Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 365 Spaceship

Not long after the new year, Thor was finally recalled to Asgard. Although he was reluctant to go back, he understood that there were still many problems to be solved if he wanted to be truly with Jane, so he chose to leave in the end.

And when the new year came, Feeney still hadn't successfully taken out the ether particles.

Even though Zhao Hailun and Su Rui are the top talents on the earth no matter who they pull out, the technological level of the earth is too backward. Compared with the dark elves who have reached the peak civilization, they cannot be compared at all.

So Feeney also began to think about letting them give up the research and find other solutions.

For him at present, there are mainly two directions.

The simpler thing is to go to Asgard and receive treatment together. With Asgard's technological level, it should only be a matter of time before it is resolved.

Some time ago, Thor actually conveyed the news asking him to go to Asgard to do some experiments, but because of concerns about distribution after taking it out, Feeney has been delaying it.

There is basically no hope for the earth now, and it's time for Finny to think about it.

Apart from Asgard, his other choice is to go to other planets in the universe. Although it will be accompanied by certain dangers, after taking out the ether particles, the issue of ownership can take advantage.

Rationally speaking, Finney knew that finding Asgard was the best choice.

After all, the issue of the ownership of the ether particles is only his own concern, and this issue has not been discussed, and he will only know the details after talking about it.

But once this issue is brought up, if it is not discussed, then things will be much more troublesome.

If Asgard insists on not giving up the ether particles, it will definitely have a great impact on the process of taking it out, so he has never spoken to Asgard about it.

Although he fought Odin in the dimensional space before, Odin didn't use his full strength in that battle, and finally ended the battle because of a physical accident.

So about Odin's strength is still a mystery.

And Finny didn't want to really fight to the death with Asgard. First of all, Gu Yi probably wouldn't allow him to do this, and second, he didn't have any reason for this matter.

The ether particles were originally sealed by Asgard. Although his entry "accidentally" led to his being possessed, if Asgard helped to take it out, it should be returned.

Finny had spent so much effort and risked so much, it was impossible to return the Reality Stone no matter what.

So after struggling for two days, Feeney still decided to speed up the spaceship building first!

As for Asgard, he plans to delay it for a while. If Asgard really finds a way to take it out, then he will first frankly explain the issue of ownership after taking it out.

If the spacecraft is built first, then he will go to the universe to have a look.

After making the decision, Finny immediately started to act. He didn't let Tony continue to study how to take out the ether particles, but found the spaceship that he told him that he was going to start researching the dark elves.

"Then what about your body?"

Tony also learned the results of the inspection from Banner and Helen Zhao, and he knew in his heart that if this continued, sooner or later there would be problems with Feeney.

"It's okay, it's okay to delay for a while. When the spaceship is built, let's go to other planets to find technology!"

Feeney shook his head. In fact, as long as the ether particles are not stimulated, the impact on him is not too serious.

And as the ether particles stayed in the body for a long time, his mastery level gradually increased.

Although it is still a huge problem not to be able to equip the haunted ghost, but with his current strength, even without the haunted ghost, it is enough to solve most of the troubles.

Tony thought for a while in silence. Although he was not an expert in medicine, he understood that the current technical level limited Banner and the others to help Feeney take out the ether particles.

So he quickly agreed with Feeney's decision, but still asked with concern: "Are you sure nothing will happen to your body?"


Feeney nodded. If the current situation is used to make predictions, if there is no accident, his time value will actually last for more than ten years without any problem.

Hearing Finny's not-so-affirmative answer, Tony felt a sense of urgency.

In the past, it was Feeney who saved him, but now that Feeney finally suffered a life-threatening situation, he also wanted to help Feeney and pay back.

Regarding the matter of the spacecraft, Feeney did not involve other people, especially S.H.I.E.L.D.

Feeney has never forgotten that Nick Fury is on guard against him. Although he is very confident in his own strength, he is not blindly arrogant, so he will never let S.H.I.E.L.D.

When all the technology of the spacecraft is clarified, Feeney may consider sharing part of the technology with S.H.I.E.L.D. as appropriate.

In the industrial base not far from Stark's spaceship manufacturing, there are only Feeney and Tony in the steel suit in the spacious factory building.

Watching Finny take out the toy model-like spaceship and put it on the ground, Tony couldn't help but said, "I went back and investigated, it should be Pym particles, right?"

Feeney looked at Tony in surprise, but didn't lie to him, and replied, "Yes, he doesn't have a good relationship with your father, so I ask you not to let you study it."

"It's just shrinking and magnifying the distance of Molecular Jane!"

Hearing this, Tony curled his lips with a look of disdain, but he didn't intend to study it again.

Feeney looked at Tony, amused in his heart, and then reminded: "Okay, stand a little farther away!"

Tony activated the battle armor and flew to the distance, and Finny also used the dance technique to float into the air, then took out the remote control and pressed the recovery button.

The originally tiny spaceship was enlarged back to its original appearance in a few breaths, and Feeney, who was a little nervous in case he couldn't recover, was relieved.

Seeing the recovery of the spaceship, Tony was not so curious about Pym particles, and immediately focused on the spaceship in front of him.

"Those long ears are really tasteless!"

As for the shape of the spaceship, Feeney didn't want to comment too much, but he really didn't like this shape.

Coming to the entrance of the spaceship, looking at the closed hatch, Finny looked at Tony.

Although they had entered the spaceship before, it was a dilapidated spaceship after being bombarded by explosion magic. According to Emperor Keke's time regression, the spaceship has been fully restored at this time, including the gate.

"Jarvis, time to work!"

Seeing Finny's gaze, Tony whistled, gave Jarvis an order, and stepped forward to crack the door.

Although Tony is not very good at medical treatment, but in terms of mechanics and physics, Tony is undoubtedly the most talented existence on Earth, especially since he has entered the interior before and studied the spaceship system once.

So without making Finny wait long, Tony opened the hatch of the spaceship.

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