Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 318 Obtained Ether Particles

Afterwards, when Daisy and her assistants were having fun with the group of children at a border point with Svartalfheim, Jane took the instrument in her hand and began to check the surrounding situation.

Feeney followed her closely, feeling the space teleportation points around her, and unconsciously tensed up. If the Reality Gem entered Jane's body, he would have no way to take it out.

And Jane didn't know that there was a person beside her who had been with her in stealth for a long time. Based on the data similar to that of the original Rainbow Bridge, she thought it was Thor who came to the earth, so she looked around with anticipation and anxiety.

But it's a pity that Thor didn't come, but if she's lucky enough, maybe she can also meet a teleportation point to Asgard here.

Soon, Finny followed Jane to a corridor, and his face immediately became serious.

In his perception, there are several teleportation points around Jane. If she continues to wander around, she may start the first interstellar journey in her life.

Just as Finny was following Jane cautiously, there was a sudden suction at the end of the corridor in front of the two of them.

But what shocked Feeney was that this suction was not only pulling Jane, but also including him, and in the perception under the double blessing of 'ghost haunting' and 'breathing', he noticed that this suction seemed to be There is also a force in it.

"Reality Gem!"

This thought flashed through Finny's mind for an instant, and he became excited.

At this time, he also realized that Jane's acquisition of ether particles in the original plot should not be just a coincidence, and there must be a meaning that the reality gem wants to get out of trouble.

It's just that Jane caught up with the time and place at the right time. Maybe even without Jane, one of the group of brats might become the host of ether particles to escape.

Thinking about the reason, Feeney didn't dare to be careless. The suction of ether particles is very strong. Although he can resist it, it is an irresistible force for Jane, an ordinary woman on earth.

Because of the rush of time, Finny didn't have time to help Jane, and he was also worried that resisting the suction of ether particles would cause changes in the teleportation point.

So he just quickly rushed to Jane and stood in front of her, so that even if the past was the ether particles, he could touch them immediately.

The distance in the corridor was only a few meters, and under the effect of suction, the two of them were soon pulled to the end of the corridor.

Just as he was about to hit the wall, he went straight through the wall and came to another space like Harry Potter in the movie when he passed Nine and Three-quarters Station.

The scene changed instantly, and before Finny had time to check his surroundings, he felt empty under his feet in an instant, and hurriedly used Wukong to stabilize his figure.

Looking down, he realized that after being sucked over, he was pulled directly to the bottom of the cliff. Fortunately, he could fly, and someone else might fall to his death.

But Jane was much luckier, but she was sucked to the edge of the cliff, and she was still three or four steps away from falling.


Feeney didn't give the panicked Jane a chance to calm down and look around, and immediately used the 'Golden Diffusion Technique' to make her unconscious.

Then, after carefully placing her on the ground aside, she began to look excitedly and expectantly at the gigantic stone seal with a gap in front of her, which was faintly glowing red.

Then Finny looked around again, there were boulders erected everywhere in the dim space, and there was no sign of any living beings.

Below the seal, you can still vaguely see the imprint of Asgard's exclusive Rainbow Bridge, indicating that the boulder and the Reality Gem were directly transmitted by the Rainbow Bridge.

After confirming that there was no danger in the surrounding area, Feeney began to approach the seal nervously and slowly.

At this time, there was a gap the size of a palm on the boulder. Through the gap, Finny could clearly see a blood-red liquid that was churning and rolling inside.

Seeing this scene, Feeney finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it was not in vain to stay invisible with Jane for so long.

Looking at the ether particles in the boulder, Feeney didn't directly intend to use his body to accommodate it as in Jian Yuan's plot, but took out the breath of the white dragon from the hidden object space and stretched it in, with an inducing tone, Said softly:

"Would you like to try another environment!?"

The Breath of the White Dragon is the top weapon made by the dwarves. With its material, it is absolutely no problem to use it as a container for the next reality gem.

The liquid ether particles were churning in the crevices of the boulder, and they were unmoved by the breath of the white dragon that Finny stretched out, as if they had no interest at all.

Finny frowned, this situation was the last thing he wanted to see, because he didn't want to use his body to contain the Reality Gem.

Although his physical fitness is much stronger than that of Jane, ether particles are one of the gems of reality after all, and the energy contained in them is extremely terrifying.

Even the dark elves who made it couldn't use it all the time, so it can be seen that there is definitely a price to be paid for letting ether particles enter the body.

The most important thing is that it is easy to let it go in, but how to make it come out is a serious problem. At least Finny is not sure about getting the ether particles out of his body now.

"Come out quickly, or I will let Asgard strengthen the seal, so that you will never come out!"

Soft is not enough, Finny is trying to be hard, he knows that the Infinity Gem has a certain consciousness, although only the Soul Gem has communicated with him so far, but he believes that other gems should be able to understand him.

Facing Finney's threat, the ether particles remained unmoved, still churning back and forth in the gap.

Seeing this situation, Finny had no choice but to stare at the ether particles in front of him, gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "Okay, you win, I will let you enter my body!"

As the most wanted Infinity Stone, Finny decided to give it some preferential treatment.

Although there is no certainty to remove it from the body for the time being, Feeney believes that he will definitely find a way. Of course, the worst result is to ask spicy chicken shreds to help.

The most urgent task now is to get out the ether particles first, because he is not sure what the situation of the seal is now, whether the boulder will suddenly close, if it closes, he can only destroy the seal to get the Reality Gem again.

In this case, it will be difficult for Asgard to explain it by accident.

After finishing speaking, Finny put away the breath of the white dragon, and then lifted the evil spirit's entanglement, and stretched his palm into the edge of the gap.

Immediately, like a cat smelling fishy, ​​the ether particles happily burrowed into Finny's body along Finny's fingertips.

In the next second, he seemed to feel the disappearance of the ether particles, the seal reacted, and the boulder closed instantly. Fortunately, Finny didn't stretch his hand too far, so he quickly pulled it out before the boulder fell.

But before Finny could breathe a sigh of relief about the fate of his palm, he immediately felt the impact of the ether particles entering his body.

The dark red ether particles are wandering in his body. This is not the first time Finny has come into contact with the Infinity Stones, but it is the most special and direct one.

Huge energy slowly flowed to his body through ether particles, making Finny experience an unprecedented feeling.

But soon his face changed a little, because he discovered a very serious matter.

If this continues, he will die!


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