Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 288: Sooner or Later Pill

Although he was very dissatisfied that Finny did not notify him in time when he returned, but considering the next request, Nick Fury stabilized his emotions and said in a deep voice on the phone:

"I need your help!"

Feeney has been away from Earth for nearly five months, and Nick Fury certainly hasn't done nothing during such a long time.

Although he was warned by Feeney, he did not dare to investigate with great fanfare, but secretly used various means to find the organization's Hydra.

After continuous hard work, he realized that Finny's warning was not an exaggeration at all. If he really dared to openly investigate, he might not survive the next day.

This situation shocked Nick Fury and worried him more, because he didn't expect things to be so serious.

This also caused him to prepare for several months, but he was still not sure about getting rid of these internal 'insiders'.

It was also because of this distraction that he didn't get the news the first time Finny came back, but after so many days, he didn't know that Finny had returned.

However, Feeney's return is definitely good news for him who is in an anxious moment, and it also gives him a little more confidence in this matter.

"For example!?"

Hearing that Nick Fury was so direct, Feeney was a little surprised, and then asked with interest, although he still didn't want to participate in the battle between Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It's not convenient on the phone, where are you now?"

In order to be sure, Nick Fury didn't want to talk about this matter on the phone, but planned to talk to Feeney face to face, and he also wanted to know for himself what Feeney had done and what had changed over such a long time.

"At home, do you want to come over?"

As his strength became stronger, Feeney became less concerned about revealing his identity.

After all, even if he is exposed now, if anyone dares to come to find trouble, Feeney will let him know what it means to have a return.

"Wait for me for thirty minutes!"

Nick Fury replied decisively, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Looking at the phone, Feeney sighed, then turned on the TV, watching the program while waiting for Nick Fury to arrive.

Nick Fury didn't keep Finny waiting for 30 minutes, and after 21 minutes, he appeared at the door of Finny's house, still wearing the same black leather jacket, with the same expression on his face. The expression of strangers.

"Aren't you hot?"

Inviting Nick Fury into the house, Feeney involuntarily asked, in the current weather in New York, a leather jacket is not a normal garment.

"The clothes are made of special materials, and they are specially designed to be well ventilated."

Nick Fury replied, while carefully studying Finny with his one remaining eye.

I haven't seen him in the past five months. Although Feeney doesn't seem to have changed much from the outside, he can still clearly feel that Feeney is a little different from before he left.

It seems more casual and indifferent.

Nick Fury didn't know that this was a change in mentality brought about by Feeney's growing strength, but he didn't open his mouth to talk about Hydra, but first asked about Feeney's journey:

"How about Asgard?"


Feeney replied casually.

"Have you seen Thor? Is he king of Asgard now? Also, what did they do with that Loki?"

Finney looked at Nick Fury who was sitting on the sofa and seemed to be asking casually, and replied: "Yes, but he is still the prince of Asgard. As for Loki, he was locked in the dungeon by them. Imprisoned forever!"

"You've been in Asgard all this time?"

Looking at Nick Fury, who was beating around the bush and wanting to inquire about information, Feeney didn't lie to him, and replied: "No, I also went to several other realms to check, and helped quell the chaos of the war by the way."

"War chaos?"

Nick Fury was a little surprised.

"The Rainbow Bridge was broken before, and without the management of Asgard, there are some people in other circles who took the opportunity to make trouble."

Hearing Finny's explanation, Nick Fury was obviously very interested, and asked: "How is their strength compared with the earth!"

"how to say!"

Feeney thought for a while and replied: "If we simply compare the advanced level of weapons, of course they are better, but in fact they are not that advanced. If there is a real war, they will have a fight."

Nick Fury nodded, with thought in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that Nick Fury kept refusing to mention Hydra, Finney simply asked himself: "You haven't said what you plan to ask me to help?"

Hearing Finey's words, Nick Fury's face instantly became serious, and he replied: "There is a big problem with S.H.I.E.L.D. According to my investigation, when S.H.I.E.L.D. was first established, there was a paper clip..."

Of course Feeney knew how Hydra joined S.H.I.E.L.D., so he directly interrupted Nick Fury and said, "You don't need to tell me the details, just tell me what you want me to do!"

"Join SHIELD!"

Nick Fury said straightforwardly: "I will set up a special department for you, and you help me find all the members of Hydra."

If it had just been 'ghost-haunted', Feeney would have been very happy to hear such a request. After all, each of these agents represents experience.

But for Feeney now, fighting with these agents may not have as much experience as he has gained from practicing skills alone.

So after hearing Nick Fury's request, he immediately lost interest, lying on the sofa and said disappointedly: "That's it, forget it, I don't want to bully ordinary people."

Seeing Finny's appearance, Nick Fury was puzzled, but he straightened up and said with a serious face:

"They're Hydra!"

"It is a group of terrorist organizations that aim to control the world. If they are not stopped, once SHIELD is fully controlled by them, the consequences will be disastrous."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Feeney rolled his eyes and thought to himself, in fact, even if Hydra really controls the world, it's nothing. After all, he still has the identity of the leader of Hydra, and with his current strength, It is estimated that no one would dare to disobey him.

However, Finny still prefers a quieter life. He doesn't even care about the cooperation of a laboratory. If the leader of Hydra becomes the master of the earth, then this little broken ball will probably be taken care of sooner or later.

"You can't join S.H.I.E.L.D., but I can borrow two of you to help!"

Feeney still decided to recommend Pietro and Wanda to Nick Fury according to his original idea. Although the two suffered a terrible defeat in front of him, their ability to deal with ordinary people would be crushing.

Especially Wanda, the ability to read minds can also help Nick Fury judge who is trustworthy and who is not.

Hearing Finny's words, Nick Fury frowned and was surprised at the same time, and couldn't help guessing who the two people in Finny's mouth were.

The latest update time may not be stable, but it will be updated every day... and I have to find a time to make up for what I owed before~ so miserable~

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