Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 364 New Year

When Feeney introduced Banner to Helen Zhao, perhaps because they were equally good, the two unexpectedly got along very well.

Needless to say, Helen Zhao, because Feeney asked her to study the Mind Stone, she has become a world-renowned genius and beautiful doctor. She even said that she created Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

As for Banner, those seven doctorate degrees alone are enough to prove how powerful his knowledge is. Even if Hulk is left aside, he is definitely one of the most powerful people on earth.

And the cooperation between the two did bring some surprises to Feeney. The two successfully extracted a small part of the ether particles.

It's a pity that there was something wrong with the device carrying the ether particles at that time, which led to an energy explosion. If Feeney hadn't reacted quickly and protected the two of them in time, Helen Zhao might have been injured.

As for Banner, with Hulk in his body, there is a high probability that there will be no problem.

But after this time, the ether particles seemed to develop resistance, and the two tried the same method again but failed to separate successfully.

For this reason, Feeney borrowed Shu Rui again, and the three of them, together with some of Wakanda's resources and technology, still failed to help Feeney take out the ether particles in the end.

On the contrary, it caused the ether particles to become irritable, and now they showed signs of erupting with a slight touch, so that Feeney didn't dare to try again.

This also made Finny give up on solving the problem of ether particles on the earth. After all, if he continued to try, he would not only cause problems for himself, but also easily cause harm to Su Rui and Zhao Helen, who are ordinary people.

So he thought about whether to go to Asgard after the New Year and try again, or just wait for Tony to build a spaceship and go to the universe.

In this kind of entanglement, time passed by little by little, and the new year is about to usher in.

It is worth mentioning that in terms of identity, more and more people no longer pursue this matter after the golden extension technique at his press conference and the secret control of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although there are still many people secretly investigating, but with the warnings and obstructions of SHIELD, they are basically within the control range.


"It's almost New Year's Eve!"

In the room, looking at Thor on the sofa not far away, Feeney sighed with emotion.

After the celestial body gathering ended for a period of time, Finny picked up his parents and Skye from Karma Taj. After all, they were not even mages, and they couldn't stay in this mage's holy place forever.

With the end of the New York incident, the Hydra incident, and the Dark Elf incident, except for the possible Dormammu incident, New York, or the earth, will usher in a relatively peaceful period.

So Feeney didn't let his parents leave New York, but let them return to this familiar city, bought them a new house and settled them in a new home by the way.

As for why they don’t stay together, first of all, he is already an adult, and it’s not appropriate to continue living with his parents. In addition, the ether particles in his body become prone to riots during the experiment, and he is worried that he will accidentally hurt them.

Finally, there is Thor. Under the order of Odin, Thor wants to monitor his body, so if he wants to live together, he must also bring Thor.

But even though they don't live together, the newly bought house is very close to each other, and they can be there as soon as any problem arises.

"Any questions?"

Hearing Finny's emotion, Thor turned his head away from the TV slightly, and asked curiously.

"No, I just feel that time flies by quickly!"

Feeney sighed again, then looked at Thor and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, is Asgard celebrating the New Year?"

"Of course, but the time seems to be different from that on Earth, and we usually don't really celebrate until a hundred years!"

Hearing Thor's explanation, Feeney was not surprised. After all, Asgardians have different life spans and different concepts of time.

However, Finny's topic also aroused Thor's interest a lot, and he continued to ask: "How is the New Year on Earth?"

"Every place has different customs and methods, but it's a very lively day."

Feeney replied with a smile. After seeing Thor's look of anticipation and curiosity, he couldn't help saying: "And it's very suitable for spending time with family and friends. You can go to Miss Foster that day. She should be very happy." happy."


Mentioning the topic of Jane, Thor straightened his body slightly, looking surprised.

Feeney nodded. He definitely wanted to be with his family that day, and he couldn't say no to taking Thor with him, but it was obviously a better choice for him to accompany Jane.

In this way, in Thor's anticipation, time finally slowly came to the day when the new year came.

After opening a portal and sending Thor, who was full of anticipation and excitement, to Jane's home, Finny also came to his parents' new home.

In the process of being with their families, time always flies by, and before they know it, it is New Year's Eve, and in the last few hours, they will usher in the New Year.

After they had arranged the room for a day, it looked very festive, and the table was filled with sumptuous dishes to welcome the arrival of the New Year.

During the meal, Feeney's mother remembered what happened last year, and couldn't help asking: "Speaking of which, Feeney, how did you live this time last year?"

Feeney was taken aback for a moment, and then replied truthfully: "I lived with a skeleton and gems!"

Last year, he was sent to Vormir by the space gem and could not come back. At that time, only the soul gem and the red skull accompanied him.

Wanting to bring the Red Skull, Feeney couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He clearly agreed to be the leader of the Red Skull, but he still watched and even accelerated the demise of Hydra himself.

But if Hydra doesn't disappear, the whole world will not be stable, and Feeney doesn't have the energy and time to change this organization.

While thinking about when to visit the Red Skull again to make up for his guilt, Feeney changed the topic to another direction.

In the joy and harmony of the family, it came late at night.

In order to welcome the arrival of the new year, Fini and the others did not sleep, not only them, but most of them were waiting for the arrival of the new year, sending their first blessings to those around them.

With the countdown, when the clock strikes midnight, a new year arrives.

Feeney also expressed the first blessings of the New Year to each other with the family members beside him.

Hearing the cheers and celebrations outside the window, Finny suddenly felt a little emotional.

He lived another year!

Ever since he knew that this world was a dangerous Marvel world, he began to worry about his survival. Even though there was a system at that time, he was still worried about whether he could survive.

Until today, he has drawn nine skills, learned various spells, and even possessed three infinite gems. When he can be called a strong man in the universe, he really relaxed a lot.

Hey, I owe a lot of chapters. . .

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