Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 282 Dimensional Expansion Method

Gu Yi carefully felt the power in Finny's dimension, and it was not the first time for her to enter someone else's dimension.

She even stole the power of other people's dimensions. Although there are some reasons for this, it is enough to see that she has a very deep understanding of the power of dimensions.

As one of the most outstanding supreme mages in the history of mages, Gu Yi's current vision and strength are definitely the top in the universe.

So after studying for a long time, she also saw something.

"I have to say that your dimension is the strangest and most special dimension I have encountered so far. The energy it builds seems to be a kind of spiritual power in the eyes, no, it should be the power of fantasy..."


Hearing Gu Yi's words, Feeney couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then he thought about it seriously. According to the situation in the anime, the real eyes of the evil king don't actually exist, but the colored contact lenses drawn by the system are obviously not the ones in the anime.

After deriving the attributes of the Finny dimension, Gu Yi couldn't help but praise: "This dimension and your golden Diffraction Technique are really an excellent match!"

Feeney was still thinking about the power of fantasy, and after hearing what Gu Yi said, he couldn't help admiring that she could see such a thing in such a short time.

"Can that be summoned on Earth?"

Finny asked expectantly again.

"When I go back to study the power of the temple, don't run around during this time, just stay in Karma Taj!"

Although he learned about the situation of the dimension, Gu Yi still couldn't confirm whether Finny could use it on Earth.

The issue of dimensionality is very important. If you are not careful, all the temples may be affected by Fini, so she can't help being a little careful.

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Feeney was a little surprised. This was the first time his freedom was restricted by Gu Yi, but he also saw that Gu Yi attached great importance to this matter.

"Teacher, how can I expand the size of the dimension?"

Although it is not known whether it can be used on Earth for the time being, Feeney is most concerned about the expansion of dimensions. After all, with the current size, let alone fighting, it is too crowded for two people to stand.

In fact, before coming to Karma Taj, he had vaguely known a method, but he didn't dare to use it indiscriminately, so he asked Gu Yi.

Hearing Finny's words, Gu Yi, who had always had a faint smile on his face, put away his smile, and his eyes began to become a little deep and complicated.

"Fenny, do you know why the Dimensional Demon God is so obsessed with the invasion of dimensions?"

Hearing Gu Yi's question, Feeney actually understood what she meant. In the past, he thought that the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God was like a war to grab territory and conquer.

But when he became the master of the dimension, he finally understood the reason.

The Dimension Demon God invaded the dimension not only to conquer, but also to become stronger, which is also the method he discovered before.

The easiest way to expand dimensional space is to absorb the power of other dimensions.

When Finny opened the mirror space before, he vaguely felt something strange in the evil king's real eyes, as if he was being attracted by some force.

If he guessed correctly, it is the power of the earth's dimension.

In fact, the power of dimension is not available in every world. For example, the current Muspelheim cannot absorb the power of any dimension.

"Because the invasion can absorb the power of dimensions and expand your own dimension!"

"That's right!"

Hearing Finey's words, Gu's eyes flashed with worry. The invasion and expansion of dimensions is like a certain behavior, and it is difficult to stop after being immersed in it.

And after success, the pleasure brought by the crazy increase in strength after dimension expansion is not something everyone is willing to stop.

"Is there no way to expand other than invasion?"

Finny saw the worry in Gu's eyes, frowned and asked, invading the dimension is not that simple, he doesn't want to wander around the universe to find the dimension like Dormammu.

And he remembered that the dimensional space of the female leopard in Wakanda seemed to be stabilized and expanded by the power of faith.

"Of course there is, but for the Dimensional Demon God, invasion is the most effective, quickest and easiest way!"

Gu Yi sighed, looked at Fini, and continued: "But your situation is very special. In my opinion, you only need to increase the power of that eye!"

In fact, Gu Yi felt that rather than saying that Finny is the master of dimensions, it is better to say that the eye is the real dimension demon god. Although the eyes belonged to Finny, they were independent of each other in a sealed way. This sense of contradiction made her Feel weird.

"Then what exactly should I do?"

Finny asked confusedly.

Gu Yi thought for a while, and replied: "You can try injecting mana into your eyes first!"

With Ancient One by his side, Feeney didn't worry too much about something going wrong, and immediately started to try it out. With the filling of mana, the dimensional space began to expand slowly.

But it wasn't until he exhausted all his mana that he only expanded the range by one meter, but even so made Finny very happy.

Then Finny immediately tried to inject the energy of the breathing method into the True Eye of the Evil King. Although it was barely effective, the effect was less than one-tenth of the magic power.

After seeing this situation, Gu Yi, who has been paying attention to Fei Ni's behavior, explained the reason as follows:

"Mana is a kind of energy obtained through spiritual practice. The dimension of your eyes is composed of fantasy power, so the effect is better."

Hearing this, Finny understood the reason. Karma Taj's mana was equivalent to spiritual power, and it only increased greatly when it matched the attribute.

The energy obtained by the breathing method is water and fire, which does not match the real eye of the evil king, so the effect is weak.

Although he understands the reason, Feeney has no good solution, and he also knows in his heart that if he wants to really expand the dimension, he must finally find a way to obtain the power of the dimension.

Of course, he would not be so stupid as to secretly invade the earth. After all, this is his home. If the power of the earth's dimension is gone, the earth will basically be gone.

Finny's solution is Dormammu, Buster, and Hella.

It's not easy for him to take his own, why can't he rob others! ?

The reason why the dimensional demon gods are rare is definitely one of the reasons why they devour each other.

Among these three targets, Dormammu was the most difficult to deal with, followed by Bast, and Hela was the easiest.

As for why there is Hela, it is because what Odin is sealing her now is a special dimensional power.

However, this is relatively easy compared to Domamu and the female leopard. For him now, after releasing Hela, he still lacks confidence in dealing with her.

And now he doesn't need the expansion of dimensions too urgently. At least it is more important to determine whether there is any problem with using it on Earth.

After that, Feeney and Gu Yi didn't stay any longer. After recovering their mana, Feeney opened the portal to go back.

Back at Kama Taj, Gu Yi immediately began to study the power of the temple, and although Finny was not withdrawn from the suspension ring, he was also warned by Gu Yi that it is best not to leave Kama Taj without urgent matters.


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