Everyone looked at Thor, who was lying on the ground, covered in blood.

"No Thor!"

Sif and Jane rushed forward at the same time, and Thor looked at them with a smile.

"It's okay, it's all over."

Thor smiled very happily. If he died, then Loki would not attack his friends again.

After the words fell, Sol's hand dropped weakly.



In the void, Odin had a satisfied smile on his face, his son had finally grown up.

Steve looked at Sol with some regret. He thought before that if he could, he would become very good friends with Sol, but now...

Suddenly, he felt something strange happen to the hammer in his hand.

He looked at the hammer in his hand, and then looked at Thor beside him. Suddenly he remembered that Mu En once said that Sol did not lie, he was indeed a god, so that’s what he said!

Steve let go of the hammer.

"Go and return to your true master."

The hammer buzzed, as if to express his reluctance to leave Steve, but he still flew towards Thor.

Suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from Thor's body. Sif realized something and immediately supported Jane and backed away.

The dead Thor suddenly raised his hand, a thunder fell, and Thor grabbed the hammer.

For a moment, thunder rolled, lightning flashed, and the thunder engulfed Thor's figure.

However, when the lightning dissipated, a tall figure appeared in front of everyone, with silver armor, red cloak, and long golden hair.

Sif and the Asgard warriors smiled, they knew Thor was back, the God of Thunder was back.

Jane, Selvig and others were so surprised that they were speechless.

"Thor, you are finally back!"

Sif looked at Thor and said excitedly.

Thor nodded.

"I'll have a nice reunion with you later. Now my friend needs my help."

With that said, Thor grabbed the hammer and flew in the direction of Mu En and Destroyer.

In the battlefield, Mu En strolled and easily turned away the laser of the Destroyer armor.

Then he casually swung a slash, hitting the Destroyer's body head-on.

The silver armor was cut off instantly, but quickly healed again.

Mu En could feel that this armor swallowed up the magic power contained in his slashes, and then used this magic power to repair himself.

"I see, it turns out there is such an interesting material, so it would be perfect to use it to make a belt."

Under the mask, Mu En showed a satisfied smile. He had been thinking before that he should make a new belt, but if he wanted to make the wizard's belt, ordinary materials would definitely not work. Just when he was planning to go to Kama Taj. When searching for the right materials, here comes the Destroyer Warframe.

He knew that this set of Destroyer armor was remotely controlled by Loki, and its power was less than one ten thousandth of what Odin had when driving it. This was exactly what he bought as a gift.

So Mu En paid attention to this suit of armor. He had been testing and studying the attributes of this suit of armor before, and now he was ready to take action.

Yes, I, Mu En, am just greedy for your destroyer's body, come and show me!

However, just when Mu En was about to dismantle the Destroyer Armor, accompanied by storm and thunder, Thor came.

"My friend, I'm here to help you!"

"??? Why is this guy here? I've already killed the monsters. Can you still awaken?"

Even though Mu En has been deceived and all the blame has been robbed by him and Steve, this Thor can still awaken.

Chapter 301: One sword breaks armor

"My friend, I'm here to help you, look at the hammer!"

Riding the storm and thunder, Thor directly smashed the Destroyer Armor away with one hammer.

Mu En was speechless.

"No, I said you are here to cause trouble?"

"Haha, friends, have you seen it? This is how I, the God of Thunder, fight!"

Thor showed off his power to Mu En as if he didn't hear Mu En's words at all.

"Hey, it seems that even though you Tiehanhan has regained your strength, you are still the same Tiehanhan."

"What did you say?"

Thor suddenly turned back to look at Mu En, and then noticed Mu En's scarlet armor.

"Hey man, let me tell you, your armor looks so much like a villain. It looks a bit like a different race that I once crusaded against."

Mu En shook his head helplessly.

"Stop talking about this, let's kill this guy first."

"No problem, with the help of my great Thor, the God of Thunder, the two of us can definitely defeat this puppet!"

Thor said confidently, having finally regained his strength, he must perform well in front of the fight, especially to let Jane see his most handsome side.

"Come on! For Asgard!"

Thor yelled and rushed out swinging Mjolnir.

Odin was very satisfied when he saw Thor fighting bravely in the sky.

"Well, he is indeed my son. He has the same demeanor as I did back then."

Gu Yi smiled and said nothing, did your demeanor back then mean that you were reckless all the way through without using your brain? But thinking about it, Odin was at his peak back then, and there were a few people who could confront him head-on, so just go ahead and do it.

In the battlefield, Thor transformed into a berserker and fought with Yueyong. He waved the hammer in his hand crazily, and each blow was mixed with rolling thunder and landed heavily on the Destroyer Armor.

Mu En, on the other hand, was looking for the most suitable part of the material for forging his belt. Although the entire armor was made of Uru metal, there were still certain differences in the metals used in different parts.

"found it."

Just as Mu En slashed with his sword and split part of the armor, Mu En saw a special alloy. That position seemed to be the core of the Destroyer Armor. All the magic power he absorbed would flow through that position and then reappear. Assigned to various places in the armor, this is exactly what Mu En needs.

"Thor, if I break this armor, will Asgard ask me to compensate?"

Mu En suddenly asked Sol at the side.


Thor, who was enjoying the beating, suddenly paused and looked back at Mu En in surprise.

"My friend, are you kidding me? This is the Destroyer Armor. It is the armor used by my father, God King Odin. Although I admit that you are very strong, it is impossible to break the armor. of."

Mu En said indifferently.

"Don't worry about whether I can chop it or not. I'll just ask you if you want me to compensate you."

Sol looked at Mu En, who was full of confidence, and felt a little guilty in his heart, but in the end he spoke.

"Okay, if you can really break this Destroyer armor, I will personally tell my father God when the time comes. Whatever happens, I will take care of it."

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved."

As he spoke, Mu En's fingertips lightly brushed the edge of the sword, and the edge of the Demon Emperor Sword turned scarlet.

Odin and Ancient One also heard the conversation between Mu En and Thor. Odin was also a little surprised when he heard someone saying that he wanted to break his Destroyer armor.

"This little guy is too confident, even a little arrogant. My Destroyer armor was made by the best craftsmen. How could he break it?"

Gu Yi on the side said with some expectation.

"Let's watch it first. After all, the sword in his hand is a bit complicated. Maybe he can really do it?"

Odin said with some disdain.

"Oh, if he can really do it, then I can give him this armor."

Gu Yi shook his head.

"No need. If he can really destroy your Destroyer Armor, I just hope you won't hold him accountable."

For some reason, Gu Yi vaguely seemed to have guessed what Mu En wanted to do.

"This kid has two magical suits. He probably wants to use Odin's Destroyer to create another suit."

In the battlefield, Mu En launched a continuous attack, and the sword blade struck the Destroyer armor like raindrops, forcing the huge guy to retreat continuously, and causing Loki to have a delay in controlling him. .

"Thor, step back. I'm afraid I might accidentally hurt you next."

"A real warrior will not retreat when facing the enemy. Don't worry, you can't hurt me."

Mu En didn't say anything to the confident Thor, but was ready to completely dismantle the armor and take out the part he needed.


Mu En shouted low and directly placed the edge of the Demon Emperor Sword in front of his belt.

"Hi hi~!"

Kivat opened his mouth and bit the edge of the sword, and power was poured into the blade.

Mu En stepped forward, holding a sword in one hand, and power surged through his body.


In an instant, the sharp breath seemed to cut off the world, and Mu En turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Destroyer Armor.

The Destroyer Armor opened its visor, red energy was surging, and he wanted to fight back Mu En.


A sword sound sounded, and a sharp arc of light flashed past.

Mu En has appeared behind the Destroyer Armor.

"So fast, when!"

Sol was also stunned. He didn't even see clearly when Mu En struck out with the sword.


With a muffled sound, the Destroyer armor was cut off directly from the right side of the left shoulder span, and fell straight forward. When he fell, the red light on his body gradually dissipated.

"This sword!"

Seeing Mu En cut off the Destroyer Armor with one sword, Odin also frowned.

"This little guy is not simple."

Seeing that Mu En had really done it, Gu Yi showed a happy smile on his face.

"You see what I said, this kid is very interesting."

Suddenly Odin's brows also relaxed and he smiled.

"Hahahaha, indeed. If you are willing to admit defeat, this suit of armor will be disposed of by him."

Gu Yi shook his head.

"It's no longer necessary. You can find an opportunity to take it back. The earth is not yet exposed to this kind of power."

Odin saw that Gu Yi suddenly became serious, and finally nodded.

On the ground, Thor was stunned when he saw this scene, and it took him a long time to react.

"Okay, what a powerful slash, hahaha. Sure enough, my friend Thor, the God of Thunder, is extraordinary."

Sol laughed and wanted to walk towards Mu En.

The moment he took the first step, a sharp sword energy exploded. Thor hurriedly swung Thor's hammer and struck it down to disperse the sword energy.

Mu En took out the piece of metal he needed and smiled at Sol.

"Look, I told you to be careful of accidental injuries."

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