Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 284 Results

When Fini first arrived in Karma Taj, he challenged Gu Yi a few times by relying on "ghost haunting", but he was too weak at that time, and he was basically killed in seconds. less than.

Although he became stronger and stronger later, Feeney never fought against Gu Yi again, this was the first time in the past few years.

For Gu Yi's strength, Feeney only knew that he was very strong, but he didn't know how strong he was. He hadn't seen Gu Yi make a move, and the only few times he went to ask for spells and help.

And so far, except for the time on Vormir, Feeney has hardly seen any problems that can stump Gu Yi.

Looking at Gu Yi standing quietly in front of him, Feeney calmed down. Although Gu Yi is very strong, he has grown up after so long.

What's more, this is still in its own dimension.

"Then please advise, teacher!"

With an announcement, the battle begins.


Three hours later.

When Finny re-sealed the True Eye of the Evil King, the previous excitement disappeared without a trace. At this moment, he deeply doubted whether Casilios could pierce Gu Yi's clothes in the original plot if she didn't want to die. .

This is the fiercest, most powerful, and most difficult battle Finny has experienced since he came to the Marvel world.

Although in the end Gu Yi took the initiative to stop the fight, and it seemed that there was no winner, but Fei Ni knew that he was almost exhausted, and if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose.

But the consolation is that Gu Yi didn't defeat him just by waving his hands like in the beginning.

During this period, he had a profound insight into the horror of Karma Taj's spells. In other words, as long as the melee mage is strong enough, he can actually output it remotely.

The nearly 40-meter-long energy blade and the Gegador Ring with a radius of one meter can be used to attack, defend and even track automatically, making Finny wonder if Gu Yi has hidden it for himself. What is learned.

Moreover, in addition to using the spells he was familiar with, Gu Yi also used many spells that he didn't know, and almost caused him a big loss a few times. Fortunately, he was strong enough in the dimension space, so he barely persisted.

But after fighting for three full hours, in the end, the spirit, energy, and physical strength were almost at their limits, and they couldn't defeat Gu Yi.

However, from the fine sweat on Gu Yi's forehead and the imprint of Dormammu emerging from the use of dark energy, it can be seen that this battle is not easy for her.

In fact, Feeney didn't expect that Gu Yi would use Dormammu's power to fight him, which made him secretly wonder in his heart after the battle, could he have defeated Gu Yi without Dormammu.

But he just thought about it. In this battle, Gu Yi didn't use the Eye of Agamotto from the beginning to the end. This thing is the standard weapon of the supreme mage.

This battle undoubtedly poured cold water on the rapidly expanding Finny, clearly showing that the ancient one is still the largest on earth, and he can only be ranked second.

However, apart from being hit in this battle, Feeney is not without benefits.

At the very least, he has a deeper understanding and control of the dimensional space, and at the same time has a clear understanding of the level of strength of himself and Gu Yi.

On the other side, Gu was also extremely shocked by Fini's strength.

"I didn't expect him to grow to this extent!"

Looking at Feeney who had been relieved of the 'ghost haunting' and sat panting on the ground, Gu Yi silently sighed in his heart, and at the same time thought of Strange, the heir to the supreme mage he had chosen.

Although Strange's talent is extremely good, even the best among the supreme mages of all ages, but talent belongs to talent. In terms of strength, it may take some time for him to catch up with Feeney.

"But with them here, the earth is safer!"

Gu Yi glanced at Fini again. Although Fini's current situation is a bit special, she is still willing to believe that Fini will protect Kama Taj and the Earth Dimension.

Thinking like this, the corner of Gu Yi's mouth suddenly raised a smile, and she found that since bringing Fei Ni back, she had also undergone some changes.

While the two engage in a battle that would be unimaginable to many, the real world remains untouched because it's in Finny's dimension.

After the situation of Xie Wang's True Eye was verified, Gu Yi no longer asked Finny to stay in Kama Taj, but only asked him to come over a few more times during this period.

Because she wanted to study the True Eye of the Evil King again. On the one hand, she was in the mage's exploration of knowledge, and on the other hand, she was also worried that other dimension demon gods would use this method to smuggle in, so she wanted to use this to improve the power of the lower temple.

At first, Finny was not very happy, but when Gu Yi promised him that he would improve without hindering his use of eyes, and that he might also improve the suppression of the 'Golden Diffuse Technique', he immediately expressed his cooperation with a smile all over his face.

The next day, Feeney left Karma Taj, after thinking about it, he went to see Wanda and Pietro first, and came to the laboratory again. The two were in very different states.

In the past few days, he has also learned about the situation of the brother and sister through the phone, knowing that they have a good grasp of abilities, and Pietro can barely control the distance he wants to run.

In the new ward of the laboratory.

The brand-new treadmill made a buzzing sound. Even though it had turned on the fastest speed mode, it still couldn't satisfy the user who had a white afterimage on it.

A second later, the white figure got off the treadmill, staggered for a long distance, and then staggered back. After tossing a few times, he came to Fei Ni, looked at Zhao Helen, and asked arrogantly. road:

"It's still too slow, isn't there anything faster?"

"It's already the most advanced!"

Zhao Hailun shrugged helplessly, expressing that there was nothing she could do.

Feeney looked at Pietro angrily, and said: "What you lack now is control, not speed. What's the use of running fast, learn from your sister."

Pietro pursed his lips and turned to look at Wanda who was sitting on the floor playing with building blocks.

Not far away, there was a large pile of building blocks on the wooden floor. Wanda squatted among them, controlling the placement of the building blocks with the red energy in her hands.

Pietro wanted to go to Wanda's side to say something, but he seemed to be out of control of the distance. He sprinted too far and crashed into a building that Finny couldn't understand.


Seeing the destruction of the 'building' that she had carefully built, Wanda immediately glared at Pietro. The energy was affected by emotions, and suddenly there was a small fluctuation, and all the surrounding building blocks instantly stepped into the footsteps of the 'building'.

Feeney looked at the troublesome brothers and sisters, sighed, then turned to Zhao Helen and said, "Go ahead and leave them to me!"

Zhao Hailun nodded, but just as she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked:

"By the way, about the cooperation with Stark Enterprises..."

"You can figure it out yourself!"

Looking at Feeney who waved his hands indifferently, Helen Zhao felt helpless.

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