After hearing Mu En's question, Daredevil answered truthfully.

"Just a few days ago, we met a group of people who were members of the Hehui Association. We captured one of the team leaders and forced questions from him."

Mu En patted his forehead helplessly.

"You believe what the enemy says so easily?"

Iron Fist quickly explained.

"Of course not. We didn't believe it at the beginning. How could they tell us such an important plan casually? So after I got the information, I immediately sent people to investigate the warehouse in this area and found that there was indeed a problem with the warehouse. Then I sent another People came to confirm again, so we planned this operation, but I didn’t expect those guys to be so cunning and actually set a trap specifically for us.”

Mu En looked at Danny Rand and felt a little funny.

"Wait a minute, you said you sent someone to investigate? Couldn't the person you sent be from your Rand Group?"

"That's right, the people I sent are all people I trust in the company. Is there any problem?"

Danny asked with some confusion.

Mu En stretched and said.

"That's a big problem. How do you know that people from your company are still your people, or that your company is still your company?"

Hearing Mu En's confusing words, Danny also frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes, the most common mistake people make is to be blind under the light. You'd better go back and check your own company."

Saying that, Mu En turned and left.

Chapter 239: Murderous Intent in the Rain

In the secret room of the Hand Conference, a black mist rose, and a man walked out of the black mist.

When he came out, he was still covering his chest with one hand, and the image of his heart being pierced by a sharp blade was still vivid in his mind.


A majestic voice sounded, and Xin immediately knelt down.

"grown ups."

Murakami looked at his most trusted subordinate, and he didn't expect that even the letter failed.

"What's going on? Didn't you say there's no problem leaving this matter to you?"

The words were filled with anger at the failure of the letter.

Xin lowered his head lower.

"I'm extremely sorry. It was my subordinate's negligence that led to the failure. I betrayed Murakami-sama's trust. I never expected that someone else would interfere with the situation."

Murakami scolded angrily.

"Humph! If you fail, you fail. There are so many excuses!"

Suowanda on the side spoke to dissuade him.

"Okay Murakami, what happened has happened, you no longer blame Nobu."

"Huh, useless thing. Considering your past achievements, I'll let you go for now."

Xin knelt down and thanked him devoutly.

"Thank you Lord Murakami for your kindness, thank you Lord Sowanda."

Sowanda waved her hand.

"Okay, let's first talk about what happened and who stirred up the situation."

Xin raised his head and said through gritted teeth.

"It's a guy named Drive. If he hadn't suddenly intervened, I would have come back to see you with the heads of those three idiots."

Suowanda was also a little surprised.

"Kamen Rider Drive? Is he involved too?"

Murakami snorted coldly.

"This damn guy dares to interfere in our Hands and Clubs affairs. Have we been silent for too long and made these so-called knight heroes forget how powerful our Hands and Clubs are! I have already said that we There should be a killing spree and the fear should be engraved in the bones of those guys.”

"That's enough Murakami. Now we have reached a critical period. We cannot act on impulse. Who is to blame if something goes wrong in Heikong's summoning ceremony?"

Seeing Suowanda say this, Murakami also shut his mouth. Summoning Heikong was a long-planned project for them. If something went wrong, he would not be able to afford the blame.

The letter on the side asked again.

"I hope you, sir, will give me another chance, and I will be able to make meritorious deeds."

Murakami didn't speak, but Suowanda asked.

"What are you going to do?"

"My subordinates plan to defeat those guys one by one, starting with Iron Fist!"

After listening to the letter, Suowanda nodded.

"Well, although we have been hiding in the Rand Group, this stronghold will be exposed sooner or later when the summoning ceremony begins. It is better to get rid of this guy Danny Rand first, and take possession of this place. "

Handhe Club has been involved in the Rand Group since the incident with Danny's family. Now almost half of the top management of the Rand Group have been controlled by Handhe Club. As long as Danny Rand wants it, then the entire Rand Group That way it can be successfully pocketed by Shou Hehui.

"However, I have a suggestion. Before getting rid of Danny Rand, you'd better kill all his trusted subordinates first. This will make it easier for us to plan to go to the Rand Group more in the future."

"My subordinate understands."


The sky above New York City was covered with clouds, and the breeze blew by, bringing a bit of coolness. Pedestrians on the street couldn't help but subconsciously tighten their clothes.

Since Danny Rand separated from Mu En in the warehouse, he has been thinking about Mu En's words during this period. He also guessed that there might be an internal problem in the company, so he thought he would investigate first.

Putting on his hood, Danny came to a residential building where an old acquaintance of his lived. This old acquaintance was also an employee of his company and was an old subordinate of his father.

When he returned to the Rare Group, he relied on the help of this old acquaintance. However, after successfully returning to the group, he has been busy with his superhero career and has not visited for a long time.

Arriving at the door of the familiar room, Danny raised his hand and was about to knock on the door. Suddenly, a burst of thunder exploded in the sky, shaking him. The heavy rain fell from the sky, and for some reason, a bad premonition came to Danny's heart.


"Old Porto, it's me Danny, are you at home?"

Danny knocked on the door and called Old Porto's name, but there was no response in the room.

Danny knocked on the door again, calling his name, an ominous premonition lingering in his mind.

He no longer planned to knock on the door, and directly used the power of his iron fist to unlock the door and walked into the old Porto home.

As soon as he entered the house, he smelled the smell of blood filling the room.


Danny rushed into the living room, only to see that the whole house had become messy. Porto was lying on the sofa, blood overflowing from his chest, and the blood spilled on the sofa had solidified.

Seeing this scene, a surge of anger rushed into Danny's heart.

However, the cell phone underneath Porto caught his attention. There was an unsent text message edited on it, and the recipient was actually himself.

"Someone is going to attack you Danny, call the police..."

Even the word "call the police" was hidden by Porto before he could finish spelling it out, which meant that the murderer came very suddenly, launching a surprise attack quietly lurking in the room.

However, Danny's first thought of being able to do this was the ninjas of Hand and Kai.

With a heavy heart, Danny left the apartment in Old Porto. In the heavy rain, he tried to contact his loyal old subordinates while walking, but no one answered his phone.


Another thunder exploded in the sky, and a group of black figures rushed out from one end of the alley, blocking Danny's path. Looking back, he saw the same group of people blocking his retreat. The ninjas from the Hand Association surrounded Danny, and Nobu in a suit walked out from the group of ninjas.

Seeing this, Danny also threw away the umbrella in his hand and let the heavy rain pour on him, while a dazzling golden light bloomed on his right fist.



The ninjas roared and moved their swords and rushed towards Danny. Danny rushed towards the letter without fear. He used the iron fist in his hand to forcefully open a path and came straight to the front of the letter.

A punch broke through the rain and hit Xin's face.

Xin glanced disdainfully and struck out with a straight punch. The fists of the two men collided together, and a fight in the rain began.

Chapter 240, Danny on the run

"It's raining so hard!"

In the orphanage, Aixilia sat in front of the window and looked at the rainy scene outside the window and exclaimed.

Normally at this time she would be in the yard playing games with the children, but today it seemed like she couldn't play.

Just as Aixilia was looking at it in awe, the melodious sound of a violin caught her attention. Looking back, he saw Mu En standing in the corridor of the orphanage, pressing his slender fingers on the strings of the piano, and his bow crossed the strings, playing a melodious piano sound. Accompanied by the sound of rain, the ensemble played Play a beautiful piece of music.

Looking at Aixilia, Mu En smiled.

"Did it disturb the girl's enjoyment of the rain scene?"

Ashelia smiled slightly and shook her head.

"No, I think this is just right."

"That's good. I'm honored to be able to present you a song called "Listening to the Rain."

Mu En lowered his eyes slightly, integrating all his emotions into the sound of the piano, which echoed in the orphanage along with the sound of rain.

Ashelia leaned on the window sill, listened intently, and thoroughly enjoyed the moment.

"I still remember that when I was troubled by nightmares, you would always stand outside the door and play the violin for me. At that time, I could only feel a little more at ease when I heard the sound of the violin."

Mu En said softly.

"Don't worry, there won't be any more nightmares in the future. Just let me accompany you with the sound of the piano forever."

The music of the piano in the orphanage was melodious, and the few passers-by on the street outside the orphanage were all busy.


Suddenly, a foot suddenly stepped into the water on the road, causing countless splashes.

Danny dragged his seriously injured body and ran forward desperately, blood and rain dripping from his body, splashing scarlet water.

Behind him, Xin led a group of ninjas from the Hand and Association, chasing Danny unscrupulously on the street. They didn't expect that this guy could break through the encirclement even though he was seriously injured.

However, in his opinion, all this was just a fight between trapped beasts. All his loyal subordinates had already been dealt with, and the people in the police station were also delayed by the people in the meeting. This time, it seemed to Danny Rand that he had nowhere to escape.

Danny tensed up and held his last breath with all his strength. The rain mixed with blood blinded his eyes, and his eyes were red. In the blurred vision in front of him, he could identify the last and only way to survive that could turn the tide of the war.

"Hold on, I must hold on, as long as I can reach that place I can! I can!"

This was the last thought in the seriously injured Danny's mind, and this thought guided him in the way forward.

The ignorant Xin chased Danny all the way, but he had no idea where this road led.

At the end of this road, a huge "manor" appeared in everyone's field of vision, and there were several big characters engraved on the gate - Valentine.

In the orphanage, Mu En, who was playing the violin, suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the sound of the piano stop, Aixilia looked at Mu En with some doubts.

Mu En put down his violin and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, I have something to do. I'm going out for a while. Please wait a moment."

Aixilia didn't ask, she just looked at Mu En and smiled sweetly. As the Queen of Fangire, she had the same keen perception of the origin of life as Mu En.

Mu En took Kurim and walked towards the outside of the welfare home. Kurim, who had been cooperating with Mu En for a long time, did not ask anything. All he had to do was to cooperate with Mu En.

The bishop walked out of the church without saying anything, but just followed Mu En. Eric, Frank, Bashar and others walked out from various places in the welfare home and followed Mu En. The group of people walked towards the outside of the orphanage.

Danny was almost exhausted in the rain and accidentally fell into a puddle, but he struggled to stand up.

Xin, who was chasing him from behind, saw this scene and laughed arrogantly.

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