"Good guy, you are so good at it."

Steve on the other hand had a different view.

"No, I have to get out. No one can control this big guy now. Once he breaks into the city, the consequences will be uncontrollable."

Mu En held Steve down again.

"Don't worry, Steve, why do you worry so much? Don't worry, this big guy is not bad at heart. Just take a good look at him."

"Mr. En!"

Steve looked at Mu En with some annoyance.

At this moment, a dramatic scene took place. Betty broke free from her comfort and came to Hulk. Looking at the big man in front of her, she shouted in confusion.


At this moment, the armed helicopter arrived, and General Ross ordered, not caring about the safety of his daughter.

"Why are you here so late, bastard? Hurry up and fire!"

Upon receiving the order, the gunship opened fire and bullets rained down on Hulk.

"Danger! Let me rescue people quickly!"

Steve struggled to save people.

"I told you not to get excited Steve, if you show up at this time, everything will be messed up."

In Steve's horrified eyes, Hulk used his huge body to protect Betty.

Steve breathed a sigh of relief, and the next second, Hulk directly used the remaining armor fragments in his hand as darts and threw them.


There was an explosion, and the armed helicopter fell straight towards Hulk. Hulk quickly protected Betty.

Suddenly there were explosions and fires burned.

Seeing this scene, General Ross yelled in despair.


I don't know if I am desperate for my daughter or because I have lost an experimental subject.

At this moment, a tall figure stood up in the fire, holding Betty in his arms.

Hulk glanced at General Ross angrily, and then disappeared into the fire and smoke with Betty.

Seeing this, Mu En let go of Steve and pressed his bracelet.

"Did you take all the photos Izzy?"

"Everything was photographed, Master."

Mu En nodded with satisfaction.

"It's really good. We went out to a banquet and watched a good show."

Steve felt that his worldview was a bit broken. He slumped on the ground and looked at the military below, and glanced at Mu En. A hand was inserted into his blond hair, scratching the handsome law until it was extremely messy.

"Can you tell me what this is all about?"

Mu En looked at Steve and said.

"Would you believe me if I said I could tell you the truth?"

Steve looked at Mu En, was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

"I believe."

"Well, come with me and I'll show you something."

After that, he took Steve away from this chaotic scene.

For a time, videos and news about the Green Giant and the military's experiments caused an uproar on the Internet, and also pushed the military to the forefront. The relevant parties wanted to suppress these voices, but there were more organizations behind it. I want to bring these things to the public.

So a war without gunpowder started again behind the invisible network, but these pastors didn't care at all.

Chapter 221, chess pieces and chess players

Mu En brought the confused Steve back to the Valentine Orphanage, but this time he did not invite him to drink tea again. Instead, he led Steve directly to the church in the backyard of the orphanage.

"Welcome back, Your Highness King."

After entering the church, the bishop bowed respectfully to Pastor En, who casually waved his hand to indicate what he should do.

Under Steve's surprised gaze, Mu En opened the secret door. When he stepped out of the elevator, an underground base full of technology appeared in front of him.

"here it is!"

Mu En looked at Steve and smiled.

"Welcome to our base Captain America."

Steve looked at Mu En with a solemn expression. He knew that Mu En knew his official identity from the beginning, and it was even possible that the first meeting was intentional, but he didn't understand why Mu En did this. .

"Can you explain it to me?"

Mu En said with a smile.

"Then it depends on what you want to know? That way I know where to start."

"I want to know everything. Did you already know my identity from the first time we met? Was that meeting something you could arrange?"

Mu En sat down casually on the sofa and motioned to Steve to find a place to sit down.

"No, our first meeting was an accident, but I did guess your identity at that time, and I confirmed my guess during the subsequent conversation."

"Then why do you know so many things, including military experiments and the Red Skull."

Mu En shrugged and said.

"I told you, I am a scientist, so I naturally know some things. As for the Red Skull..."

What Mu En showed in the next few dozen minutes almost refreshed Steve's outlook on life. Mu En let Izzy sneak into SHIELD's private network and uncovered a lot of people. Information about the military's black materials, various human experimentation super soldier programs, and the disputes caused around the world were all displayed in front of Steve's eyes.

For a moment, Steve couldn't accept it. He didn't understand why the team that once fought for lofty ideals became like this. He covered his face and took a few deep breaths. After calming down for a long time, he looked up and asked Mu En.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"How fresh, didn't you ask me to tell you everything?"

Mu En looked at Steve with a complicated expression and smiled and shook his head.

"I know you may not be able to accept it, but the truth is often dark."

Steve fell into silence again. He suddenly felt that his efforts and ideals he had pursued were a joke. But he didn't let it sink him, because he was Steve, the captain.

He slowly raised his head, as if he had made a decision.

"Thank you for telling me this and letting me find the path I should take next."


Mu En looked confused. Didn't he realize something on his own?

"No Steve, what do you want to do next?"

Steve said with determination.

"I'm going to fix these mistakes."

"Hey man, calm down. I know these things are hitting you a little hard, but you have to know that there are some things that you can't change alone, even if you are Captain America."

Mu En said to him with a somewhat serious expression.

"After all, in the eyes of some people, you are just a chess piece. Do you think it is possible for a chess piece to overthrow the chess player?"

Steve's eyes changed slightly, but he was not too shocked, because he also thought of this. The super soldier serum strengthened not only his muscles, but also his intelligence.

"Don't worry, I understand. I'm not a reckless man who knows what I should do."

Hearing this, Mu En felt a little relieved.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"Of course I will continue with my original plan to cycle through the United States and visit various continents."

Mu En was stunned, and just about to complain, he saw Steve's deep eyes.

"Do you want to investigate the situation in various places yourself?"

Steve nodded.

Seeing this, Mu En took out a bracelet and handed it to Steve.

"Take this with you. It's attached to the smart butler I developed. If you don't understand anything, you can ask her directly. If you encounter any special circumstances, you can contact me at any time."

Steve took the ordinary-looking bracelet and put it on his hand without much thought. The difficulty of what he was going to do next would be unprecedentedly high, so he needed Mu En's help.

After hesitating for a moment, Mu En finally spoke.

"Steve, you have to be careful, your old rival hasn't completely disappeared yet."

Steve's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Mu En.

"You mean Schmidt?"

Mu En shook his head.

"No, he's just one of the heads."

After hearing Mu En's words, Steve seemed to understand something and left the orphanage with a solemn expression.

Mu En didn’t know what the impact would be if he told Steve in advance that Hydra had not disappeared, but Mu En knew that since Steve decided to do something, sooner or later they would meet up with Hydra instead of letting him be harmed. After reacting, it is better to prepare him in advance. After all, after this period of getting along, Mu En still had a very good impression of Steve.

As for whether it will affect the direction of history?

Mu En stood at the door of the church and looked at the blue sky. He is a scientist and he does not believe in fate. If there is really destiny, then Mu En will definitely learn from his predecessors.

He wants to challenge fate and win!


In a secret room in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building, Alexander Pierce sat in front of a computer with a solemn expression, and what was displayed on the computer was a palm of a human face.

If Steve saw this face, he would definitely recognize it, because this face is that of Dr. Zola, the assistant of his old rival the Red Skull.

"What happened to Zola?"

Pierce asked Dr. Zola with a solemn expression.

Dr. Zola replied in his robotic voice.

"I'm not sure. Just now, a strange signal source invaded SHIELD's file system. It disappeared before I could start defending against it."

"What's going on? Don't you claim that with your presence, no one can easily invade the server?"

"That is based on the technological level of this era. The technical means used by the strange signal source that just invaded the server has obviously exceeded the technological level of this era, but it did provide me with many new ideas for upgrades."

Pierce's face became increasingly ugly.

"I don't care whether you upgrade or not. Have you found out what that guy did? Will it affect our plan?"

"You don't have to worry about this. What the unknown signal source copy took away was just some black material related to the military."

Upon hearing this, Pierce's expression softened a little.

"Are you sure you only copied the information from those idiots in the military?"

"Pretty sure."

"That's good. Our plan has reached the moment of shutdown. No mistakes are allowed. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, it's for Hydra! (Hydra)"

"For, Hydra!"

Chapter 222, Mu En’s plan

As night fell, Mu En stood on a high-rise building, looking at the bustling New York City below, with neon lights flashing and cars coming and going, and it was all thriving.

A small scarlet bat rested on Mu En's shoulder, staring at the city with its orange eyes.

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