Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 333 Malekith's decision


Algolim nodded, he was also very surprised when he first learned the information.

The strength of the Asgardian protoss is well-known in the universe. If Finney is an Asgardian, they will only feel that they are excusable with these achievements.

But it was a shock to hear that Feeney was an Atrium man.


Malekith showed a thoughtful expression and asked, "I remember that civilization hasn't even been born there yet?"

Malekith was a race that was active in Odin's father's generation. At that time, humans on Earth should still be living a life of raw hair and blood.

"It's been so long, maybe something has changed!"

Algolim had no impression of the earth at all in his heart, but he knew that it was normal for the outside world to change after sleeping for such a long time.

"Information says that he is very strong, and the armor is extremely defensive, and the power of fire magic can kill thousands of people with a single blow. In addition to the blue-eyed white dragon, he himself has a flying ability, even And the ability to teleport through space."

Hearing what Algolim said, Malekith frowned tightly. Originally, it was difficult enough to capture ether particles in Asgard, but Finney's strength seemed to be activated. hell mode.

"You have played against him, how do you think his strength is?"

Malekith looked at Algolim and asked, Algolim is now the strongest force in his hands, if he can't beat Finney, it will be difficult to get ether particles.

Algolim didn't say who is strong and who is weak, but only made a serious promise: "I will help you bring back the ether particles!"

He has already started the sacrifice, and his life has entered the countdown. His strength will continue to grow until he dies, so even if he pays all the price, he will defeat Finny and get back the ether particles.

Malekith was a little moved, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Let's go to the atrium, I need to know his weakness!"


But Feeney didn't know that the Dark Elf had investigated his identity and was already preparing to go to Earth. On the way back, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't visited Vostagg's injury, so he turned to the hospital again.

Asgard's medical technology is very advanced, and it is a combination of magic and technology, so when Finny saw Vostagg, he had already recovered most of it.

Looking at Vostagg lying on the hospital bed, Feeney came to his bedside and asked, "How is it?"

Hearing Finey's words, Vostager immediately replied with an unhappy face: "I think I can fight that guy again now, but it's a pity they insist on me lying here!"

"Haha, I also think it's better for you to recover first!"

Finny couldn't help laughing and said something.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and Fandral and Sif, who were carrying food, walked in. After seeing Finny, they greeted each other.

The four of them sat together and couldn't help but began to chat about the dark elves before.

"How did you find out that something was wrong with that guy?"

Fandral looked at Feeney curiously and asked, Algolim was captured by the two of them personally. If Feeney hadn't discovered the anomaly, the consequences might have been much worse than now.

Of course, Feeney would not say that the original plot told him, and he said casually: "Intuition!"


Fandral showed a surprised expression, as if he didn't expect this kind of answer.

"I thought the dark elves had disappeared, but I didn't expect they still exist!" Sif said aside. Although she didn't get in touch with the battle for the first time, she arrived as soon as she received the news and provided support. .

"Yeah, I always thought they were just characters in the story!"

Fandral said in agreement.

The three of them are all the same age as Thor, so their understanding of the dark elves is limited to some stories told by their parents when they were young.

"I heard from Fandral that they came here this time because of you?"

Sif looked at Finny and asked curiously, and Fandral also showed a questioning look. Although he knew from the hall just now that the purpose of the Dark Elf's invasion was Finny, he didn't quite understand the specific and detailed reasons. .

Looking at the gazes of the two, Feeney didn't hide anything, and explained casually: "I have a weapon that is very important to them in my body, and they want to take it away, so they came to me!"


"In your body?"

The two were even more surprised, and even Vostagg, who was eating food on the hospital bed, couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Yes, a very troublesome thing!" Finny sighed, tried to control the ether particles to create a dark red model of Thor's Hammer, held it in his hand and said: "But if those dark elves get it, yes It is very dangerous for the Nine Realms!"

"What is this?"

Looking at the dark red ether particles in Finny's hands, Fandral couldn't help but reach out to touch them. Frightened, Finny quickly hid and took the ether particles back into his body.

Then he glared at Fandral and warned, "Don't touch it randomly, it's very dangerous!"

He still can't control the ether particles at will, so he can't guarantee that Fandral will be fine if he touches them.

Maybe the ether particles don't like Fandral's touch, and a sudden burst of energy will not only hurt Fandral, but may even cause the energy in his body to lose control.

Seeing that Finny reacted so strongly, Fandral withdrew his palm embarrassingly, and said, "It doesn't look like a weapon at all!"

Finny shrugged without further explanation.

"How did you get it?"

Sif also asked from the side.

"An accident!"

Feeney continued to explain with the previous reason.

But after hearing Jane, Sif's complexion changed slightly, and her eyes began to wander, apparently her mind was no longer on the ether particles.

In fact, several people have noticed the change in Sif, and they all know why she is like this.

"Speaking of which, what about Thor?"

Immediately afterwards, Fandral asked angrily.

Although Thor is the prince of Asgard, they have been friends since childhood, and the brotherhood between them is obviously higher than their status and status.

Now Vostagg is seriously injured, even Finny knows to visit, but Thor is nowhere to be seen.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Thor walked in with an embarrassed Jane.

When they saw Thor, the three of them were a little happy, but when they saw Jane next to him, their expressions changed slightly, especially Sif, who kept staring at Jane.

As Sif's best friends, Fandral and Vostagg certainly support Sif unconditionally, but their personalities don't make them hate Jane's existence at will.

And they all knew that Thor had to choose this kind of thing in the end.

As for Thor, who was a little slow to react, he didn't notice the emotional changes of the friends around him. Instead, he was a little surprised to see Finny here.


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