Chapter 299: Steve, who wields the hammer, who is the God of Thunder?

At this moment, Thor, who had lost his divine power, rushed over and held down Sif, who was about to attack again.

"Sif, Sif, listen, you have done your best, you should retreat first!"

Sif decisively rejected Thor.

"No Thor, running away is not what a warrior should do. I want to die gloriously in battle like the warriors of all generations, and future generations will praise us for it."

Thor held Sif's little face with his big hands and said seriously.

"Sif! Live and tell today's events from your own mouth. That would be more interesting. Now, follow me!"

After saying that, Thor dragged Sif and fled away. The next moment they fled, a laser penetrated the wall directly, and the entire house fell down.

While escaping, Thor refused to find several other friends. They were shot by the Destroyer and suffered varying degrees of trauma.

Thor said to them.

"Listen friends, you have to return to God's Realm and stop Loki! Leave this place to me."

Hogan asked confused.

"Thor, what are you going to do? You have lost your divine power now!"

Thor smiled.

"Don't worry, I've got a great plan."

The Three Warriors of Asgard don't know what Thor's plan is yet. Out of their trust in Thor, they plan to do what Thor says.

Seeing his friends preparing to retreat, Thor was also mentally prepared, and he dropped the shield Sif gave him.

The shield fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Wait a moment!"

Jane, who was preparing to evacuate with everyone, turned back to look at Thor, and the others also turned around.

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Thor walked towards the Destroyer Armor.

Compared with the Destroyer Armor, even the tall Thor looks so short at this moment.

Thor said to the Destroyer Armor as he approached it.

"Loki, my brother, no matter what I did wrong to you, no matter what I did to lead to this, I am really sorry, but they are all innocent. Killing them will do you no harm." Good thing, if someone has to die to quell your anger, then kill me."

He knew that behind this suit of armor, his brother Loki would definitely be able to hear his words. He didn't want anyone else to get hurt now. It was all because of him, so let him end it all.

As if Loki was really moved by Thor, the Destroyer Armor actually stopped, and the red light on his body gradually extinguished.

However, all this was an illusion. The moment Thor relaxed, the Destroyer Armor was activated again.




Amidst the shouts of everyone, a thunder suddenly appeared, and a figure came riding on the thunder. The moment the Destroyer Armor's punch was about to hit Thor, it directly sent the Destroyer Armor away.

"Hey Thor, are you okay."

A manly voice sounded, and a handsome figure appeared in front of everyone. Even though he was wearing casual clothes, his buttocks were still so eye-catching.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Thor was stunned.


Steve smiled slightly.

"Sorry, I'm late. It took me a while to get used to this hammer."

As he spoke, he swung the hammer in his hand, and with the swing of the hammer, thunder rolled.

Now Sol was even more confused. What's going on? Why can he pick up Thor's hammer that originally belonged to him? Am I the God of Thunder or he is the God of Thunder?

But these thoughts only stayed in Thor's mind for a moment and then disappeared. It didn't matter to him whether he could pick up the hammer or not. He didn't care who the God of Thunder was. What he cared about now was his friends and the people around him. people.

After thinking about this, Thor smiled.

"No, thanks Steve, you came just in time."

Steve smiled and nodded.

"Okay, please step back and let me deal with this big guy first."

The Destroyer Armor, which was sent flying by Steve's hammer, stood up again. Loki in Asgard was stunned when he saw Steve holding the hammer.

"Wy! What is going on?! Why can a mortal from Midgard pick up that hammer! Why!"

Angry Loki slapped the throne differently.

"Damn Kago, I don't care who you are, as long as you pick up that hammer, you deserve to die!"

Under Loki's wrath, the Destroyer Armor took action again, and a scorching laser spurted out towards Steve.

Steve subconsciously held the hammer and wanted to block, but suddenly realized that the hammer was not a shield, so I thought nothing of it.

He immediately jumped up, avoiding the light, and then slammed the hammer into the void of the Destroyer Armor.


There was a thunderous explosion, and a giant bolt of thunder fell from the sky and struck directly at the Destroyer Armor.

In the town, Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard were stunned as they watched Steve having a fierce battle with the Destroyer Armor. They then looked at Thor on the side.

Thor is here, so who is the one with the hammer? Who is Thor?

Sif asked Thor confusedly.

"Thor, what is going on? Who is that man? Is that your hammer in his hand?"

Thor smiled and nodded.

"His name is Steve. He is a friend I met in Midgard. As you can see, he is also a warrior and can also pick up my hammer."

In the eyes of Sif and others, this is simply unbelievable. Even in Asgard, they know that apart from himself, the only person who can pick up Thor's hammer is the God King Odin.

It's really unbelievable that there are people here who can pick up that hammer.

Mu En, who had been watching the battle in the dark, couldn't help but sigh when he saw Steve holding a hammer and a Destroyer Armor at a 50-50 ratio.

"Good guy, I'm really skilled at using this combo."

In this same battle, Mu En was just watching.

Above the void, Odin, who could not sit still, came again. He and Ancient One were watching a battle in the air.

Ancient One looked at Steve fighting the Destroyer with a hammer, and showed a happy smile. After all, he is also a talent of the earth. How can he not be happy with such talented people being able to create more warriors when they protect the earth in the future?

Odin on the side was obviously not happy.

Why doesn't his stupid son understand? Even a mortal from Midgard can pick up this hammer, why can't you? You're doing a hammer thing.

Chapter 300: Mu En, who lusts after the Destroyer’s body, Thor’s awakening

Although Steve can barely compete with the Destroyer Armor with Thor's Hammer, he is not Thor after all, and his physical strength is obviously too much to fight against such a big guy.

The Destroyer Armor didn't know what tiredness was, and pursued Steve.

Gradually, Steve fell into a disadvantage and began to be beaten by the Destroyer Armor.

"Okay Steve, it's almost done, step back."

Mu En's voice sounded at the right time, and Steve knew it was time to exit.

"I understand, then the second half is up to you. Although this hammer is good, I still prefer the previous shield."

He jumped up, swung the hammer, and used the inertia of the hammer to push directly out of the battlefield.

And just as Steve exited the battlefield, a scarlet figure walked out of the alley, a black cloak flapping behind him.

The Destroyer Armor doesn't care about the first half and the second half. It shoots a laser in the direction of Steve's retreat.

However, he was kidnapped midway by Mu En.

The laser exploded instantly, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

Mu En walked out of the smoke, his pair of green compound eyes particularly eye-catching.

"Hey, your opponent now is me. What's the point of sneak attacking others?"

"This voice!"

Hearing Mu En's voice, Loki stood up on the throne again. Although Mu En's voice was modified by Dark Kiva, Loki immediately recognized that the man wearing strange armor was the one who was on Earth. The wizard I met above.

"Why the hell! Why do you two have to stop me! Are you mortals worthy of opposing me?!

I'm the king! I am the king of Asgard! "

Loki in the palace was furious, but people far away on earth didn't know that Loki was furious.

"Kill him! Destroy everything here!"

Loki issued new instructions, and the Destroyer Armor took action again, and his fighting style became more violent and powerful.

"That figure? Is it the child from yesterday?"

Odin in the sky also noticed Mu En's transformation into Dark Kiva.

Gu nodded.

"Yes, that's the kid. This kid is very interesting."

Odin was a little speechless. He opened the back door for Loki and released the Destroyer Armor to gain experience for his son Thor. Why did both of them come over to gain experience?

It's quite uncomfortable. Now Odin is wondering whether Thor can learn something and become a qualified king after this battle.

As if he saw Odin's worry, Ancient One smiled.

"Don't worry, there is a saying that goes well, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and as you can see from just now, Sol has grown a lot."

Odin also remembered the scene just now. Thor was willing to sacrifice his life in order to end the battle and protect his friends. Thor already understands what protection is and what sacrifice is. Only by knowing how to protect and sacrifice, and adding powerful strength, can one become an already excellent king.

Odin immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that he was relieved when he reached the top, Gu Yi said again.

"Besides, don't you think it would be a good thing for Sol to meet two excellent friends? Excellent friends can always make people grow."

Listening to Ancient One's words, Odin was thoughtful.

The battle continues, but the situation on the field has flipped again. Previously, the Destroyer was suppressing Steve, and now it is Mu En suppressing the Destroyer.

However, compared to Steve, Mu En's moves are more destructive. They not only severely damage the Destroyer, but also destroy the surrounding buildings.

"This child."

Seeing that once they started fighting, they looked like Mu En from the demolition team, Gu Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Retreat! Everyone, retreat further!"

When he saw that the damage caused by Mu En was even more terrifying than the previous Destroyer Armor, Steve was a little helpless and could only order everyone to retreat further.

Suddenly, a scattered laser shot towards the crowd.


Everyone scattered and fled.

Steve swung Mjolnir and aimed directly at part of the laser hammer. Although it blocked part of it, the remaining lasers still flew towards the Asgard warriors.

Sif and the Asgardian warriors, who had been injured before that, could no longer escape now.


Without thinking, Thor rushed towards them. He wanted to protect his friends with his own flesh and blood. Originally, all this happened because of himself, so he also had the responsibility to protect everyone.


There was an explosion and smoke filled the air.


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