Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 289 Ghost

Although Pietro and Wanda are going to help Nick Fury solve the Hydra problem, Finny doesn't plan to let the two of them go now.

After all, they haven't fully grasped their abilities, let alone helping them in the past, it is more likely to cause chaos.

"Speaking of which, how much do you know about Hydra now?"

Feeney suddenly asked, he was quite curious to what extent Nick Fury had investigated, and whether he knew that his old boss was also a member of Hydra.

"They penetrated badly!"

Nick Fury's originally dark face seemed to be even darker, and he said in a deep voice: "At least one-third of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is their people."


Feeney glanced at Nick Fury in surprise, and he could say the figure of one-third, indicating that his real expectation in his heart would only be higher.

Noticing Finny's expression, Nick Fury frowned and asked seriously, "Do you know anything?"

Before Feeney went to Asgard, he talked to Feeney about this issue, and it was also because of Feeney's warning that he chose to investigate secretly.

It can be seen from these that Feeney definitely knows something about Hydra.

"Yes, I know something."

Feeney did not deny this time. Since they have already decided to attack Hydra, there is no need to keep concealing information, so he said: "There are many Hydras in S.H.I.E.L.D., I guess there are at least half of them."

There was no shock on Nick Fury's face, in fact, it was similar to what he predicted in his heart.

"And they even sent people to deal with me, but they were finally wiped out by me!"

"When did this happen?"

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face changed, and he couldn't help but questioned Feeney: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm not your subordinate, I don't need to report everything to you!"

Feeney glanced at Nick Fury lightly, and the aura that grew with his own strength immediately gave Nick Fury a sense of oppression.

This made him calm down in an instant, and he understood that now it was not about pursuing what Finny had not informed him, but about figuring out who the other party was.

"Who are they? Why are they attacking you?"

Looking at Nick Fury, who had sat down again and had a normal tone, Feeney glanced at him again, without thinking too much, and replied casually, "Do you remember who promoted you to become Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"It's him!?"

Nick Fury sat up straight, and his face became darker and darker. In fact, after such a long investigation, he also discovered some abnormalities in Alexander Pierce.

But for him, it is actually hard to believe that the person who single-handedly promoted him to be the director is actually a Hydra.

"It looks like you still remember!"

Feeney looked at Nick Fury's ugly expression with great interest, and wondered inexplicably if he would be angry if he took a picture with his mobile phone now.

But Nick Fury didn't give Finny this chance. After a few seconds, his face returned to normal, and he continued to ask: "Why did he attack you? How did he find you?"

"Maybe they attacked me because they thought I would get in the way!"

Feeney didn't say that he took the initiative to find Zola, but after finding a reason at random, he continued: "They didn't find me. I knew they were looking for me, so I took the initiative to find them!"


Nick Fury looked at Feeney with a complicated expression, and then asked again: "Then since you knew it was Alexander Pierce, why did you let him go!?"

According to his analysis and understanding of Feeney, Feeney should not let the enemy go easily.

"There were many things to be busy at the time, and I didn't bother to go to your bureau to make trouble!"

Feeney shrugged and said, of course, this is only part of the reason. In addition, there is no need to tell Nick Fury because he does not want to change the plot and he is also the leader of Hydra.

Of course Nick Fury would not believe such a simple reason, but he also knew that he had no way to deal with Finey for the time being.

However, Feeney and Nick Fury didn't know it at this time, and Alexander Pierce, who was chatting with them at this time, was also discussing them.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Security Department.

"Not long ago Nick Fury made a call through a hidden line and then left without informing anyone. I suspect he was going to see someone."

Listening to Sitwell's report, Pierce's already wrinkled face became even more wrinkled. After sitting there for a long time, he suddenly said:

"He found us!"


Sitwell froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand what Pierce meant.

"I know Nick Fury, he is too abnormal during this time, he must have discovered something!"

Pierce looked up at Sitwell and asked another question: "Is there still no information about the Silver Knight?"

"No, it's as if he's not on Earth!"

Sitwell shook his head immediately. On the one hand, he knew what Feeney seemed to be busy with during this time, and on the other hand, he also wanted to help Feeney hide the information.

Listening to Sitwell's answer, Pierce closed his eyes again and meditated again, but after a while, he opened them again, as if he had made a decision, and said, "Go send someone to get rid of Ferry!"

Hearing this, Sitwell was taken aback again, and couldn't help but confirm: "You mean to solve Nick Fury?"

"Yes, if you don't deal with him, he will deal with us soon!"

Alexander Pierce rubbed his aching head. He knew the ability of Nick Fury very well. It was precisely because of his understanding that he pushed Nick Fury up in spite of everyone's opposition.

As he expected, Nick Fury took good care of S.H.I.E.L.D. and made Hydra even stronger.

But Nick Fury is like a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can reap huge benefits.

So to be on the safe side, Pierce is going to give up Nick Fury.

Although he hasn’t squeezed out his value yet, the ‘Insight Plan’ has already been proposed by him. As long as there are no accidents, and if there is a way to improve Zola’s original algorithm, the final goal can be achieved even without Nick Fury.

As a qualified subordinate, Sitwell was shocked, but he still asked, "Then who will be sent?"

Just as Pierce was about to talk about the Winter Soldier, he suddenly realized that Bucky was the only Winter Soldier left, and it seemed that Tony Stark had been investigating this matter not long ago. He couldn't help but think about it, and said:

"Let the ghost go, tell her to be careful and leave no trace!"


Thinking of the elusive figure, Sitwell nodded. Although she may not be better than the Winter Soldier in general, she will definitely not be weaker than the Winter Soldier in terms of assassination.

After leaving Pierce's office, Sitwell started to make arrangements immediately, because Feeney had asked not to contact him proactively before leaving, so he didn't even think about informing Feeney about it.

At this time, Nick Fury didn't know that Pierce had sent a killer to assassinate him, and he was surprised by what Finny said about Pietro and Wanda.


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