Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 334 Odin's Blocking

"Didn't you go to rest?"

Looking at Finny, Thor asked.

"Well, go now!"

Feeney stood up and stretched his waist and replied that he had no interest in participating in the Shura field that Thor might face next, so he was going to leave.

Thor didn't care, turned his head to look at Fandral and the others, and didn't notice Sif's complicated eyes. He happily introduced Jane and said, "Hey, everyone, do you still remember her?"

"Jane Foster, you have seen it before!"

When Thor was exiled to the earth, the three warriors and Sif all came to the earth to save Thor, and they had a relationship with Jane.


Looking at the three people in front of her, Jane said hello with some embarrassment, and the woman told her directly that the three people in front of her didn't seem to welcome her very much.

Especially Sif's strange gaze made her vaguely understand the reason.

But Jane is not an ordinary woman. It can be seen from the fact that she dared to enter the sealed place alone without any protection after Feeney left.

So although she hasn't figured out what to do in the future, she doesn't have any intention of giving in at this moment, and she holds Thor's hand tightly and returns Sif's gaze.

Looking at Thor, who was so happy that he didn't realize that his childhood sweetheart and his current girlfriend had started a secret fight, Feeney rolled his eyes helplessly. No wonder Thor lost a girlfriend at the end of the original plot.

After bidding farewell to a few people, Feeney returned to the residence of the palace.

Lying on the big soft bed in Asgard, Finny was thinking about what to do next. Without the original plot as a reference, he had no idea what would happen next.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing, condensed the ether particles into the shape of a stickman in his hands, and said earnestly: "You said I am no better than those dark elves, and following me is no better than them! ?”

While educating, Feeney controls the dark red match figure to make various actions on the palm.

After doing some thought work, looking at the ether particles that were still indifferent, Finny sighed silently, and was about to take it back.

But before taking it back, he casually asked again: "Speaking of which, if they can find your location, do you know their location?"

After asking, Feeney never thought that the ether particles would really answer, so when he saw the ether particles suddenly changing on his palm, he couldn't help being stunned for a long time.

The dark red match figure kneaded into a ball in the blink of an eye, and then transformed into a ball.

Looking at the ball in front of him, Feeney was taken aback again, a little confused, but then his face became a little ugly, because he found that the ball in his hand seemed to look more and more like the earth.

"They're on Earth!?"

Finny asked in a low voice.

But the ether particle didn't answer, just silently kept the shape of the ball and slowly rotated.

Seeing this scene, Feeney didn't feel sleepy at all, immediately took back the ether particles in his body, opened the portal and came to the Rainbow Bridge, found Heimdall and said:

"Try to see if you can find dark elves on Earth!"

Looking at Finny with an eager expression in front of him, Heimdall didn't talk nonsense. He looked at the starry sky with glowing eyes, and shook his head after a while and said, "I can't see them!"

Finny frowned tightly. The dark elf's spaceship had the function of invisibility, and Heimdall's eyes couldn't see through it.

So Heimdall didn't see it, it doesn't fully mean that the dark elves are not on the earth!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Finny's appearance, Heimdall asked.

Feeney didn't hide it from Heimdall, and explained: "The ether particles tell me that the dark elves may be on Earth!"

"Aether particles!?"

Heimdall was a little strange.

Feeney didn't say much, but summoned the ether particles into his hands and asked, "The location of the dark elves!"

The ether particles are also very face-saving, and once again transformed into the appearance of the earth in Finny's hands.

Seeing the ether particles on Finny's palm, Heimdall also frowned, and asked, "Could this be a dark elf's trap!?"

For this question, Feeney was somewhat unable to answer. The matter had deviated from the development of the original plot, and he would not be surprised by any situation.

But since the ether particles can show the appearance of the earth, even if it is a trap, it also shows that the dark elves may know something.

So Finny felt that he could no longer stay in Asgard. Although it was safe here, it would also make it difficult for the dark elves to approach.

"I gotta go!"

Looking at Heimdall, Feeney said something in a deep voice.

Heimdall looked at Feeney, and persuaded: "I think you should talk to His Majesty first and listen to his advice. I will keep watching the earth from now on, and if I find their traces, I will notify you immediately. "


Feeney let out a breath and calmed down. In fact, there is an ancient one on the earth, and the dark elves can't be arrogant, but what he is worried about is that his identity will be exposed, which will bring safety to his family and friends.

Back at the palace, Finny hurriedly found the guards, and after notifying him, he saw Odin.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Finny's anxious look, Odin was a little surprised. It was the first time he had seen Finny's expression like this.

"Dark elves may be on Earth now!"

Feeney didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point, and then summoned ether particles to demonstrate again.

Seeing the ether particles on Finny's palm, Odin's face instantly became serious. After taking a closer look, he frowned and asked, "When did you find out?"

"Just now!"

Feeney replied: "I wanted to try to communicate with it, and then asked about the location of the dark elf, and it became like this."

After carefully looking at the ether particles on Finny's palm, Odin thought for a while before replying in a deep voice: "This may be a conspiracy by the dark elves to lure you out of Asgard."

Of course Finny understands this, but to him, this matter is not so much a conspiracy as a threat, so he replied: "But they may know my identity when they go to Earth!"

Hearing Finny's words, Odin thought for a while and replied: "I will send a team of soldiers to let Heimdall teleport to Earth to investigate this matter."

Fini didn't object to Odin's decision, but he didn't want to wait any longer, so he said, "I thought about it, and I still think it's better to leave Asgard first!"

After all, the target of the dark elves is him. As long as he leaves Asgard, the dark elves will be able to sense him immediately.


After hearing Finny's words, Odin resolutely refused, and said in a deep voice, "It's safe in Asgard, don't worry, we'll take care of this matter."

Feeney's eyes turned sharp for a moment, and he stared at Odin and asked, "Are you planning to imprison me!?"


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