Mu En took a deep breath of the cool night air and asked.

"Kivat, can the power of seal only seal demons? Can it seal other creatures?"

Kivat II replied respectfully.

"Back to Your Highness, theoretically, the power of sealing can seal all life forms that contain the origin of life, but in this universe, I am not sure. Who does Your Highness want to seal?"

Mu En nodded.

"Well, I want to seal a big guy who was mutated from a human. That guy has brute strength. It would be a pity to kill him directly."

"Oh, is it a monster that has mutated from humans? Then it should probably be sealed. After all, the origin of his life still comes from humans."

Mu En looked in the direction of the city with some surprise, and saw a military armed helicopter roaring past the sky.

Seeing this, Mu En smiled.

"Is it going to start soon? You'll know if you can successfully try it. At worst, it will kill you with one sword."

Listening to Mu En's words, Kivat II bowed slightly. In its eyes, Mu En now looked more and more like a real emperor.

Grayburn College, in the laboratory of Dr. Samuel Stern.

Dr. Stern was busy in the laboratory with some excitement. He once communicated with Banner for a long time under the pseudonym Dr. Lan, and tried to help him treat the mutations in his body.

But now, Dr. Banner actually appeared in front of him and asked him for help in treatment, which made him extremely excited for a while.

He started up the instruments one by one, loaded a jar of special medicine on the instruments, and everything was ready.

"Okay, now I need you on this bed."

Banner glanced at the experimental bed that was connected to various devices, patted Betty on the shoulder to reassure her, and then lay down on it.

Dr. Starn fixed Banner's hands and feet and then comforted him.

"This can protect you when you have a stress reaction, and it also protects us."

Banner glanced at the restraints that fixed his hands and feet and said.

"If you have a stress reaction, you should tell me in advance. I don't think this thing will have any effect."

After fixing Banner, Dr. Stern was excitedly preparing to start the instrument. He said to Banner.

"This will be a novel experience, are you ready?"

After that, everything was activated, and the medicine was injected into Banner's body. At the same time, the instrument was also stimulating Banner's body.

Suddenly there was a wail, and Banner's thin body began to change. His skin quickly turned green, his muscles and bones grew rapidly, and the steel structure of the experimental bed was directly distorted by the pressure.

Seeing this scene, Betty jumped directly on Hulk's body and comforted him.

"Bruce! Look at me, look at me I'm Betty! Just hold on! Everything will be fine if you just hold on."

After being comforted by Betty, Hulk slowly calmed down.

After seeing the incredible scene in front of him, Stern was stunned. This was simply a miracle. He couldn't help but want to touch some Hulks, but was caught by Betty.

"Hurry up and inject the antidote, Doctor!"

Dr. Stern realized that if he did not inject the antidote in time, everyone might die. He immediately started the machine and started injecting the antidote.

Under the influence of the antidote, Hulk gradually calmed down, and his body began to change, gradually shrinking, and transformed back into Dr. Banner.


While undergoing intense treatment in the laboratory, Mu En stood on the roof of the building alone with the little bat, quietly admiring the beautiful night view.

Suddenly he saw a red and blue figure walking back and forth in the city. It was really a friendly neighbor in New York City, the little spider Peter Parker.

"Peter? Why is he here?"

Seeing Peter's appearance, Mu En was a little surprised, why would Spider-Man appear here at this time.

No matter what, Mu En can't just watch. If he is caught by the military at this time, things may go wrong.

"kivat, go and lure him here."

"As you command, Your Highness."

The little bat turned into an afterimage and flew towards the little spider.

When Little Spider saw a military gunship flying over the city, he thought something had happened, so he quickly put on his battle clothes and followed him to see if he could be of any help.

Suddenly, a strange bat crossed in front of him and bit off his spider silk.


By accident, the spider fell straight towards the ground, and by chance, it shot out a spider silk in time to catch itself.

"Hey little guy, what are you doing!"

Peter complained to Little Bat with some dissatisfaction, and suddenly he saw the strange shape of Little Bat clearly.

"Wow, what a strange guy. Are you a new species of bat? Or are you also a mutant species?"

However, Kivat ignored it at all. The little spider dangled in front of his eyes twice and then turned away.

The little spider felt that something was not right, so he chased after it.

"Hey little guy, wait for me, don't fly so fast!"

However, it didn't take long for kivat to disappear from the little spider's range of perception.

"Oh, I lost track. I failed to catch up with a bat. What a failure."

The little spider stopped at the top of a building.

"Wow! Spider-Man!"

Mu En pretended to be surprised and yelled, and the sudden sound almost scared Peter. When he saw that it was Mu En who was about to say hello, but the sound suddenly rang out and could not reveal his true identity, he immediately changed his words and said hello.

"Hey man, what are you doing here?"

Mu En casually tried to prevaricate for a few words, and then asked straight to the point.

"Spider-Man, what are you doing here?"

Little Peter didn't hide anything and spoke directly.

"I saw an armed helicopter flying over before. I wanted to see if something happened, so I came over to help. I took it and saw a strange little bat halfway through, and then I followed it here. ”

Mu En was stunned. It turned out that it was the military helicopter gunship that attracted Peter. He was really a friendly neighbor in New York, and he came all the way to help.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden explosion, followed by various gunshots.

At this time, Mu En immediately reacted and became disgusted.

The little spider couldn't sit still when he heard the gunshot.

"Okay buddy, it looks like someone needs my help. Goodbye."

"Wait Spider-Man!"

"What's wrong?"

Peter, who was wearing a mask, looked back at Mu En.

"Be careful with the military, don't get caught by them."

Peter didn't understand why Mu En said this, but he still nodded.

"Don't worry, thank you for reminding me, I'm going."

After saying that, he disappeared between the tall buildings with his spider silk.

After Peter left, Kivat II flew out of the darkness.

"Your Highness, is he gone?"

Mu En said calmly.

"He's gone, and now it's time for us to perform."

Chapter 223, Hulk VS Abomination, Mu En intervenes

"Team 4 is calling, sir. We found a big guy here. He killed two of our brothers. Captain Bronski and the officer are still inside. Please support us! Please support us!"

A group of soldiers walked towards the direction of the explosion with firearms in hand, conducting fire suppression while requesting support from their superiors.


There was another explosion, and a big green man jumped down from the tall building, and then ran towards the street.

"He's there! Everyone follow!"

As soon as the soldiers rushed out of the alley, a car pierced the sky and crashed into the alley at another point. There was an explosion and flames shooting into the sky.

"There he is! Fire!"

The squad leader directed the team members to suppress fire.

"What the hell is that!"

The soldiers saw a green voice quickly disappearing within their range of fire. Everyone was stunned. Didn't it mean that Hulk was caught?

Looking at the mess on the street, the soldiers were a little overwhelmed.

On the armed helicopter, General Ross was in a great mood. He finally caught the Hulk he had been tracking for many years. Although his daughter fell in love with this guy, it didn't matter. He believed that as long as he had enough time, he could change. What my daughter thinks.

Suddenly the correspondent picked up the communicator.

"Sir, look at this!"

General Ross, stood up and picked up the communicator.

"I'm Ross, what happened?"

The soldiers sat on top of the armored vehicles and reported as their pursuers loathed.

"Report to General Ross, we've spotted the Hulk in the streets! Repeat, we've spotted the Hulk in the streets! He's wreaking havoc on the city!"

Ross was stunned when he received the report. He glanced behind him in confusion. Banner, who was handcuffed, looked at Ross with an innocent face.

"Impossible young man, please calm down. Hulk is on our armed helicopter. Are you sure you saw it correctly?"

"You can't mistake it, General, we are now at Block 112, and the big guy is walking north along Broadway!"

At this time, Ross realized that something was not right and immediately ordered.

"Turn around!"

Banner asked with some confusion.

"Why did you turn around? What happened?"

Ross ignored Banner and just ordered.

"Transfer the live footage!"

The scene soon switched to an armed helicopter, and they saw a tall voice wreaking havoc on the streets.

In the picture, a soldier cursed angrily.

"What the hell is that!"

"He's coming, he's coming!"


The soldiers fired wildly at the Abomination, but they were unable to break through the defense.

In disgust, he stepped hard with his foot, and the ground cracked open instantly. The armored vehicle drifted directly on the ground and hit the street beside it.

"There's no one who can fight, here comes someone who can fight!"

Hateful roars echoed through the neighborhoods and were transmitted to the gunships via radio.

Then it picked up a car and smashed it towards the armored vehicle. Suddenly all the images on the armed helicopter were lost.

Banner looked at General Ross in disbelief and asked.

"This is your experiment? What have you done Rose!"

The riot continued on the street. A soldier picked up a rocket launcher and fired a rocket at Abomination. However, Abomination grabbed the rocket with one hand and crushed it. Suddenly the rocket exploded, flames rose, and Abomination But unscathed.

On the plane, General Ross also realized the seriousness of the problem and gave the order directly.

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