Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 283: The Gap with the Supreme Mage

Therefore, the training plan of Pietro and Wanda can only be postponed temporarily. Fortunately, after the two fought yesterday, they can also master their abilities to a certain extent.

Soon, three days passed quietly.

In the past few days, Finny has basically been accompanying Gu Yi to study the power of the evil king's true eye and the temple. Of course, his role is mainly to be studied.

During the period, they ran back and forth to the Three Great Temples several times, carefully studied the power of the Lower Temple, and finally came to a conclusion that still had to be tested.

Karma Taj.

deep in the library.

Feeney and Gu Yi stood together.

Gu Yi was still dressed in his usual attire at this time, wearing a robe of practice, but he wore an extra eye-shaped magic weapon on his chest, which was the Eye of Agamotto made from the time gem.

"Are you ready?"

Gu took a look at Feeney, and asked in a deep voice.


Feeney nodded slightly nervously. In fact, it's not a big deal even if you can't use the 'Evil King's True Eye' on Earth, but it's a good thing if you can.

The next thing they have to do is very simple, that is, let Gu Yi hold the Eye of Agamotto to stabilize the power of the Three Sanctuaries, and then ask Finney to unseal the 'Evil King's True Eye' once.

If Finney is attacked by the power of the temple, then Ancient One will use the Eye of Agamotto to trace back the power of the temple to ensure the safety of Finny.

If not, it's up to Finny to be happy.

However, it is still unknown whether Gu Yi will find a way to update the defense system of the lower temple.

Seeing Finny nodding, Gu Yi began to activate the secret method to open the Eye of Agamotto, the green light shone brightly, and the power of time enveloped the surroundings.

Following Gu Yi's movements, Finny took a deep breath and began to lift the seal.

"Burst, reality! Crush, spirit! Banish this world!"

The golden light erupted from Finny's right eye in the dim secret room. Under the power of the evil king's true eye, the dimension of the earth was overlapped, fused and covered in the blink of an eye.

Didn't encounter any obstacles!

"That's it!?"

Feeney, who was already extremely nervous and tensed up to meet the counterattack of the temple force, was a little taken aback.

Gu Yi also looked surprised. She checked carefully, and the power of the temple still surrounds the earth, without any waves, as if she was completely unaware of the dimension of Finny.

"I see…"

But soon Gu Yi discovered the reason, looked at Finny's golden right eye in shock and surprise and exclaimed: "Your eye is really stronger and special than I imagined!"

After all, it was his own dimension, and Finney immediately realized that this unblocking was not the same as that of Muspelheim.

The dimensional space, which was originally only about six meters in size, suddenly expanded nearly ten times, making Finny look confused and puzzled.

After feeling it carefully, I was surprised to find that the dimension opened this time actually merged with the earth dimension and part of the power of the temple to protect the earth, which led to the expansion.

"Because it combines the dimensions of the earth and its own power, the temple can't tell the difference, so naturally it won't stop it!"

After these few days of research, Finney is not ignorant of the power of the temple, so he immediately came to the reason why the temple did not prevent the opening of the dimension.

To put it simply, the temple mistook the current dimensional space of Finny for the mirror space of the earth.

"But why?"

But there are still some reasons why Finney doesn't understand, so he couldn't help asking Gu Yi: "Why can my dimension merge with the earth's dimension and the power of the temple?"

"It's about your eyes!"

Gu Yi looked into Finny's right eye, and she couldn't figure it out either.

Dimensional fusion is not something that can be achieved simply by talking about it, or it is actually the way of the Dimensional Demon God's invasion, devouring and fusing other dimensions to enhance one's own dimension.

But Finny's fusion is obviously different from invasion, not to mention that it also incorporates the power of the temple to protect the earth's dimension, so she praised the special and powerful of the evil king's true eye.


Feeney was stunned for a moment. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, it was less than a week before he got the real eye of the evil king, and many of his abilities were waiting for him to determine.

After the test results, Gu Yi closed the Eye of Agamotto. At this time, she was in the dimension of Finny, and it was difficult to leave unless she opened the portal or broke the dimension.

Feeney, on the other hand, was excited to feel the dimension space that belonged to him on the earth.

After being amplified by the power of the earth's dimension, the space that has been expanded by almost ten times does not seem so crowded.

Although it is regarded as a mirror space by the temple, unlike the projection of the mirror space, this dimension is absolutely under his control and can be changed arbitrarily.

Feeney thought about it for a while, and the surrounding scenery instantly changed into green grassland with flowers in full bloom, and even smelled the fragrance of flowers, which obviously couldn't be done in the mirror space.


Finny said a word softly, and the garden-like space was immediately filled with warm sunshine.


The originally bright space turned into night in an instant.


A small lake appeared.


Then it changed into a small volcano spewing magma. Of course, because the space is still limited, these things all look a little miniature.

Looking at Finny's behavior, Gu Yi couldn't help but feel a little shocked in his eyes. In this dimension, Finny who has the golden expansion technique really does whatever he wants like a god.

Feeling his powerful power increase in the dimensional space, Finny's mood is comfortable but also a little weird.

Because of the three great temples, his 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' has always been restricted, which greatly limited his strength.

But he didn't expect that one day he would be "made up" by the Three Great Temples in this way. The earth at this moment can definitely be called his home field.

When he couldn't help feeling in his heart, he saw Gu Yi standing still not far away, and he couldn't help being provocative because of his inflated strength: "Teacher, come to the competition field, let me see the gap with the supreme mage! "

Feeney actually didn't expect Gu Yi to agree, but what surprised him was that Gu Yi didn't refuse when he heard Wei Wei's surprise. Instead, he straightened his robe, stretched out his palm, and looked ready to fight.

Finny was a little excited for a moment.

It's normal to lose. After all, it's the supreme mage, the ceiling of the mage world, and even a universe-level dimensional demon god like Dormammu would be deflated.

But if Gu Yi accidentally released water and won the fight, it would be a disaster.

Ancient One's experience value...

Thinking of this, Finny's little heart started beating thumpingly. For him who had just finished the ninth extraction and was in short supply of experience, there was no greater temptation than this.


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