Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 335 Bang!

"I'm protecting you!"

Odin exudes power all over his body, looking at Fini oppressively.

As the father of the gods, the lord of Asgard, and the guardian of the Nine Realms, although he is optimistic about Finny's future and respects Gu Yi's strength, it doesn't mean he has no temper.

"What if I say no need!"

Finney looked at Odin without fear.

In fact, if he wanted to leave, with the portal and the space gem in his hands, Asgard would feel uncomfortable keeping him, but he didn't want to leave in that way.

It is my freedom to stay, and it is also my freedom to leave!

Seeing the disrespectful Finney, Odin was furious. Gungnir knocked on the ground hard and reprimanded loudly: "Finnie Helsetts!"

He had always been suspicious of Finny in his heart, so he didn't want to let Finny out of sight. Coupled with Jane's reasons recently, he was a little angry with Finny who also came from Earth.

"I want to get out of here!"

Facing the furious Odin, Feeney just reiterated it calmly.

Odin's only eye stared at Fini tightly, and the huge aura brought by the divine power pressed Fini, and said majesticly: "Do you know that if you leave, once the dark elves get ether particles, It may bring disaster to the entire Nine Realms!"

"So you think my strength can't protect ether particles, right?"

Feeney narrowed his eyes and glanced at Odin, and then said: "Actually, I have always wanted to know how big the gap in strength is between me and the father of the gods."

"I hope Your Majesty will satisfy my curiosity!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Odin to agree, he directly unsealed the True Eye of the Evil King.

"Burst, reality! Crush, spirit! Banish this world!"

A golden light burst out from Finny's eyes, and the surrounding environment changed rapidly under the golden light.


Odin looked at Finny's shining golden right eye in surprise.

"You actually controlled a dimension!?"

Looking at the changing environment around him, Odin's shocked tone was mixed with a trace of complexity. Although the way Finney opened the dimension was unknown to him, his rich experience allowed him to quickly confirm that Finney is the master of this dimension. .

The power of dimension is one of the most mysterious and powerful forces in the universe. He is not ignorant of the power of dimension, but it is because of his familiarity that he can better understand how powerful and difficult to grasp the power of dimension.

Hearing what Odin said, Feeney nodded and said politely: "Welcome to my dimension!"

Looking at Finny in front of him, Odin felt a little uneasy. He treated Finny as the most honored guest in Asgard before, and it was more because of Gu Yi's face and the outstanding performance that Finny showed. special.

But the situation is a bit different now, even without Gu Yi, he can no longer ignore Feeney, because at this moment Feeney already has the qualifications to talk to him on an equal footing.

But Odin is not a reasonable person who dares to admit mistakes, so he looked at Feeney and said in a deep voice, "Halsaces, are you really going to disregard the safety of the Nine Realms!?"

Feeney immediately sneered, and replied: "Don't say it so seriously, I just left Asgard, not to die!"

"I just want to prove that I can protect myself!"

Odin remained silent. In fact, with Finny's ability, even without this dimension, it would not be easy for the dark elves to catch him.

With the portal and the space gem in hand, there should be only a handful of people in the entire universe who can trap Finny.

Although Odin understands this, he will not admit it, so looking at Finny in front of him, he squeezed Gungnir tightly in his hand, and said seriously:

"Then let me see how powerful you are as the master of dimensions!"

"no problem!"

Feeney couldn't help but get excited. Odin is one of the two strongest people he has met so far, and the other is of course Ancient One.

Although affected by the ether particles, his strength could not be fully displayed, but Odin did not wear the Destroyer armor and rode his eight-legged steed.

What's more, he has reached his twilight years, and his strength is far from the peak level of that year.

"I'm going to attack!"

Seeing Odin standing there, not planning to make a first move, Feeney launched an attack after saying something.

Because he didn't have the equipment to be haunted by evil spirits, Finny didn't plan to fight Odin in close quarters, and Odin's gray hair made him a little awkward in close quarters combat.

So, relying on the bonus brought by the dimension, he first came to test with an explosion magic.

He wasn't worried about accidentally killing Odin. If Odin was so easy to deal with, he wouldn't be the father of the gods, the guardian of the Nine Realms.

Facing Finny's explosion magic, Odin clenched the Gungnir in his hand, and under the infusion of divine power, the spear emitted a dazzling golden energy beam, resisting the crimson flame.


With the collision of energy, the battle officially started.

Compared with the dexterous and elegant Ancient One, Odin has another fighting style, without delicate energy control and powerful fighting skills.

It was simply attacking with Gungnir.

Although the move is simple, its power is astonishing. Under the infusion of divine power, the Gungnir in Odin's hand never stopped shining, and the golden beam destroyed all of Finny's attacks.

Of course, these are nothing to Feeney. What surprised Feeney the most is that Odin somehow suppressed his control over the dimension.

In other words, it just temporarily suppressed Finny's control over a small part of the dimension around him.

"It's no loss to be the father of the gods!"

Feeney had some admiration for Odin in his heart, even if it was only in an extremely small range, it still shocked him extremely.

Because of the lack of defense against evil spirits, coupled with the scruples about the ether particles in the body, Finny didn't want to go close to fight with Odin.

As far as the distance is concerned, Odin relies on the suppression of the dimensions around him, sticks to his position, and destroys all attacks with the energy beam of Gungnir in his hand.

The battle became stalemate for a moment. In terms of long-range, Odin's firepower was not inferior to that of Finny, but in close quarters, Finny had some scruples.

Just when Finney was thinking about how to solve this problem, Odin, who was holding a gun and firing energy, suddenly changed his face, and Gungnir also dimmed.

Feeney was a little surprised. Just as he was on guard and thinking about what Odin was going to do, he suddenly saw him fall to the ground clutching his chest.

Feeney's expression changed quickly, and he hurried to Odin's side, helped him up, and watched him clutch his chest in pain, as if he wanted to say something.

"Are you OK?"

Feeney was a little anxious. It was fine if Odin died, but if Odin died because of him, then the problem would be serious.

"No... nothing."

Odin panted, and replied with difficulty, but looking at the pale and painful face, it didn't look like he was okay at all.

Seeing this, Feeney struggled for a while, but still gritted his teeth and activated the skill.

"Emperor Keke: After the Fourth!"

Beside the golden evil king's real eye, Finny's left eye also turned golden, and a golden clock also appeared beside it.

Holding the long gun in his hand, Finny poured the time value into the gun with distress, then stood up and aimed at Odin's head, amidst the shock and surprise on his face.


Pull the trigger and shoot!


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