"It's true, they plan to summon the black sky here!"

Daredevil Matt said with a serious expression.

The light above the Iron Fist fist is generous and full of fighting spirit.

"We must organize them!"

"That's right! Charge!"

Luke Cage launched a charge again, and the three of them rushed towards the altar hand in hand.

"Stop them!"

A voice sounded, and all the ninjas rushed towards the three of them. These high-level ninjas were obviously much more powerful than the low-level ninjas outside. Even if the three of them were working together, it was still difficult to deal with them.

Looking at the surveillance camera, the three-person team and the ninjas were having fun, and the man in the suit slowly stood up, moved his neck, and suddenly made a crisp sound.

"Since you guys are having so much fun, it's time for me, the big BOSS, to appear."

The warehouse turned into a battlefield. The ninjas fought with the three-person team, but the soldiers were just soldiers after all. Although they were stronger than the fish outside, they were no match for the three of them.

At this moment, Iron Fist noticed that a man in a suit had climbed onto the altar with a box in his hand.

"No! We can't let him go up!"

Daredevil Matt also said in a panic.

"The box in his hand! There is a heartbeat in the box in his hand. He cannot be put into the altar!"

However, the man had climbed onto the altar step by step and was about to reach the center of the altar.

"Wonder Man destroys the altar!"

At the critical moment, Matt shouted loudly, and Wonder Man also understood that at this time, he could only rely on brute force to destroy the altar.

"I know, look at me!"

Luke Cage launched another charge and rushed straight towards the altar.

"I'll help you clear the way!"

Light bloomed from Iron Pipe's right arm, and he punched the ground. The huge shock wave directly knocked back the ninja blocking Luke Cage.


Luke Cage was like a runaway train, crashing into the altar.


With a muffled sound, the altar turned into fragments and scattered. However, a pool of yellow gelatinous substance spread from the broken altar, directly sticking Luke Cage firmly to the ground.

"What is this!"

"Tsk hahahahaha!"

A wild laugh sounded, and the man in a suit walked out from the side.

"What a bunch of stupid guys. Even with your IQ, you dare to go against our Hands Association. You are really asking for trouble."

"You're a monkey in a suit, you're so arrogant, wait until I come out and see if I don't punch you away!"

Wonder Man struggled to break free from this gelatinous substance, but he found that no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from this thing. His infinite power seemed to be absorbed in front of this thing. generally.

The man in the suit scoffed.

"Stupid guy, this is a special glue specially used to deal with bullies like you. You can't break free with just your own brute force!"

"No, we've fallen into a trap. Quickly rescue Wonder Man and we'll retreat!"

Matt shouted and took the lead in running in the direction of Luke Cage.

However, at this moment, several ninjas came out from different directions carrying several giant speakers.


Several speakers were turned on at the same time and made a huge noise.


Suddenly Daredevil Matt almost fell to the ground. His hearing was already sensitive, but in front of this huge noise, he almost fainted. Disturbed by the noise, he had completely lost his direction.


Iron Fist was shocked. It was obvious that their weaknesses were no longer known by the enemy. This action was probably a trap specially designed to target a few of them.

"You nasty guys!"

Iron Fist knew that he had to rescue Daredevil first if he wanted to get out of trouble, so he rushed towards a stereo.

"Your opponent is me!"

The man in the suit stood directly in front of Iron Fist and punched him in the face.

Iron Fist was not a vegetarian either. He immediately parried and then started to fight back.

However, as a kung fu master, Iron Fist couldn't take any advantage in front of the man in the suit.

"Haha, is this the current Iron Fist? How can he only have this ability? It seems that Kunlun is also lonely now!"

The man in the suit sneered, grabbed Iron Fist's glowing fist, and then hit Iron Fist's chest hard with a centering elbow. Iron Fist was pushed away and almost fell to the ground.

"Who are you, this guy? Why do you know Kunlun's boxing skills?"

The man in the suit slowly assumed a boxing stance.

"Hands will be reconciled, letter!"

Chapter 238: Mu En takes action, internal problems

In the warehouse, Xin and Iron Fist started a fierce fist fight. Even without the power of Iron Fist, the man in the suit was still able to suppress Iron Fist and fight.

Another backhand grapple, controlling Iron Fist's arms, punched him on the left rib, and he was knocked to the ground by a punch. The man in the suit took advantage of the situation and landed another punch, hitting Iron Fist hard on the head.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Iron Fist seemed to be able to see the evil spirits in hell waving to him.

"Hmph, what a bunch of losers, you guys dare to go against our Hands and Association, you are really desperate!"

As he spoke, he straightened his suit, straightened his suit, turned around and said to his ninjas.

"Then capture them all and take them back as sacrifices to Lord Heikong. I think Lord Heikong will be happy to eat some desserts when he wakes up."

Just when Xin was about to call it a day, there was a burst of applause.

"Pah pah pah pah~!"

A red figure slowly walked in from outside the warehouse.

"Not bad, not bad, not bad. You still didn't let us down. You gave me a good show."

"who are you!"

Xin also became a little nervous for a moment. He didn't expect that someone else would show up at this time. This was completely beyond his expectation. The boss clearly told him that he would deal with these three people this time.

"I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, please remember it!"

As he spoke, the engine roared, and a pair of compound eyes like car lights lit up.

"Drive! You're finally here."

Iron Fist, who collapsed on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mu En's appearance.

"Go ahead and kill this guy!"

Under Xin's order, the one-punch ninja rushed towards Mu En, and when the ninjas approached, Mu En slowly raised his arm.

"Heavy acceleration!"


The heavy acceleration force field spread instantly, encompassing all the ninjas in the warehouse.

Mu En looked at the slow-moving ninjas and smiled with satisfaction.

"Yes, that's right. If everyone can avoid my heavy acceleration, then we can still have fun."

As he spoke, the steering wheel sword appeared in Mu En's hand.

"Come on, I am the end of your despair."

Turning the knob, the engine roared, and Mu En turned into an afterimage and passed between the ninjas in an instant. The next moment, he was standing at the other end of the warehouse.

"The time is just right."

After the heavy acceleration ended, the ninjas fell to the ground and turned into a burst of black mist.

"Damn it, what kind of power is this!"

Xin covered the wound on his abdomen and looked at Mu En in disbelief.

"Oh! There is actually someone who can resist my sword. Are you still a human?"

Xin looked at Mu En with ferocious eyes. When he removed his palm, the wound on his abdomen had actually healed. Mu En was also stunned.

"I am a great warrior with hands and will, and I don't care what kind of bullshit knight you are!"

As he spoke, black eyes appeared all over Xin's body, and his eyes turned red.

"Mu En, this guy's situation is somewhat similar to that of the female ninja leader who attacked the welfare home!"

Kurim scanned the status of the letter and was immediately prompted.

"Oh, that means this guy probably used some kind of secret method of Shou Hehui, right?"

"Yes, the surface of his body is also covered with a special layer of energy, and the heavy acceleration stance can no longer capture him."

Mu En moved his shoulders helplessly.

"Ha~ah, it's really annoying. How can we have fun if everyone is not afraid of accelerating!"

"Suffer death!"

While Mu En was talking, Xin took the initiative to attack Mu En.

However, Mu En did not give in at all and went forward with his sword.

Iron Fist, who was lying on the ground and took a breath, immediately prompted.

"Drive, be careful! He's using Kunlun's moves!"

"I understand. When you recover, go save Daredevil and the others first!"

As he spoke, Mu En swung his sword and turned from passive to active, heading towards Xin to attack and kill him.

"Kunlun? It's just one of the special sects on the mysterious side of China!"

The steering wheel sword is flexible and changeable in Mu En's hands, like a spiritual snake, it can thrust, chop and pick, and can be retracted and released freely.

These all evolved from the fighting skills Eric taught him. After such a long period of life and death training, these moves have become Mu En's muscle memory.

"Whether you have hands meeting or hands meeting, the game is over!"

The engine roared, and Mu En stabbed with his sword. He couldn't even use it to kill a human who was strengthened by secret techniques.

The sword edge pierced Xin's heart, but no blood came out.

Xin looked at Mu En with ferocious eyes.

"Just wait for me, will Shouhe let you go easily..."

Before he finished speaking, the letter turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared in front of Mu En.

"Is this it again? They are really a group of guys who are as tenacious as Xiaoqiang."

Mu En flicked his sword and put away the steering wheel sword.

"Thank you for your help."

Daredevil and others who were rescued by Iron Fist also came to Mu En and thanked Mu En.

"It's okay, I'm just using people's money to help them eliminate disasters."

Mu En waved his hand to signal the others not to pay attention.

"I'm quite curious, how did you guys discover this place? Why are you so sure that Shouhe will perform the summoning ceremony in a place like this?"

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