God's Punishment Knight is going to hold a press conference!

When hearing the news, everyone's first reaction was to joke, but when they learned that the news came from S.H.I.E.L.D., everyone went crazy.

This is the first time that Feeney is about to appear in a non-accidental way.

As the strongest and most mysterious superhero in the world, he has always aroused people's curiosity since his debut with Tony. The previous battle in New York and the dark elf incident just made this curiosity even more reached its peak.

And this reception was like a big meal set out among a group of extremely hungry people.

For a while, journalists inexplicably became the most enviable profession in the world, because they will soon have the opportunity to see Feeney up close and even have a conversation.

At the same time, agents and spies from all over the world also began to act one after another. Previously, Feeney was elusive, no one knew his identity and location, and there was no chance to communicate at all. This reception gave them hope and wanted to contact and win over Feeney. .

Therefore, the impact of this reception far exceeded Feeney's expectations, and also exceeded the expectations of Nick Fury who suggested Feeney do so.

When it was announced that the venue was New York, USA, within an hour, there were suddenly thousands of dangerous people of unknown origin in New York.

And there are more and more people who are all rushing towards this city.

The new base of S.H.I.E.L.D., the director's office.

Several holographic projections are questioning Nick Fury.

"What does he want to do, and you, Nick Fury, do you know what you're doing? We didn't let you keep S.H.I.E.L.D. to make you mess around!"

Hearing the reprimand from his superiors, although Nick Fury didn't expect things to turn out like this, he still replied calmly: "Sir, this is not random, I think it is a very necessary thing!"

"I hope you have a reasonable explanation!"

Looking at the serious-faced seniors in front of him, Nick Fury asked calmly: "Why do you think he can cause such a big commotion by holding a press conference!?"

Without waiting for a few people to answer, Nick Fury continued: "Because he is mysterious, people want to know him!"

The brows of several people were still frowning, but none of them interrupted Nick Fury.

"And this press conference is an opportunity for people to get to know him. As long as he is no longer mysterious, his influence will gradually dissipate."

Hearing Nick Fury's explanation, several people did not fully agree, and one of them asked: "Then what if his influence expands because of this?"

"Will not!"

Although Nick Fury also had this kind of worry in his heart, he still expressed his promise in front of his superiors, saying: "SHIELD will strictly control all reporters and questions at this reception!"

After listening to Nick Fury's explanation, the faces of several people finally looked better, but they still felt a little dissatisfied with Nick Fury's self-assertive behavior.

"No exception, and we don't want to see any more surprises in New York!"

After being reprimanded for a while, in the last sentence of warning, several people turned off the call of the holographic projection one after another.

Watching several people disappear, Nick Fury sat back on his chair, thinking about the press conference in his mind, but his explanation just now was not complete.

The reason why Finny has such an amazing influence is that besides being mysterious, the more important reason is that Finny is powerful enough. The power to destroy the world makes people fear Finny while adoring him, so I want to Get to know him, explore him.

Looking at the problems reported by his subordinates on the computer, Nick Fury felt a little headache. Although he had made some preparations before releasing the news, it seems that these preparations are obviously not enough.

On the other hand, Feeney also noticed that his announcement of the press conference seemed a bit loud this time, but it was not as clear as Nick Fury.

From the information on the Internet, he can already clearly feel that the topic of people's discussion of him has shifted from his identity to this reception.

After the news spread, Tony also called to inquire about the situation immediately: "Do you want to be like me?"

Feeney understood what Tony meant, and he was the one who announced Iron Man in front of a large group of reporters.

"Of course not, I just don't want them to continue to investigate my identity, so stand up and let me know!"

Hearing Finny's explanation, Tony's smart IQ immediately understood the purpose of the reception, but he sighed and said, "Actually, as long as you don't confess your identity, they will still investigate sooner or later!"

"One day later is one day!"

Feeney felt that as long as he survived the most dangerous years on the earth, and then he showed up less often, with the inertia of human beings, he might be forgotten in a short time.

Or when he grows up and the effect of the Golden Diffraction Technique can affect the entire human race on Earth, then he won't have to care about his identity.

Tony actually understood Finny's thoughts that he didn't want to expose.

Just like Billy before, the exposure of his identity may be nothing to himself, but the situation of relatives and friends will become very dangerous.

So Tony didn't say much. After chatting a few words about the spaceship, he hung up the phone.

Putting away the phone, Finny's mood became a little more nervous because of the reception soon, but when he looked at the other person in the room, the nervousness suddenly turned into worry.

At this time, Thor was lying on the sofa drinking beer and watching the bloody love drama on TV, moved his nose and tears.

"It's disgusting..."

While drinking beer, Thor said indignantly: "They love each other so much, why do these people break them up!"

Seeming to be getting more and more angry, Thor sat up directly from the sofa, and slapped Finny's desk with a slap.


How could an earth-quality table withstand the wrathful blow from Asgard's thunder god, and disintegrate directly under this palm.

Seeing Finny walking over with a blank expression, Thor looked a little embarrassed, and wanted to put down the beer in his hand, but seeing the table that had become a pile of wood, he finally held it in his hand and said:

"I pay!"

Feeney didn't feel sorry for a table, after all, the money that Frigg gave him back then should be enough to buy 100 million tables. What he was worried about was that he couldn't let Thor continue like this.

At this time, there is still some time before the press conference starts. Feeney thought about it, and felt that before that, it would be better to solve Thor's problem by the way.

"I feel that as a friend, I really can't ignore the major events in your life. How about we meet Miss Foster first?"

Hearing Finny's words, Thor's face was surprised at first, and then immediately became overjoyed, and immediately said: "Of course, thank you, Finny, I knew you were my best brother!"


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