Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 407 What is a raccoon?

"Is this the place?"

Looking at the planet outside the spaceship, Finny's calm mood inevitably fluctuated a bit. If he got the cosmic spirit ball, he would have four infinity gems.

If you can find someone to dig out the soul gems, and finally discuss with Gu Yi, it is not impossible to get six of them together!

As for the Infinity Gauntlet, it’s not a problem, let’s not say that he has a good relationship with the dwarves of Nidawi, Tony seems to be able to create it in the original plot.

Thinking of this, Finny felt a little hot in his heart.


Looking at the excited Finny, Peter was a little absent-minded. He still hadn't decided whether to send a message to Yondu for help.

Although Feeney didn't look like the kind of person who would kill and silence, he didn't expect to be tricked like this when he boarded the spaceship before.

"That...Mr. Halsaces, about...chicken nugget rolls...can you..."

The spaceship slowly sailed into Morag, Peter asked cautiously.

Now that Morag has been found, he hopes that Feeney can help him detoxify his body.


But Finny was thinking about how to get together six infinite gems in the future, so he summoned a "Zhiji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll" and handed it over, interrupting Peter's words.

Peter could only take the chicken nugget roll with a sad face.

Smelling the aroma of fried chicken nuggets in his hands, he couldn't help swallowing, but when he thought that this was 'poison', he felt depressed.

After one bite, the fragrance overflowed, and the soul-touching taste made Peter feel happy, but because of Finny's threat, he resisted to eat it again.

Pain and happiness.

At this time, it is the most appropriate way to describe Peter's mood.

When Feeney came back to his senses, he couldn't help laughing when he saw Peter eating chicken nugget rolls. He just wanted to keep Peter by his side, so he used the chicken nugget rolls to scare him.

Looking at it like this, Peter doesn't seem to have any doubts. Based on the performance of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the original plot, this kind of IQ performance is normal.

Then he glanced at Gamora behind him.

He specifically asked Gamora to come to Peter's spaceship, just to see if the two of them would be together as in the original plot after they were brought together.

And in the past few days, he specially created opportunities for the two of them to be alone together.

But maybe because of the lack of the fetters in the original plot, these two people seem to be not even friends at present, which makes Finny a little helpless.

Watching Peter take a bite of sadness, swallow it happily, then struggle with another bite, swallow it happy, it was extremely complicated. After finishing the Jinji Fried Chicken Nugget Roll, he said slowly:

"I lied to you before, it's just a magic food, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Now that the Morag star has been found, and seeing that Peter and Gamora have no intention of falling in love, Feeney is also considering the issue of getting the power gem.

Whether the Guardians of the Galaxy can be successfully formed in the future, Feeney doesn't know.

But without the power gem.

Star-Lord will not be wanted by Yondu, Rocket and Groot will not catch him, and he will not be able to enter the prison on Xandar and meet Drax.

Ronan will not personally invade Xandar, Groot will not become a sapling, Star-Lord's physique will not be discovered, and Ego will not know that he can be used as a power bank.

Without this series of fetters, it is really unlikely that they will happen to form the Guardians of the Galaxy together, and maybe they will never meet in the future.

So Feeney couldn't help but feel a little pity, and he hoped that the Guardians of the Galaxy could be formed.

Peter didn't know what was going on in Finny's mind. After hearing the explanation of the fried chicken nugget roll, he was taken aback and asked nervously, "Really?"

Feeney nodded.

Peter's hanging heart suddenly relaxed, and he let out a long sigh of relief, but immediately he couldn't help but a thought arose.

"Could it be that you lied to me?"

As a kid who was taken away by aliens and grew up among a group of bastards, Peter believed that there were many bad guys in this universe, so he unconsciously doubted what Finny said.

But he dared not ask.

In this tangle, the spaceship descended to the planet Morag.

Morag star once had civilization, and the planet has been transformed, so the environment here can survive without wearing a space suit.

"Is there a specific location of the cosmic spirit ball?"

Looking at the barren environment outside the spaceship, Feeney turned to Peter and asked again.

Hearing Finny's question, Peter let go of his doubts and entanglements, shook his head nervously, and replied, "Not yet!"

The search this time is different from the original plot. Peter only found the location of the Morag star, and he is not very clear about the detailed address of the cosmic spirit ball.


But Feeney didn't care too much. In the vast universe, he couldn't use the 'compass' to find the cosmic spirit ball, but he could use this power when he got to the planet Morag.

"I'll go down and have a look. Here's the remaining 300,000. If you want to leave, go!"

Before disembarking from the spaceship, Feeney directly transferred the remaining money to Peter, and then looked at Gamora after speaking. Although he didn't speak, his eyes asked if she was going to leave.

Gamora took a step forward and didn't speak, but obviously meant to follow along.

Feeney nodded. He kept Gamora before to confirm the situation of Thanos, but because of the battle at the Xandar outpost, he is now not sure if Thanos has found anything abnormal.

At least in the past few days, Thanos has not actively contacted Gamora.

Then Finny looked at Peter who was still there, hesitated for a while, and sighed: "If you have a chance to meet a raccoon and tree man in the future, you can try to make friends with them!"

Drax was in the high-level prison on Xandar, and Finney felt that Star-Lord would not be able to get in there, so he didn't mention him.

"Raccoon!? Treant!?"

Peter, who was still surprised by Finny's behavior, murmured a few words unconsciously, with a confused look on his face.

But Feeney didn't mean to explain, he just turned his head and looked at Gamora again, and said, "You too!"

Gamora nodded, showing a pensive expression, just thinking about a question silently in her heart.

What is a raccoon! ?

After giving instructions, Finny was about to leave the spaceship, Gamora followed, and at this time Peter finally reacted.

Looking at Fenny who was walking out, and then at the three hundred thousand, Peter felt that it was not real.

That's it! ?

Five hundred thousand! ?

Mission accomplished! ?

Will there be any conspiracy! ?

Make friends with raccoons and treants! ?

Peter's mood was a little complicated, and at the same time a little chaotic. Feeney's behavior made him extremely insecure. Since his debut, he had never made money so easily.

"Wait a moment!"

So when Finny was about to reach the exit of the spaceship, Peter couldn't help but stop Finny.

Looking back at Finny, Peter couldn't help but wondered, "That's the end? Nothing else? You really didn't lie to me?"

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