As soon as he walked out of the church, Mu En received a message on his cell phone, which was sent by Iron Fist.

When I clicked on it, I saw a concise statement on the message.

"The day after tomorrow at the Hell's Kitchen River Pier, there will be a big action by the Hand."

Mu En was also slightly startled when he saw this.

"Coming so soon?"

Have those useless guys actually become efficient?

At this moment, the bishop walked out of the church.

"His Royal Highness."

The bishop whispered a few words in Mu'en's ear, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on Mu'en's face.

"Things are getting interesting."

Chapter 236: A three-person team attacks

A few days ago, the Hand Hehui was in a secret underground base.

Mrs. Gao and other leaders of the peace conference gathered together to discuss the future of the peace conference.

She squinted her eyes to make it difficult to see his emotions. It could be said that this period was the most unlucky period for Mrs. Gao.

First she was beaten violently by a little baby, and then she was instantly killed by the underworld emperor Jin Bin. As one of the five fingers of Gao Gao's reborn Hand and the leader of the Association, it can be said that Mrs. Gao has never been so humiliated. At that time, she chose to stay in seclusion, regardless of the affairs at hand and meeting.

The other two leaders wished that Mrs. Gao would stay in seclusion so that no one would compete with them for command.

But now the preparations for the Black Sky Summoning Ceremony are about to be completed. In order to ensure that Black Sky can be summoned successfully, they must be foolproof, so they held this meeting.

Suowanda, one of the recipients, was the first to speak.

“Then, let’s talk about the current situation first.

The sacrifices to Heikong are almost ready. Now we only need to wait for the altar to be set up before we can prepare for the sacrifice ceremony. In order to ensure the success of the ceremony, we must make it foolproof, so tell us what you think. "

Mrs. Gao just squinted her eyes and didn't say a word.

The old man on the side sneered and said.

"Mrs. Gao, don't you usually like to give advice? Why are you mute now?"

Hearing Murakami's strange expression, Mrs. Gao opened her eyes and looked at Murakami with evil eyes.

"What? I'm not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry? It's true to the old saying, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is."

Murakami also refused to admit defeat at all.

"A sharp-tongued old woman, you can only use your words. First you were defeated by a brat with no hair, and then you were defeated by a gang leader who smelled like copper. You are really old. If it doesn’t work, I think you’d better resign as soon as possible and go back to farming.”


Mrs. Gao snorted coldly, and her whole body became violent.

"Am I getting old? Why don't you try it yourself? If I don't beat your shit out, it will be considered as if you shit it clean last night."

"Just give it a try. I think you have forgotten how you were taught a lesson by me before."

For a moment, the two of them saw the smell of gunpowder rising sharply.

Suowanda on the side shook her head helplessly.

"That's enough! I didn't call you here just to see you two quarreling. Now the Black Sky Summoning Ceremony is about to be held, and you are still fighting among yourself? Can you see the situation clearly and distinguish priorities!"

"Humph!" "Humph!"

Both of them snorted coldly and turned their heads.

When Suowanda saw this, he ignored the two of them and said directly.

"On the day when the Black Sky Summoning Ceremony is launched, there will inevitably be a strange phenomenon in the sky. At that time, the guy from Iron Fist will definitely bring people to stop it. In order to ensure that the ceremony is held, do you two have any ideas?"

Murakami said directly.

"They're just a bunch of brats. After playing with them for so long, it's time to have enough. Let's just kill them."

"Haha, that sounds nice. I wonder who was chased and beaten by a few young boys in the previous actions?"

Mrs. Gao untied Murakami's scars without mercy.

Murakami returned without mercy.

"I'm better than you in any way. I was defeated by a boy with no hair on his head."

Suowanda ignored the bickering between the two and said directly.

"I agree with one of the villagers. It's better to get rid of them before the ceremony is officially held. Do you have any plans?"

"I have a plan. Don't they want to destroy our ceremony? Then we will create a fake ceremony to lure them out and catch them all."

As he spoke, Murakami's eyes were filled with confidence.

Suowanda nodded in agreement.

"This is a good idea. Do you have a specific plan Murakami?"

Murakami briefly explained his plan.

"In order to ensure that the mission can be successfully completed, I transferred my most proud subordinate Xin here from Fuso."

"Well, since the letter has been transferred, there should be no problem."

"Haha, then that group of young boys will die!"

Looking at the confident two people, Mrs. Gao stood up slowly.

"Okay, you two can go play by yourselves. Don't disturb me again before the summoning ceremony begins."

After that, Mrs. Gao left the secret room.

Looking at Mrs. Gao leaving, Murakami made a disdainful sound.


On a pier in Hell's Kitchen, a group of ninjas moved in secret, and they transported huge containers one by one to a remote private warehouse.

Everyone acted extremely cautiously, as if they were afraid that others would find out.

In the darkness, Matt and Luke Cage, wearing battle suits, hid on the dock early, monitoring all the actions.

Luke Cage looked down at the time from time to time.

"The appointed time is almost here, why hasn't Danny come yet?"

Matt said calmly.

"Don't worry, Danny is a promise-keeper, he will not miss the promise."

As soon as he spoke loudly, he saw a dark green figure coming from a distance.

"Sorry everyone, I'm late."

Danny, who arrived on time, apologized to the two of them.

Matt shook his head.

"It's okay, just come."

But Matt only heard Danny's voice and suddenly became a little confused. Didn't he say that the director of the orphanage promised to help?

Luke Cage asked directly.

"What about that guy? Didn't he accept your things and say he wanted to help?"

Iron Fist was also a little embarrassed for a while.

"I've already sent him a message. He should be back, right?"

To be honest, he was a little unsure of Mu En's character. After all, they had only met twice.

"Forget it, let's talk about the current situation first."

Matt said, shaking his head.

"According to Luke and I's previous investigation, the hands and the things that can be transported are most likely the materials needed for the summoning ceremony, and all the things were sent to the private warehouse in the east of the dock, so I guess that they are very likely to Plan to summon the black sky there.”

Hearing this, Danny also clenched his fists.

"So, are they finally going to summon Black Sky!"

Luke Cage said firmly.

"We absolutely cannot let them finish, otherwise the whole of New York City will be finished by then."

Matt nodded.

"Yes, Luke is right, this is exactly the purpose of our action today."

Danny's eyes were firm, no matter whether Mu En would come or not, they had to take action.

"No problem, I will definitely try my best!"

The three of them nodded in agreement, spread out and sneaked towards the warehouse.

In the warehouse, a middle-aged man sat in front of the surveillance camera and had a panoramic view of Matt's actions.

"Haha, the stupid fish took the bait."

Chapter 237: The three-person team that attacks the street

One place on the Hell's Kitchen dock is a private warehouse. The ninjas of the Hand and Society are carrying wooden boxes in an orderly manner, as if they are preparing for something.

Matt took the lead to sneak in quietly with his dexterous skills and sharp senses. Seeing the scene in front of him, he became even more convinced that this group of ninjas planning to conduct the summoning ceremony again.

"The situation is confirmed, start taking action!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the iron door of the warehouse was violently knocked open by someone. The sun shone in from outside, revealing two figures, Luke Cage and Iron Fist.


"Enemy attack! It's an enemy attack!"

"Protect the sacrifice!"

For a moment, the siren echoed in the warehouse, and the panic of the ninjas made Wonder Man even more certain that they had caught a big fish this time.

"Let's go to Iron Fist!"

"No problem Wonder Man!"

Luke Cage relied on his steel-like skin and brute force that could crush rocks to rush forward, completely ignoring the dart attacks of the ninjas.

"Stop them quickly!"

A group of red ninjas rushed towards Luke.

"Look at the punch!"

Iron Fist jumped up high from behind Luke Cage. Golden light burst out from his fist. He punched the ninjas and knocked them to the ground with one punch.

More and more ninjas poured out from the depths of the warehouse, as if telling them that we are doing something inside and you should not come in.

Seeing more and more ninjas appear, Daredevil, who was hiding in the dark, stopped hiding and jumped directly down from the beam of the warehouse.

The short stick in the hand is flexible and can be used to sweep, pick, point, and stab. This group of ninjas were no match for Daredevil, and they were knocked to the ground one by one by him.

"Wonder Man, Iron Fist! The real enemy is behind the warehouse!"

While dealing with the ninjas, Matt loudly told the two of them the information he had obtained.

Iron Fist knocks back the enemy with one punch.

"Got it, Wonder Man opens the way!"

"I'm here! Watch my magical power strike!"

Luke Cage put his hands in front of him, and the muscles all over his body bulged, and he rushed forward like a bulldozer, forcibly opening a path through the pile of ninjas.

Iron Fist followed closely, cleaning up the miscellaneous fish that followed. Daredevil saw this and quickly returned to the team.

The three-person team advanced all the way, and finally broke through the ninja's defense line and entered the depths of the warehouse. A black and purple altar appeared in front of the three people, and a high-level ninja guarded the altar.

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