Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 389 Rat Tail Juice

In addition to Thanos' subordinates and those of Pastokas's friends who took the initiative to kill, there is another person who also cares about Finney very much.

In the collection hall, Tanya Tiwan carefully observed the sacrificial gemstone in his hand, and then the maid Serena came over and said cautiously:

"Master, I have found his location, and he has three companions!"


Tiwan didn't look up, but just responded, still looking at the sacrificial gem in his hand.

Seeing Tiwan's appearance, Serena was very scared. She knew that once Tiwan was unhappy, the consequences would be terrible.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at a newly added glass cabinet not far away, in which was a bald man of the same race as her, and then hurriedly continued:

"He is from a low-level civilization on the earth. He claims to be a mage. He has flying, space ability and fire magic. He also has a very powerful armor. He once brought a huge monster alone and wiped out the entire Zeta. Rui Fleet, and has a good relationship with the Asgardians, helped them quell many civil turmoil, and used fire magic to kill tens of thousands of enemies in Vanaheim, known as the 'White Butcher'!"

If Finny was here, he would be a little surprised to hear this information, not the content of the information, but the speed at which this information was collected.

Hearing this, Tiwan finally raised his head, and asked with a slight frown: "Only these?"

Serena immediately lowered her head, hiding the panic and fear in her eyes, and replied: "Yes... yes, master!"

But Tiwan ignored her, looked at the sacrificial gemstones on the table, got up and frowned, and said Fini's name again: "Fini Halsetts..."

Although there are fragments of ether particles in the sacrificial gem, that is, the residue of the reality gem, it is not a reality gem after all.

And what Tiwan wants to collect is the real Infinity Stone.

Although in the previous transaction, Finny pretended not to know the appearance of the Reality Gem, but Tiwan lived for an unknown amount of time and had great experience in observation.

So he saw through Finny's lies at that time, so he felt that Finny probably knew the whereabouts of the Infinity Stone, that is, the Reality Stone.

It was also for this reason that he quoted a very high price for the sacrificial gems, and he also gave the money in a proper manner, trying to induce Finny to sell the information on the infinite gems.

But it was a pity that he didn't get what he wanted in the end. Feeney accepted the money, but he didn't intend to sell the information.

Tiwan also hesitated to keep Finny at that time, but thinking of Finny's unobservable future and the precious collections around him, he still didn't do it lightly in the end.

In fact, Tiwan is not completely ignorant of the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones. For example, the Space Stones are in the hands of Odin in Asgard. Many people in the universe know about this.

But Odin's strength is there, and Asgard can't be easily provoked.

But he knew that Odin's lifespan was approaching, and he wouldn't be able to live for long. After Odin died, someone would definitely try to make space gems, so he was not in a hurry.

But the whereabouts of the other gems are really unclear to Tiwan, and Finney was the first person he met with relevant information.

It's just that Finny's strength was a bit beyond his expectations, so much so that he began to doubt that Finny even had an infinite gem.

It's a pity that Tiwan didn't know that there was not just one gem on Feeney's body now, but three.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to worry about whether to take action against Feeney.

After thinking about it for a while, Tiwan finally chose a safer way to observe first, so he told the maid Serena: "Go and send someone to follow him. Besides, I want more information from him!"

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Tiwan's order, Serena quickly responded, turned around and began to carry out the order.

At this time, Finny didn't know that Tiwan had suspected that he had infinite gems on him, and that Thanos' men also chased them to the land of no knowledge.

After pretending to help Pastokas lift the 'restriction', he asked casually, "What are you going to do next?"

Pastokas was delighted with his physical condition. After hearing Finny's question, he was taken aback for a moment. He actually didn't know what to do next, but one thing was certain.

"Get out of here first!"

It is not easy to survive in this chaotic and violent place without subordinates.

"Where are you going?"

Feeney continued to ask with interest.

Seeing Finny's curious eyes, Pastokas didn't know what Finny meant, but he still replied nervously: "The Kerry Empire!"

Hearing this answer, Feeney immediately thought of a certain woman, so he asked, "Then do you know a person named Carol Danvers?"

Pastokas showed a puzzled look, then shook his head and replied, "I don't know!"

"What about Captain Marvel?"

Feeney was a little surprised, he thought that this amazing aunt would be very famous in the universe!

Pastokas still shook his head.

Feeney didn't ask any further. He didn't know if Pastokas was ignorant, or because the current Aunt Marvel was very low-key and her reputation hadn't spread yet.

Feeney felt that the latter was more likely.

He actually wanted to meet this earthling who is super strong in body mutation when he came to the universe this time.

Although the system needs a lot of experience to draw next, Feeney has no intention of giving up drawing skills, because there are restrictions on spawning monsters, so fighting with the strong can maximize the experience.

Although he doesn't know the specific strength of Captain Marvel, but in his feeling, if he activates the evil king's true eye one-on-one, he should have the power to fight.

Looking at Fini who was thinking silently, Pastokas was very disturbed. He tried hard to think about these two names, but after thinking for a long time, he was still sure that he hadn't heard of them.

"I don't ask you why you went to the Cree Empire, but I advise you not to be a robber anymore, even if you find a group of looters to join, in short, don't continue to do the things you did before, or let me know... ..."

Finny patted Pastokas on the shoulder again, looking like a rat's tail juice.

Pastokas's face was a little pale. He went to the Cree Empire with the idea of ​​finding some subordinates to come back again, but after being told by Finny, he felt a little scared, and the thought in his heart instantly disappeared. Gone.

"Yes Yes!"

In any case, Pastokas agreed on the surface first, at least before ensuring safety, Feeney will do what he says.

Feeney nodded. When he was talking just now, he used the power of the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique'. Even though the effect was not that good, Patokas should no longer have the idea of ​​doing evil everywhere in a short time.

Although he decided to let Pastokas go, he didn't want him to continue to harm the universe.

"Okay, let's go!"

After doing this, Feeney didn't say much, and waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

Pastokas showed an excited expression, thanked him, and left the hotel. He didn't ask someone to check his body, because from Feeney's attitude, he felt that Feeney didn't lie to him.

So after coming out, I found the spaceship immediately and prepared to leave the land of no knowledge.

He wasn't worried about Finny's safety either. Even if Finny was indeed ambushed by Tag and his original subordinates, they wouldn't be able to get the money, because Tiwan, the controller of Wucun, was waiting for them.

Driving the spaceship, Pastokas was a little confused. He originally wanted to go back to the Kerry Empire to find some new subordinates and make a comeback elsewhere, but affected by what Finey said, he dared not go back to his old job.


So he finally murmured something, and drove the spaceship to the vast starry sky.

On the other hand, after Pastokas left, Finny thought about the ambush he said before. Although those villains are not a threat, they may cause problems after all if they are left alone.

So he found the three people who were working on space suits, and briefly explained the matter.

"Then what are you going to do?"

After listening, Tony asked.

"Let's solve it once and for all!"

Feeney said casually that these people are not good people, and he has already given them a chance to reform, and will not give it a second time.

Regarding the solution in Finny's mouth, Banner knew exactly what it meant, so he couldn't help frowning.

When he encountered Pastocas before, he suggested retreating. Because of Hulk, he doesn't like fighting, and he hates killing even more.

Although he also knew that those people provoked Feeney first, he couldn't help but said, "Can't we hand them over to the police, law enforcement, etc. here?"

Feeney looked at Banner amusedly, and replied: "This is an illegal place, where are the policemen? If they are handed over to Tanya Tiwan, they might as well be dead!"

Tony wasn't as kind as Banner, and he knew he couldn't be soft-hearted to his enemies.

Although Skye didn't want Feeney to kill, she didn't say much, and she believed in her heart that Feeney must have a reason for doing so.

Looking at the two silent people around him, Banner finally sighed and didn't say anything more.

He now only hopes to find a solution to Hulk as soon as possible, and then return to Earth to live a stable and peaceful life.

According to the plan told by Pastokas, Feeney knew that it would take some time for those people to set up an ambush, so he didn't rush there.

Because he was worried that if he went early, there would be fish that slipped through the net, so he might as well wait until they were ready, and then go over and catch them all.

So he planned to take the three of them to visit this place of ignorance. There was no money before, and because of security issues, the three of them didn't go out. Now that they have more than 100 million assets, they can buy some things. .

Hearing Finny's shopping plan, the three of them also put aside the ambush of Tago's people, showing interested expressions.

Especially Skye, although she has experienced alien shopping in Asgard, as a woman, she has no resistance to shopping.

Then Finny used Asgard's magic to disguise himself and the three of them. He had already seen the chaotic situation here.

The vicious-looking Pastokas has already left. If the four of them go to the streets together like this, they will be targeted soon. Although they don't need to worry too much with their strength, if it is convenient, there is no need to specialize add to the trouble.

Under Asgard's disguise magic, Banner turned into the Hulk, but in clothes and weapons.

As for Tony, Feeney gave him Vostagg's body shape, but let him keep his own face, which looked a little weird, and Feeney almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Tony was very dissatisfied with this, but Feeney explained it away by saying that he was not proficient in spells.

As for Skefini, she didn't mess around. Basically, she didn't make any changes in appearance, but changed her clothes and decorations, and then equipped her with two weapons.

As for himself, Feeney didn't change much, but slightly changed his height and body shape, changing his temperament from a sunny boy to a ruthless macho.

Although this also made Tony even more dissatisfied, Finny just pretended to be stupid and fooled the past.

Afterwards, the four of them came to the street, because there were two "extraordinarily fierce" people, Banner and Tony, so those malicious people just looked at them and then looked away.

After coming to the street, Tony no longer cared about his appearance, but turned his attention to all the novel technological products in the store.

He made spaceships to the universe mainly for two purposes.

One is to learn about the situation of other cosmic civilizations.

The second is to learn new technologies to increase the protection of the earth and prepare for possible future invasions.

So after seeing these technologies that are a bit higher than the earth, he felt a little excited, and Finny was not stingy, but basically bought everything Tony was interested in.

Time passed little by little during the crazy purchases of several people. Seeing that everyone brought a lot of things, Feeney finally temporarily interrupted the shopping trip and said:

"Find a place for the spaceship to recover first, and put these things away!"

Although he has a hidden object spell, the space of this spell is extremely limited, and it can only store some precious items. It is not realistic to put all these materials and items into the hidden object space.

Hearing what Finey said, the three of them also agreed to come down and prepare to find a place to enlarge the spaceship.

It's just that after their big purchases, they still attracted some people's attention. Although the two 'tough men', Banner and Tony, could deter some people, they obviously couldn't deter everyone.

Moreover, the weapons made by Finny with spells were seen in the store before, and they were not very good at all.

In addition, they are all unfamiliar faces, and they don't have any signs of power on them. It is inevitable that some people can't help but want to take risks and snatch them up.

So when shopping, Feeney noticed that there were two groups of people following them.

"Be careful, someone is following you!"

If it was just him, Feeney wouldn't be worried at all, but now that Skye is by his side, he still reminded him.

Hearing what Finey said, except for Skye, Tony and Banner didn't show any surprise.

These people have poor tracking skills. Before Tony became Iron Man, he had learned a lot of fighting and reconnaissance skills, so he found them easily.

Not to mention Banner, if this was not discovered, he would have been arrested by the military and gone back to do research.

With four thousand words, it can barely be counted as two chapters. . That's it for today. . .

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