Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 406 Morag

In the original plot, Ronan took the initiative to invade Xandar Star. Although Star-Lord used the power gem to destroy it in the end, Star-Lord came to help, so Xandar Star was willing to help carry this matter.

And if he was going to trouble Ronan, some of them would come from unknown sources. Even if Ronan made a move first and then counterattacked, he still couldn't be sure of the Kree Empire's reaction.

"Forget it, let him go for now!"

After thinking about it, Feeney still felt that it was unnecessary. Although many of his subordinates were killed in this battle, Ronan's main object of hatred should still be Xandar.

The peace treaty between Xandar and the Kree Empire is about to be signed recently, and Ronan should have no time to trouble him.

If you really come looking for it, the worst thing is to call back. The most urgent thing now is to get the power gem first, and then take out the ether particles to restore your strength.

Looking at the Xandar people who were persistently chasing them in the distance, Feeney had no intention of contacting them. He turned his head to look at Star Lord who was looking at him strangely, and said, "Let's go!"

"Don't you see them?"

Peter asked in surprise, if it were him, he would definitely accept the thanks from the Xandar people, and then ask for some rewards by the way.

"No need!"

Feeney waved his hand, looked at the fighter planes that were getting closer, and said, "Find Morag quickly!"

"All right!"

Peter saw that Finny didn't want to contact these Xandars, so he responded with some pity, and started to leave in the spaceship.

Not far away, the Xandars of the two fighter planes watched Feeney leave quickly, all of them were stunned, and they communicated with each other in doubt in the channel:

"Why are they leaving?"

"have no idea!"

"Perhaps there is something urgent?"

"Then report back first!"

"Well, thanks to their help!"

"Yeah, those two people are really amazing!"

Although Finny drove away the Necromancer fleet, the outpost had already suffered heavy casualties when they came, so the two did not go after Finny, but thanked them in their hearts, and hurried back to rescue.

On the Minoran, Gamora looked at the fighter planes that were no longer following, and turned his gaze to Finney, who was not injured at all, and his hairstyle hadn't even changed.

She didn't see Finny destroying the Chitauri fleet with her own eyes, but she knew that Finny was indeed alone, and maybe a creature of unknown species.

"Is that your magic?"

Gamora asked, and Peter also secretly pricked up his ears to listen.


Feeney nodded indifferently. In fact, he wanted to spread the explosion magic, so he said, "Explosion magic!"

"Is there magic on Earth?"

Peter couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I have!"

Feeney looked at Star-Lord, but thought of the power of Egg in his body. In fact, he didn't quite understand why those powers would disappear when Igo died.

"Did it come after I left? And what is that robot?"

Peter was a little bit aggrieved, and he was wondering if he would find a chance to go back to Earth to take a look after this incident was over.

"It's already there, you just can't touch it!"

Feeney replied speechlessly, and then continued: "That's not a robot, it's Tony Stark. Of course, you can also call him Iron Man!"

"iron Man!?"

Peter was still young when he left Earth, and Stark Enterprises was not as well-known as it is now, so he was just surprised by this nickname.

Thinking of Tony's full-body armor, Peter thought of his own equipment, and suddenly felt that it was so simple.

When Peter was thinking about his own equipment, Gamora also said again: "You killed Ronan's people, he will not let you go, and this matter is likely to be known by Thanos!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Feeney had already thought of the result before making the move, so he turned to look at Xingjue who was still thinking about equipment and asked, "When will we find the place?"

"Up to three days!"

Hearing Finny's inquiry, Star-Lord replied that he had already found a lot of clues about Morag and the Cosmic Spirit Orb.


Hearing this, Feeney was relieved a lot. He originally expected it to be about a week, and if it took longer, he would consider acting separately.

And Gamora looked at Finny's confident face, and didn't say much, just sighed silently. After this time, she could no longer look back.

On the Dark Asterisk.

The defeat of the Necromancer Fleet made Ronan extremely angry. Looking at the men kneeling in front of him, he asked in a deep voice, "Who are they?"

"Still investigating!"

The subordinates said in fear, because Finny didn't report his name and didn't wear armor. Although the explosion magic is special, it can't be investigated immediately.

As for Tony, although Iron Man is known to almost everyone on Earth, he is not well-known in the universe.


Ronan said something coldly, and then ordered in a deep voice: "Go to that outpost!"

Xandar's outpost couldn't hold up to even a Necron fleet, let alone the Dark Star.

Feeney, who had already left, didn't know about it, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much as long as it didn't happen right in front of his eyes. Fights were happening all the time in the universe, so how could he care about it.

If it wasn't for a coincidence, and at the same time, he had a good impression of Xandar, otherwise he would not pay attention to it at all.


Time passed by every minute and every second.

With Peter's hard work, after only one day, he found the approximate area of ​​Morag Star, but the specific location still needs to be searched.

But as the distance to Morag got closer, Peter became more and more nervous.

After these two days of getting along, Finny felt like a gentle and sunny boy to him, but when he thought of the previous battle with the Xandars and the inadvertently revealed information from Gamora, he felt a little flustered.

"Killed tens of thousands of people, will I be missed?"

In the driver's seat, Peter thought about the words he had chatted with Gamora when Finney went to rest.

From Gamora's mouth, he learned that Feeney had killed tens of thousands of enemies with a blast of magic in Vanaheim, and was known as the "White Butcher".

During this period, he also secretly investigated Gamora's origins, and only then did he realize that the woman beside him was also a terrifying guy.

Staying next to these two big bosses, he was terrified every day, and he didn't dare to speak loudly.

But as he got closer to the Cosmic Spirit Ball, he had to face a problem.

Do you believe in Feeney!

In other words, do you want to ask Yongdu for help?

Although Peter doesn't like Yondu, he can only think of Yondu when he is in danger, and he also knows that maybe only Yondu will come to save him.

In the past two days, Finny has been very tolerant to him, and never restricted him from communicating with other people, so it is not impossible for him to secretly send a message to Yondu.

But Peter is not sure if Finny will do anything to him after he finds the Cosmic Spirit Orb, and if he does, can Yondu come and save him.

Peter was so entangled with this question that even on Morag, he still hadn't made a decision!

Alas, the more I write, the more entangled I get, I'd better sort out the plot behind it, and finish the million-word book. . .

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