"Assemble all soldiers to support."

Banner retorted.

"It's useless. You will only increase your sacrifices by doing this. Only I can end this."

"What are you talking about Bruce?"

Betty couldn't believe what Banner said.

"You can't control it!"

Banner shook his head.

"But I can lure it out, and as long as it comes out, that's enough."

Looking at Banner with firm eyes, General Ross finally issued the order.

"Lower the height and find a place to put him down."

"No, no need, keep it high, only then can I wake it up."


On a high-rise building, Mu En watched Abomination wreak havoc on the street, and Little Spider also arrived at the scene, but he did not enter the disaster center immediately, but helped the victims on the periphery.

"Your Highness King, is this what you want to seal?"

Mu En nodded, looking at the hatred on the street, he clenched his fists. But Mu En was struggling. He was waiting for Hulk to come out, because he knew that at this time, Banner had been captured by General Ross. If he took action now, Hulk would most likely not appear and be captured. Ross was taken away directly, and it would be impossible to predict what would happen to Mu En at that time.

But as he looked at the people running hastily on the street, Mu En couldn't bear to see them suffer at the hands of hatred.

At this moment of dilemma and struggle, Kivat II suddenly reminded him.

"Your Highness King, something fell!"

There was a sound, a huge pothole appeared on the street, and suddenly a big green hand came out of the ground.

Seeing this, Mu En also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally out?"

Hulk climbed out of the hole, looked at the hateful voice in the distance, and roared.

He was immediately attracted by Hulk's voice.


He threw out the soldier in his hand and walked towards Hulk.

Hulk tore off his tattered clothes and ran towards Abomination.


With a muffled sound, the two behemoths collided together, causing a burst of impact that knocked everything on the street to pieces.

Just as the two behemoths were fighting, a stream of light flashed across the sky. Stark, who received the news, rushed over and saw the two monsters fighting in the street.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is that coming out of there?"

Jarvis's voice sounded at the right time.

"Sir, one of the green guys is a monster called Hulk that was once hunted by the military. The other monster has not been recorded."

"Hulk? It's another monster created by those idiots in the military, isn't it? Why don't they attack and teach us a lesson? Forget it, no matter what, we can't let them wreak havoc on the streets."

Just as Stark was about to take action, a familiar voice sounded from his communication channel.

"Don't be impulsive Tony, you can't participate in a battle of this level now."

"Mu En? How did you enter my communication channel? I have obviously encrypted it. Forget it, now is not the time to discuss this. How do you plan to deal with these two big guys?"

"You go first to help Spider Boy evacuate the group, and I will notify you of the rest."

After that, Mu En cut off the communication. Although Stark was a little dissatisfied, he still chose to believe Mu En at this time.

On top of the tall building, Mu En stood on the edge of the building.


"I bite!"

The little bat's fangs pierced Mu En's skin, and the Demon King's power was instantly activated. Mu En turned around and fell straight down with a leap of faith.

"hen shin!"


A black shadow fell, hitting the ground and setting off a burst of smoke, which directly separated the two big guys who were fighting fiercely.



The two big guys roared in dissatisfaction, but saw a dark red figure emerging from the smoke, with a strange light emitting from the dark green compound eyes.

"Good evening, two big monsters!"

Chapter 224, Mu En VS Hulk, sealed hatred

The scarlet armor is particularly dazzling under the firelight, a pair of green compound eyes exudes a strange light, and the black cloak is fluttering in the wind. Standing in the middle of the two big monsters, Mu En shows off the domineering power of the Demon King. .

"Look what that is!"

"so hot!"

"What a terrifying momentum!"


The people who were fleeing were so shocked by Mu En's handsome appearance that they forgot to escape for a moment.

Stark, who was organizing the crowd to retreat in mid-air, was also stunned when he saw Mu En.

"This boy, he asked me not to interfere and co-write just to look cool."

However, Mu En's voice suddenly sounded.

"Tony, I heard what you said."

"You guy, you invaded my communication channel again, Jarvis mentioned him to me!"

Jarvis answered honestly.

"Sir, Master Mu En has already retreated on his own."

Stark's face suddenly stiffened.

"Ah——! Damn, damn, damn, damn! Jarvis blocked him from me!"

"Sir, I advise you not to do this."

"Stop talking nonsense, block me!"

There was no other way. When he met a willful master, Jarvis could only obey him honestly.

"Ho~! Who are you again!"

Abomination roared and rushed towards Mu En, the huge reminder sprinting, with a few words of oppression at every step.

Mu En looked at the hatred rushing towards him and said calmly.

"Kamen Rider, Dark Kiva!"

"I don't care what you are!"

While roaring, the huge fist fell.

Mu En directly raised his hand and punched out, directly hitting the chest of Abomination. Abomination's entire huge body was knocked away by a huge force.

As Mu En Demon Emperor's power grew, his power had already reached a terrifying level.

"It's not over yet!"

Just when Abomination's huge body was about to hit the building, Mu En opened his fingers, and the dark green mark of the Demon Emperor appeared, directly controlling the Abomination that was knocked away.


Hulk on the side saw his prey being robbed, and he immediately became angry, roared and ran towards Mu En.

Seeing Hulk running towards him, Mu En moved his neck.

"If it were the Hulk from the comics, I would still be afraid of you, but here, go ahead!"

He turned around and kicked the Hulk hard on the head with a knight kick. The unsuspecting Hulk was kicked out and plunged into an abandoned car.

The hatred controlled by the Demon Emperor's Seal struggled and wanted to escape.

Mu En said lightly.

"It's useless. In front of the Demon King's power, the power you are proud of is simply ridiculous. Let me give you a taste of what real power is."

After saying that, with a move of his hand, Hatred flew towards Mu En. The moment he got closer, Mu En raised his leg and kicked him out hard.

The huge abomination was like a toy in front of Mu En, allowing Mu En to tease him.

On the other side, Hulk struggled to pull his head out of the car, roared and tore the car in half, holding it in his hands like a pair of steel gloves.

Hulk waved the steel trap in his hand and rushed towards Mu En. Mu En directly kicked Abomination away, and the whole person was restrained in mid-air by Mu En like a toy.

Turning around, he punched out, and Mu En's fist collided with the Hulk wearing the "steel glove".

In an instant, steel fragments flew everywhere. Seeing Mu En punch him forcefully, Hulk suddenly looked ferocious and swung his other fist towards Mu En.

However, Mu En did not want to waste time with Hulk at all. The power of the Demon Emperor surged and he punched out.

The fist hit Hulk's body, and the steel-like muscles suddenly twisted. A Kiva mark appeared on Hulk's body, and the domineering Demon King's power spread out.


With a muffled sound, Hulk was sent flying.

Mu En turned back towards Abomination.

"The sins you have committed are enough for me to erase you, but I think it is too cheap for you, so become my slave."

He got closer step by step, and with a wave of hatred, he was brought in front of Mu En by the Demon Emperor's Seal uncontrollably.

Hatred looked at Mu En in front of him, with a look of fear in his eyes.

This is Mu En's first attempt to seal a creature that does not belong to the world of knights. He doesn't know if he can succeed, but it is worth trying anyway.

Taking advantage of the situation, he took out a blank whistle from the box on the belt and inserted it into the belt.

Kivat II blew the whistle, and Yue'er's flute sound echoed in the city.

"Abomination! Seal~!"

The green Demon King's power turned into lightning and penetrated Abomination's body, and Abomination's entire body was drawn out.

Seeing this, Mu En once again increased the output of the Demon King's power.


Amidst the daring wails, a burst of light bloomed on the body of Abomination. The huge body shrank and deformed, turning into a dark green shark-tooth sword. The shark teeth on the back of the sword were rugged, just like the back of Abomination. The ridge above is normal.

The big sword fell into Mu En's hand, and he swung it gently, immediately cutting a deep ravine on the ground.


Mu En was very satisfied with the result, and he turned back to look at Hulk.

Hulk felt a little afraid when he saw that the guy who had been at odds with him just now was sealed so easily. However, after being beaten severely by Mu En, Hulk had already accumulated a lot of anger. Finally, anger took over Occupy's mind, and he roared towards Mu En.

Mu En couldn't help but sneered when he saw this.

"Are you still not convinced? That's fine, then I will beat you until you are convinced, but I can't beat you here."

With that said, Mu En waved his hand, and the Demon Emperor's power locked onto Hulk. The Demon Emperor's Seal instantly condensed and locked Hulk firmly.

"Tony, I'll leave the scene to you. I'll take this big guy somewhere else."

With that said, Mu En took Hulk into the air and disappeared into the city.

"Hey, didn't I ask you to block him?"

"Sir, we are so close, why do you think Master Mu En is talking to you through the communication?"

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