the spell was unsealed, a dazzling golden light burst out from Finny's right eye, changing everything around him in an instant.

This is only the second time Finny has used the Evil King's True Eye, and it is also the first time he is going to pull others into the dimension of the Evil King's True Eye.

Perhaps because Gu Yi didn't resist, Feeney easily pulled her into the dimensional space.

The evil king's true eye was unsealed, and the dimension changed. The narrow dimensional space was set up by Finny as a tea room. He and Gu Yi stood face to face and looked at each other.

"It is indeed in another dimension..."

Looking around, Gu Yi first made a judgment in his heart, and couldn't help but look at Fei Ni in front of him again with curiosity and admiration.

This boy has been making a difference to her since the first day she found out.

Sometimes she also hesitated whether to give up the chosen Stephen Strange and choose to let Finny inherit the mantle of the supreme mage.

But every time she considered Fini's extremely scumbag mage talent, she didn't want Fini to smash the signboard of the Supreme Mage.

It's the same even now, Finny's strength varies from strong to strong, but these are his own unique abilities, not Kama Taj's spells.

Apart from one-handed portal and mirror space, Fini really doesn't have any spells that can be used at present. Even the most basic ring of Gagador has become rusty due to long-term use.

Putting aside the thoughts scattered in his head, Gu took a look at Finny and said, "I've never seen you in this situation, but it is indeed a real dimension."

Although he believed in his own judgment, getting Gu Yi's affirmation was undoubtedly a more secure performance, so he couldn't help asking: "That means I'm a dimensional demon now?"

"Devil God is not a good name!"

Gu Yi first gave Finny a warning look, then nodded and replied: "Yes!"

Feeney scratched his head in embarrassment, but before he was excited, Gu Yi continued: "But your dimension is very special, and it is very different from those dimension demon gods."

"What's the difference?"

Finny asked immediately.

"As far as I know, even the weakest dimensional demon god, the dimensional space is probably hundreds of times larger than your current one!"

Gu Yi first looked at the size of the dimension, then continued to frown and said: "You are a human being, and it is impossible to give birth to the dimension independently, but you have not abandoned your body and merged with the power of the dimension, but you have obtained the dimension space..."

"It's so strange!"

As he said that, Gu Yi couldn't help showing a puzzled and tangled expression. Obviously, she also didn't understand the situation of Finny.

"Then can I use this ability on Earth?"

Feeney actually doesn't care much about the origin and difference of abilities. After all, he still trusts the products produced by the system, and he cares more about the use and strengthening of them.


Hearing Finny's words, Gu Yi's face immediately became serious, and he warned: "The temple excludes all powers from foreign dimensions. If you use it on the earth, you will be immediately..."

While talking, Gu Yi suddenly paused, frowned and said to himself: "No, this dimension of yours..."

Looking at Gu Yi who was suddenly lost in thought, Finny didn't dare to interrupt, and after a while, she heard her speak again: "To be honest, I'm not sure if you summon it on Earth, will it be punished by the Holy Spirit?" The counterattack of the temple power!"


Feeney showed a surprised expression, he didn't expect Gu Yi to answer like this.

"The temple was established by the first generation of supreme mage Agamotto, and it has been going on for a long time, but your dimension is different from all the dimensional demon gods I have seen and known, so I am not sure whether it is Will be affected by the power of the temple!"

Gu Yi explained the reason. Although she established Karma Taj, the establishment and selection of the Three Great Temples was the first generation of supreme mages and the most important force to protect the earth's dimension.

Hearing this reason, although Feeney was a little surprised, he also felt that it was normal. However, it was a bit wasteful to have such a strong ability and not sure whether it could be used, so he couldn't help asking:

"Then if I test it, will it be dangerous?"

Gu Yi fell silent again, it was still difficult for her to answer this question, after all, this situation of Feeney had never been encountered before, and there was no example that could be used as a reference.

"Wait for me to study it first!"

Gu Yi didn't answer hastily, she was going to take a closer look at the situation in Finny's dimension first.

What a festival, it's a pity that I don't have the strength to add more... It's a pity that I didn't give a reward~ woo woo woo~

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