Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 366 Research

Entering the interior of the spaceship, the two came to the main control room with ease due to their previous experience.

In the dim control room, watching Tony start operating on the computer, Feeney also came to the edge of the console to look at the interior of the spacecraft.

The last time I came here, I was only focused on searching for the dark elves, and the damage was serious, so I didn't take a good look at the appearance of this spaceship.

In terms of style, the interior of the dark elves' spaceship fits their name very well, except that it is dark and the lighting is seriously insufficient.

After saying hello to Tony, Finny wandered around in the spaceship, and under the time regression of Kekedi, the spaceship did not look damaged at all.

During the exploration, Fini came to a place where there were rows of devices. If nothing else, Fini felt that this should be the place where the dark elves had been dormant before.

Finney didn't know how long the lifespan of the dark elves was, but it certainly wouldn't be infinite, otherwise they wouldn't use the method of deep sleep.

And these dormant devices can allow the dark elves to survive for thousands of years, which shows the power of technology.

Feeney also carefully observed these devices, but with his level of knowledge, he couldn't understand the structure and principle at all. He could only pin his hopes on Tony, hoping that he could understand these technologies.

Moving on, Finny came to a place similar to an armory.

There weren't too many remaining weapons inside. The group of dark elves took some of them with them when they fled, and then blew up the place, but under the effect of the 'Fourth Bullet', it was restored.

The weapons taken away could not be reproduced, but those that were blown up were restored to their original appearance.

Feeney was a little thankful that he went back in time to the spaceship after everyone came out. If these weapons were seen by the Black Widow, Nick Fury might bother him.

Picking up those weird-shaped weapons and looking at them, Feeney didn't dare to test them in the spaceship, so he planned to take some time out and try them out.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly saw a small box in the corner. After walking over to open it, his face suddenly became pleasantly surprised, because the box was full of grenades, and he knew it.

It was the space grenade that killed Malekith.

Fini had seen the power of the grenade with his own eyes, and he didn't dare to resist that kind of damage, so he was very happy to find this box of grenades.

"Put it away, put it away!"

Finny carefully took out the grenades from the box, and then put them all into the space of the Hidden Object Art, twenty-five in total.

Looking at the empty box, Feeney was very happy. This added another card to his hole. The dark elves have disappeared for so many years. Not many people know about this grenade. It might be used for sneak attacks. result.

Feeney continued to explore with anticipation, and later discovered some aircraft and small warships recovered by time travel.

The number of dark elves who escaped was small, and it was impossible to drive away all of them. They could only destroy them when they left.

But they obviously didn't expect that Finny had such unreasonable skills as Ke Kedi, so all these destroyed things were restored under the power of time.

After searching the entire spaceship, Feeney returned to the control room contentedly. Compared with the last time he came, this search was like a treasure hunt.

Tony was still concentrating on cracking the spaceship's system in the control room, and Feeney didn't bother, quietly counting the gains in the spaceship.

It took far longer for Tony to crack the ship's systems than Finny expected.

It wasn't until a week passed that Tony successfully cracked part of the spacecraft's systems, but he still couldn't control all the functions of the spacecraft.

"Although those long ears are not very aesthetically pleasing, their skills are quite impressive!"

Hearing Tony's praise, Feeney rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but said, "Help me find out if there is anything about ether particles?"

In fact, he studied the spaceship first because he hoped that Malekith would leave content about ether particles in the spaceship, even if it wasn't about taking it out, it would be fine for manipulating it.

But when he heard Feeney's question, Tony sighed and replied, "There are only records about tracking signals!"

In fact, even if Feeney didn't mention it, he also searched for information about ether particles immediately after the system was cracked, but unfortunately there was no other content except the record of the dark elves looking for Feeney.

Hearing this, Finny was a little disappointed, but his original goal was the technology on this spaceship, so he didn't care too much. Looking at Tony with a silent face, he comforted: "It's okay, it's normal if you don't have one."

"Let's study what technologies on the spacecraft can be used for reference first!"

Seeing Feeney's expression of indifference, Tony didn't say much, and he understood that if he wanted to solve Feeney's problem now, he had to hurry up to build a spaceship and go to the universe to find new technologies.

Then they began to study the spacecraft.

Speaking of being together, in fact, it is mainly Tony himself who is doing the research. Although he is considered a genius in school, he is only compared with ordinary people. If he is placed in Tony's category, he is far behind.

So looking at Tony who was busy alone, Feeney thought about it, and finally pulled Banner and Helen Zhao over to help.

Banner will go to the universe with him this time, and he also hates the military and S.H.I.E.L.D., so it doesn't matter if he participates.

And Zhao Hailun is his person, although he still has some other small thoughts about him, but in terms of trust, Feeney feels that there is no problem.


"Is this the spaceship of aliens?"

Zhao Hailun looked at the huge spaceship in front of her excitedly and nervously. She never dreamed that one day she would have the opportunity to enter an alien spaceship.

And Banner has experienced a lot, and he fought Chitauri during the Battle of New York. Although Hulk did it, he can be regarded as him to a certain extent, so he is very calm at this time.

Out of the habit of running away all the year round, after looking at the spaceship in front of him, Banner immediately searched for other people around and the escape exit.

Noticing Banner's actions, Feeney explained: "Don't worry, we are the only ones here, Tony has already transferred everyone."

Hearing Feeney's explanation, Banner smiled awkwardly, and Helen Zhao also heard Feeney tell about Banner's situation, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Then Feeney took the two into the spaceship.

Tony also welcomed Banner and Helen Zhao very much. He had already seen Helen Zhao's level of knowledge when he helped Finny study how to take out the ether particles together.

And he also knew that it was Helen Zhao who helped Pietro and Wanda develop their superpowers.

As for Banner, needless to say, the two of them were friends. Even though Banner insisted on leaving, the current Stark Tower still retains his laboratory.


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