Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 353 Troublesome ether particles

Although a decision has been made, Feeney is not in such a hurry that the meeting will be held immediately, and he also has to consider an alternate plan if this method fails.

Speaking of identity, Skye thought of the armor, and quickly found the long sword in the room and returned it to Finny.

Looking at the evil spirits in front of him, Feeney sighed silently. If it wasn't because he couldn't equip the armor, he wouldn't be in so much trouble now.

After canceling the skills casually, Feeney began to discuss with Skye about holding a press conference.

In the process of being with his family, Finny didn't feel the passage of time, so he didn't realize that the celestial body convergence was over until Gu Yi came back in the afternoon.

"What's the matter?"

Feeney found the mage who participated in the protection work together and asked curiously.

The mage who was asked shook his head and replied: "With the protection of the supreme mage and the power of the three holy temples, no dimensional demon god dares to invade the earth."

Hearing that there was no battle, Fini found Gu Yi and wanted to ask her if she could solve the problem of ether particles.

"Has the matter of the dark elves been resolved?"

Seeing Feeney, Gu Yi also asked.

"A few escaped, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

Feeney briefly talked about the matter from the beginning to the end, and then talked about the situation of the ether particle: "It is still absorbing my vitality, and at the current speed of overflowing energy, it will be beyond my control in about a week. , Exploding my body."

"Now I mainly rely on time regression to limit the energy burst, but there is no way to take it out."

Hearing Finny's words, Gu Yi walked over with a slight frown, and stretched out his palm to check Finny's body.

But just when it touched Finny's skin, a burst of dark red energy burst out, and most of the things in the room were destroyed by the energy. Even Gu Yi couldn't resist the energy and was blown away.


At the same time as the energy erupted, Finny instantly felt a wave of weakness. He knew that this was the effect of the ether particles suddenly absorbing a large amount of his vitality.

Before he had time to think about it, Finny immediately summoned Emperor Keke, consumed the time value, and shot himself in the head, which stabilized the rioting energy in his body.

Feeling his body stabilized, Feeney was slightly relieved, and hurried to check on Gu Yi's situation.

Although he was accidentally knocked into the air by the energy burst of ether particles, Gu Yi was the Supreme Mage after all, so he didn't suffer any injuries. He was looking at him with a serious expression at this moment.

At this moment, there was a burst of footsteps outside the house, and there was such a big movement that many mages in Kama Taj felt the situation.

And some mages who had just returned hadn't taken off the hanging ring, and rushed over with the portal open.

"Holy Master!"

"Ancient Master, are you alright?"

Seeing the mess in the room, the mages who rushed over were all surprised, and Modu's face became more vigilant, and asked, "Is it the enemy?"



Gu Yi stopped Modu's vigilance, shook his head and said: "I was researching an item with Master Finney, and it accidentally became like this. It's okay, you go out first!"

Modu looked at Fenny who hadn't had time to release Emperor Keke yet, with a look of worry on his face, but he followed the order and left the house with the other mages.

After Modu and a group of mages left, Finny put away Ke Kedi, looked around in embarrassment, and apologized to Gu Yi: "I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Do not blame you!"

Gu Yi shook his head, frowned and said, "It's very sensitive and extremely resistant to my power, maybe I can't help you take it out."

Hearing this, Feeney was stunned for a while, and began to feel really worried.

He hadn't shown any worry about the ether particles before. Apart from the reason of Emperor Keke, another part of the factor was that he believed that the ancient one would have a way.

But now Gu Yi actually said no, which made him feel a little urgent.

"Even you can't get it out?"

Feeney couldn't help but confirm it again.

"The energy it contains is extremely large, and it is very resistant to other forces. If you are willing to risk being blown up by the energy, maybe you can let me have a try."

Hearing Gu Yi's explanation, Feeney quickly shook his head, he didn't want to experience what it felt like to explode.

Knowing the reason, Finny's expression became worried. He didn't expect that it would be so easy to let ether particles enter the body, but it would be so difficult to let them go out.

Seeing Fei Ni's appearance, Gu Yi also sighed, and said: "If you want to gain power, you often have to bear the price it brings."

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Feeney was a little helpless. He originally wanted to use the Reality Gem to increase his strength, but he didn't expect that after getting the ether particles, his strength would not increase but decrease.

Without the protection of the evil spirits, his defense was greatly reduced, and he had to shoot himself from time to time to ensure that he would not be exploded by the energy in his body.

However, Feeney also understands that when the ether particles are restored into real gems, the situation may be better, but each gem has requirements for use, and there may be various accidents at that time.

It's not that Gu Yi didn't care about Fei Ni's life or death, and she tried twice more, but in the end she couldn't help Fei Ni take out the ether particles in his body, so she could only give suggestions.

"Asgard is the old enemy of the dark elves. Maybe they can find a way to help you, and there are many developed civilizations in the universe. You can also try to find solutions in other civilizations."

After hearing this, Finny sighed in his heart. Although he knew that it was the safest and easiest way to ask Asgard to help him, he actually didn't want Asgard to help him take out the ether particles.

At present, the issue of the ownership of the ether particles has not yet been settled. After all, the things are in his body, and the most important thing is to take them out first.

If Asgard were to help him take out the ether particles, then they would have an advantage in terms of the ownership of this thing.

The ether particles were originally sealed by Asgard, and if they help take them out of the body, it would indirectly save his life.

No matter how thick-skinned Finny is, he is embarrassed to completely ignore Asgard's opinion and take it as his own.

Moreover, no one can understand the stubborn old man Odin's thoughts. Maybe he will feel that he has too many Infinity Gems and strongly urge him not to keep the Reality Gems.

If possible, Feeney actually didn't want to use Asgard to take out the ether particles in his body. He didn't refuse to check before, and it was mainly because of Frigg's face.

Fortunately, the time to find a solution is not so urgent. As long as there is no abnormal situation, the ether particles will not run away casually.

So Feeney decided to solve the immediate identity problem first, and then go all out to find a way to take out the ether particles.

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