Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 390 Solve the Trouble

Although he knew that Wucunzhidi was a place full of chaos before coming here, Finny didn't expect that he would be robbed three times within a day of his arrival.

If you count the one who is still in ambush, it will be four times.

After coming to a relatively remote and open place, Feeney looked back at the two groups of people who followed. The number of people was not very large, and there were about fifteen or six at a glance.

It seems that some agreement was reached on the road, and these people gathered together, which seemed to be a group of people.

Although he didn't feel that they could pose any threat, Feeney still cautiously said to Tony beside him: "Recover the spaceship, you go in first!"

When the spaceship was built, it focused on defense, and it also used vibrating gold materials. Even Finny himself, if he didn't take it seriously, it would be difficult to destroy the spaceship easily.

Tony wanted to activate the simple battle suit on his body. Although the nanotechnology is not yet mature, Tony is Tony after all. He still developed a very light, easy to hide and carry Mark series battle suit, but it is a little weak in terms of combat power. .

But after hearing Finny's words, he had no choice but to take out the spaceship from his pocket, position it and put it on the ground in front of him. After all, there were Banner and Skye beside him, and he was also a little worried that they would be hurt.

With the presence of Pym particles, zooming in and out of the spaceship is just a matter of a button.

And those people who were going to rob Finny came over, and before they had time to speak, they suddenly saw a spaceship popping out of nowhere in front of them.

So much so that they all froze in place.

When they came back to their senses, the three of Tony had already entered the spaceship with their things, started the spaceship and flew into the air, only Finny stayed where he was and did not go in.

Looking at the group of aliens who took out their weapons and aimed at the spaceship, Feeney removed the camouflage magic and restored it to its original state, saying:

"Although I don't think it's necessary, I still want to ask, what do you want to do with us?"

Although they were a little surprised by the change in Finny's appearance, these people didn't pay much attention to it. After all, after Finny lifted the magic, he changed from a big man to a small man, and he became weaker from the outside.

"Little devil, where did you come from?"

Perhaps because they were frightened by the way the spaceship appeared, or because they were worried that there were weapons on the spaceship, these people did not do anything, but asked Finny.

"none of your business!"

Feeney didn't bother to tell them, and said directly: "If there is nothing wrong, don't follow anymore, or you will bear the consequences!"

In front of Skye, Finny didn't want to do anything casually. Although Skye didn't say anything, he could still see that Skye didn't want him to kill people casually.

What's more, these people are not worth much experience!

Seeing Finny's arrogant expression and the spaceship above his head, the two leaders of these people looked at each other, a little undecided whether to make a move.

In fact, Finny's camouflage magic was still very successful, and the "appearance" of Banner and Tony also shocked many people.

At the very least, if they buy things like this in the original way, I am afraid that the people who appear now are not the people they are now.

Thinking of how wealthy Fenny was when he bought things, and the nearly a million items he bought, one of the bosses still couldn't hold back the temptation and said harshly:

"Boy, do you know whose territory this is?"

Feeney couldn't help sighing, but if the conversation started like this, the result would definitely be to develop in the direction of fighting.

So he didn't bother to cooperate with the inquiry, and waved his hand directly, and a crimson magic circle suddenly appeared above these people, shining with light.

Accompanied by unrivaled flames, explosion magic descends.

With the experience of the five unlucky guys before, this time Finny deliberately controlled the power, so these people were only seriously injured by the explosion, but no one died.

Seeing these people who fell to the ground and screamed, Feeney didn't make up any more swords, but flew to the spaceship with Wukong and said, "You guys go back first, I'll get rid of those other people too!"

After waiting for such a long time, if Pastokas hadn't lied to him, those people's ambush plan should be almost ready, and it's time to harvest.

Looking at the tragic situation on the ground, Tony nodded. Thinking of buying a lot of alien technology today, he decided to go back and study those things first.

Although Skye was a little worried, she knew that it was impossible for Finny to agree to take her there, so she just asked to be careful.

Banner didn't say anything, he didn't like this chaotic place very much, and the store he visited today didn't have any technology that could help him solve the Hulk, so he hoped to go to the next place as soon as possible.

At the same time, at the entrance of Wucunzhi, Thanos' subordinates who were following him were worrying about how to find Finney.

Because Finny had shrunk the spaceship down before, they lost the tracking signal.

"There is a signal!"

But at this moment, a soldier in front of the console in the cabin suddenly shouted.

"Where are they?"

The captain of this hunt immediately came to the console and asked, although he didn't know that the order to monitor the earth was given by Thanos, but he knew that if the mission failed, he would be severely punished after returning.

The soldier pointed to the location on the map and reported to the captain: "Here, it's very close to us!"

"Full speed ahead and capture them alive!"

The captain immediately said that in fact, it was his dereliction of duty to let Feeney come to Wucunzhi, but if he can catch Feeney and others, he still has a chance to make up for his mistakes.

When this group of soldiers went to chase Tony and the others, Feeney also came to the ambush position according to what Patokas said.

This is a place that has been almost completely mined, except for the bare grassland, there is almost nothing. Of course, there is also an abandoned factory, and the ambush of Tager and Pastokas is in this factory.

In the universe, there are only a few people who fight against warships with their bodies like Aunt Marvel. The battles between most races are actually about equipment, weapons, and skills.

It's just that the first two are more important to most people.

The group of Patokas' subordinates had seen Finny's 'strength' before. In their view, Finny's ability was to control the body with speech, and to emit flames with his hands, as well as a very special spatial ability.

So in order to target these three abilities, they seem to have made a lot of preparations, but because Pastokas came back early, he didn't know what they were.

Nothing else, which is why Finny was amused when Patokas said the ambush.

Because this plan is too simple, even if he is really fooled, he will not be hurt. After all, his abilities are far more than these three.

"How stupid!"

Looking at the factory in the distance, Feeney stood on the spot and said softly, in fact, if this group of people were smart enough, they wouldn't be hanging around here forever.

Because Wucunzhidi is the territory of the Tiwan Group after all, and only Tanya Tiwan is the real controller here.

After Feeney sighed, he began to prepare for the explosion magic. He didn't try the idea of ​​ambush, and he didn't even bother to meet these people.

So he intends to use explosion magic to deal with these people directly here. Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, after seeing his strength, as long as he has a little brain, he should not bother him again.

"Blacker than black, darker than black,"

"Merge with my true red!"

"The time for awakening has come."

"Falling into infallibility,"

"Walking into an invisible distortion."

Following the serious chanting, a huge crimson magic circle appeared above the factory. Although it was very remote, many people still noticed the situation here because the magic circle was too huge and conspicuous.

"Look, what's that?"

"quite pretty!"

"Is it fireworks?"

Several miners were driving the mining spaceship, and after seeing the explosion magic circle in the distance, they discussed curiously.

But just as they finished speaking, Finny's chanting had ended, and with the word 'Explosion' that they couldn't hear, a hot flame of death appeared from the magic circle.


There was an explosion that spread throughout the small half of Wucunzhi Land.

Explosion magic can be said to have always been Finny's strongest attack method. From his debut to the present, he has used explosion magic to solve countless enemies.

This time was no exception.

Looking at the abandoned factory bathed in flames and disappearing, Feeney sighed silently. After casting the magic, he checked the experience slot of the system.

It's a pity that nothing has changed much, which shows that according to the system's judgment, these ambush people are a group of war scum.

Just when Finny was thinking about whether to go in and see if there was anything that slipped through the net or something useful, Skye's voice suddenly sounded through the communicator.

"Finny, there's a spaceship attacking us!!!"

Feeney's face changed, and the first reaction in his mind was that this group of guys not only ambushed him, but also attacked Skye and the others, so he hurriedly asked with the communicator:

"Where are you now?"

Although the spaceship's defense was good, Finny was still worried about what might happen, and he was also a little irritable. They had only been here for a day, and they had been fighting non-stop.

The most important thing is that these battles have not gained much experience.

Finny likes fighting because fighting can gain experience, experience can extract skills, and skills can make him stronger.

But if he can't gain experience from fighting, then he might as well practice his skills, and fighting this kind of scumbag is really not as efficient as practicing skills by himself.

Hearing Skye's location, Feeney didn't care about the abandoned factory anymore, and rushed directly to the location of the three of them.

Although he also wanted to use the portal, but after all, he had just arrived here and was not familiar with the surroundings at all, so it would be even more troublesome if he teleported to the wrong location.

While Feeney rushed over, Tony and the others didn't really have much to do.

Although he was sneak attacked by the opponent at first, thanks to the excellent defense of the spaceship, Tony reacted immediately and turned on the defense mode.

Seeing that the attack hit the opponent's sky-blue shield without causing any waves, the captain of Thanos's team was a little surprised.

However, he knew that the defense of any shield had a limit, as long as he continued to attack, he would definitely be able to break through, and he also saw that Tony's spaceship didn't seem to have the ability to fight back, and he had been dodging until now.

"It's so chaotic here!"

Looking at the spaceship chasing after them and attacking them, Banner couldn't help but said, regretting that he didn't persist and change the destination more and more.

"Don't worry, I can handle it!"

Tony said easily that this is a spaceship he built himself, and even without any means of attack, he is very confident in defeating the enemy.

But what the two didn't notice was that Skye, who was sitting behind them, had been equipped with silver armguards on his wrists at some point, and seemed to be feeling something with his eyes closed.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Skye opened his eyes and shouted excitedly, making Banner look back at her in surprise.

Then I saw Skye stretching out his palm and aiming at their rear with a serious expression on his face.

At the same time, on the spaceship under Thanos, the chasing captain suddenly felt the spaceship shake.

"How is this going?"

The captain asked in a panic. At this time, the shaking of the spacecraft was getting bigger and bigger, and it felt as if it was about to disintegrate.

"The other party seems to be using a sonic weapon, changing our vibration frequency!"

It has to be said that Thanos' technology is very advanced. Although they didn't know that it was Skye's superpower, they quickly found the reason.

"Stop them!"

The captain ordered angrily.


The soldier was operating on the console in a panic. In fact, he was the one who knew the situation best. He knew that if they couldn't defend against this attack, they would be disintegrated next.

Under the threat of death, this soldier also erupted with a strong desire to survive. After a quick operation, he finally raised a silver-white energy shield before the disintegration of the spaceship. defense.

With the activation of the energy shield, the vibration of the spaceship finally stopped.

And Skye frowned, then wrinkled her nose, she didn't give up, as long as she found the frequency of the shield, she could easily destroy the shield.

But before she sensed the vibration frequency again, a crimson pillar of fire blasted onto the shield first.

The explosion magic mixed with Finny's anger contained extremely powerful power even if it was cast instantly, and the energy shield was dimmed a lot with just one shot.

"Who is attacking us?"

Seeing the protective cover whose protection degree dropped a lot, the captain was startled, and then Finny's image appeared on the console screen.

For Feeney, although Thanos is extremely concerned, there are not many people under his command who know the real situation of Feeney, and this obviously does not include this tracking team.

After all, there are infinite stones involved.

So after seeing Finny, the captain didn't show anything unusual, or he was a little surprised, after all, he didn't see any weapons on Finny.

And this ignorance also led him to make a wrong decision, or, in fact, no matter what decision he made, his ending was already doomed the moment he met Feeney.

"Don't capture them alive, kill them!"

Looking at the spaceship that turned back to him, Finny was expressionless, but the anger in his eyes indicated that he was in a very bad mood right now.

Uh, I feel that it is very convenient to write 4,000 words in a chapter--!

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