Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 352 Feeney's Fear

"Okay, okay, I still have something to do, let's talk next time!"

After Fini answered the last few questions, he waved his hand directly, used the air dance technique to get off the ground, and flew to Gu Yi's room.

Seeing Finny flying in the air, envy flashed in the eyes of all the mages, perhaps because the portal is too convenient, so there is no such thing as flying in Kama Taj's secret art.

But when Finny came to Gu Yi's residence, he realized that Gu Yi was not in Kama Taj at this time because of the gathering of celestial bodies, but was doing protection work in the Three Great Temples with other mages.

Feeney felt the surrounding space, and he could feel that the originally thin space had begun to recover, which also indicated that the celestial body convergence would end soon.

So he thought about it, and he didn't go to the temple to find Gu Yi, anyway, it was going to be over anyway, and he probably couldn't help him in the past now, and it would be troublesome if something unexpected happened.

After all, he is carrying three infinity gems, looking at the entire universe, from birth to now, few people can achieve such a level.

After that, Feeney found his parents and Skye. When he saw the three of them, his parents were studying the introductory books of Karma Taj. Although they didn't have any talent for mages, this might as well be an interesting attempt for them.

And Skye is holding the computer and looking at the information about him on the Internet.

Although they had already received a call yesterday and knew that Fini was safe and sound, they didn't really feel relieved until they saw Fini with their own eyes.

In the room, Skye was also very curious about the dark elves, and asked Finny various questions: "Where is that spaceship? It is said on the Internet that it suddenly disappeared. Did the dark elves drive away?"

"of course not!"

Finny shook his head, then took out the shrunken dark elf spaceship from the space, and said, "It's too big, so I shrunk it down to make it easier to carry."

Looking at the spaceship that looked like a model toy in Finny's hands, Skye opened his mouth in surprise and asked, "You mean this is that spaceship?"


Finny said, and handed over the spaceship casually.

Carefully taking the spaceship from Finny, Skye put it on the table and looked at it carefully, and then continued to ask: "How did you do it? It's a new ability?"

In her impression, Finny seemed to have several new abilities every once in a while, and she was no longer surprised by this situation.

Feeney shrugged and explained: "I know a scientist, this is his technology!"

Hearing that it is the power of science, Skye was a little surprised, but now several batches of aliens from Earth have come, so she was not too surprised, and then asked: "Then can it be restored?"


Finny nodded.

"So we now have a spaceship?"

Skye's expression began to look a little excited, and Finny knew that Skye had been looking forward to an interstellar trip since he left Earth a few times.

Looking at the excited Skye, Finny decided to pour cold water on her: "I'm sorry to tell you that although there is a spaceship, we don't have a suitable pilot!"


Skye suddenly showed a disappointed expression, and only then did she remember that the spaceship belonged to those dark elves.

Looking at Skye's appearance, Finny couldn't help but give her some hope: "But Tony Stark shouldn't be able to figure out how it works in a short time!"

Skye's expression suddenly changed from disappointment to surprise again.

The change in Skye's expression made Finny want to laugh, and then he shook his head and said: "But if you go to the universe, you probably won't be able to drive this spaceship. The spaceship designed by Tony is already being manufactured, and it should be able to speed up the process." A lot of progress."

Even if he figured out how to drive the spaceship, Feeney didn't feel at ease driving the spaceship to the universe. After all, there were still some dark elves surviving. He valued the various technologies in the spaceship more.

Skye doesn't really care what spaceship she takes, she just wants to go to the universe with Finny.

After chatting about the spaceship for a while, Finny suddenly remembered that Skye seemed to be paying special attention to his online information, so he wanted to ask Skye's opinion on the exposure of his identity.

"By the way, do you think I will reveal my identity if I don't wear armor this time?"

Hearing Finny's words, Skye's face suddenly became worried, nodded and said: "I found that many people are investigating you, and there are people on the black market offering a sky-high price to reward your identity. A lot of people want to get the bonus."

"A reward!?"

It was the first time for Feeney to know about this, so he couldn't help showing a touch of curiosity, and asked, "How much?"

Skye said a number, which made Feeney stunned, and asked again after a long time: "Are you sure!?"

Skye nodded, also taken aback when she first learned the amount.

"I did some research and found that it was jointly funded and released by many wealthy businesswomen. It seems that they just want to know your identity and come to contact you."

In addition to her awakened superpowers, Skye also possesses top-notch hacker skills. With the equipment, there are not many people on the Internet who are her opponents.

Looking at Feeney who was full of astonishment, Skye suddenly showed a smile in his eyes and said, "Do you want to know who they are?"

Although aware of Skye's strangeness, Finny couldn't help but nodded curiously.

Skye came to the computer, and after clicking the keyboard with his slender fingers, he handed the computer to Finny and said, "It's them!"

Feeney looked at the screen. Even the left eye full of time power and the right eye full of dimensional power could not resist the terrifying damage from the photos in the computer.


Looking at those hot-eyed photos, Feeney immediately threw out the thought of the bounty Weiwei before out of the universe. At this moment, he decided not to reveal his identity no matter what.

"I think this is an extremely serious problem!"

Looking at Skye, who suppressed a smile, although Finny suspected that she had tampered with the photo, but being able to grow into such a terrifying appearance showed that she was not very good-looking.

"I want to hold a press conference to stop them from continuing to investigate my identity!"

Skye, who was holding back her laughter, was stunned. Although she thought that Feeney's reaction would be great, she didn't expect that Feeney planned to hold a press conference.

Seeing Finny with a serious face that didn't look like he was joking, Skye also put away his smile and asked worriedly, "But is this okay?"

"Try it before you talk!"

Feeney is not sure that it will be useful. If it is not possible, he will consider using some unconventional methods. After seeing the power of photos, he no longer has the mentality that it doesn't matter if he is exposed.

It can be seen that on this earth, Feeney is not fearless, at least these rich women made Feeney feel fear for the first time.

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