Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 317 The position of the ether particle

Even so, the man was not angry, but forgave Jane very tolerantly, and then chatted with her in an enlightening manner.

But what he never expected was that the date still didn't go on, and a woman joined in.

Seeing this former assistant suddenly appear here, Jane was surprised and strange, while introducing her to the date who mistakenly took her as a waiter.

"Richard, this is Daisy!"

And Finny, who was hiding next to him, became serious when he saw this woman with the same name as Skye's original name. If he remembered correctly, it was time for Jane to come into contact with the Reality Gem.

After Daisy babbled and complained, under the embarrassed gazes of the two, she took out an instrument and handed it to Jane.

The development of the matter has not changed much from the original plot. Jane really can't let go of Thor directly, especially after Finney's arrival, she wants to see Thor again more than before.

So this date did not go on in the end.

Before leaving, Finny looked at the spare tire man who was sitting on the seat, trying to keep himself from being so embarrassed, and silently sympathized with him again in his heart, and then followed Jane who walked out of the restaurant quickly.

In the red car, Daisy sat in the driver's seat and waited calmly. After seeing Jane get into the car, there was no surprise on her expression.

"I hate you!"

After getting in the car, Jane glared at Daisy and said, although she knew in her heart that even without Daisy's interference, this date would not have any good results in the end.

"Why? I said he's cute!"

Daisy put on an innocent look. She knew Jane's character very well, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten the information and ran all the way to London to find Jane.

"Shut up and drive!"

Hearing this, Jane couldn't help but cursed with a smile, then fastened her seat belt, and prepared to investigate the location shown on the instrument.

Watching the car start, Feeney hid himself and followed them by flying above the car with Wukong, but they didn't expect them to chat about him in the car.

"Speaking of which, why did you ask me to collect things about the Silver Knight?"

Daisy replied while driving: "Eric said he promised SHIELD that he would not reveal any information about him, so he just told me that he is a very, very, very handsome young man."


Feeney, who was following a few people in the car, was a little speechless, but thinking that Eric had reached the point of streaking at this time, he decided to spare him once.

After hearing Daisy's words, Jane hesitated for a while, but still answered truthfully: "He came to me before!"


Daisy, who was driving the car, was so surprised when she heard it that she almost ran into another car, and Daisy's assistant in the back seat, Ian, also asked in shock, "Have you seen the Silver Knight?"

"I'm not sure if it was him, but he knew about Thor."

Jane replied, then thought for a while and added: "And he's really handsome!"

"How handsome? Is Thor handsome?"

Daisy asked a question with great interest, but Jane did not answer this question.

"Do you have a photo?"

Daisy still didn't give up, she didn't even look at the road, she turned to Jane curiously and asked.

"Drive your car well!"

Jane hurriedly scolded Daisy in fright. After seeing Daisy carefully watching the road, she frowned and said, "There is only a phone number, no photos."

Although she still doesn't know what Finny looks like, Daisy has already started to get excited, and said excitedly: "You have already caught a god, so let me give up this earthling, how about it?"

Feeney, who was following the car, couldn't help curling his lips. He couldn't deal with a girl like Daisy who was too enthusiastic. In comparison, he liked Helen Zhao's gentler kind.

"He's the Silver Knight!"

And Ian, Daisy's intern, couldn't help but said in the back seat: "I heard that the black widow of the Avengers is his girlfriend!"

Hearing his words, Feeney was instantly furious, and once again wrote down Nick Fury in the small notebook in his heart.

He is absolutely single now, and even if he is looking for a girlfriend, there is no option for Black Widow among the candidates.

But it's not easy for him to show up and explain now, so he can only continue to listen to their conversation silently.

"It's okay, I don't mind how many girlfriends he has, wouldn't it make him more powerful if there are more people!"

Perhaps it was because they felt that it was impossible for the two of them to really communicate, so Daisy, who was driving the car, said something boldly.

Jane rolled her eyes and glanced at Daisy. In fact, until now she was not sure whether Feeney was really the Silver Knight, so she never contacted Feeney.

"Give me the phone!"

Then Jane suddenly said something that made Daisy, who was driving, tremble, and asked cowardly, "You don't really want to call him, do you?"

Feeney, who was above the car, was also tense, and couldn't help but fly up a little, in case Jane would contact him next.

"Of course I want to fight!"

Jane glared at Daisy angrily, and then said: "It's just Eric who called us!"

After hearing her words, Feeney breathed a sigh of relief, kept a good distance from the car again, and waited for Jane to lead him to find the location of the ether particle seal.

However, although Jane made a phone call, Eric did not answer it. He, who was not much different from the experience in the original plot, still started running naked as in the original plot, and was taken away by the police. He should be accepting now. treat.

The car drove all the way to a remote suburb, and as soon as it arrived at the destination, Feeney noticed the difference almost immediately.

During the period when celestial bodies converge, the boundaries of the Nine Realms will become very blurred, and this is one of the boundaries. Simply put, there may be natural 'portals' leading to other realms here at any time.

Unless it is someone like Feeney who has a strong sense of space, it is extremely difficult to find the location of these 'portal gates'.

If someone wants to travel through time, just take a stroll here, and you may wear it as you walk.

After coming here, Feeney still has no intention of showing up. At this most critical moment, any of his actions may affect the change of things.

There are many teleportation points here, and the location of the teleportation is constantly changing, so it is impossible to try to find out the location of the seal of the ether particles one by one.

Only by going to the right teleportation point at the right time can he find the location of the Reality Stone.

Finny followed closely beside Jane, started the breathing method, and raised his concentration to the best state. The Reality Gem was the gem he wanted most, so he didn't want any accidents.

According to the instructions of the instrument, Fini and Jane entered this building full of "opportunities to travel through".

In addition to them, there are some bear children in the building. Due to the abnormality of space, some gravity in this area has changed.

So this group of brats regarded this place as a fun place, and fortunately they were lucky enough not to develop into a horror movie where people suddenly disappear while walking.

Uh~ When will I be able to make up the few chapters I owe, worry~ Besides, I always feel a little confused recently!

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