"Haha, that's settled."

Stark looked at the two people who were so familiar with each other and raised his eyebrows.

"Am I the only outsider co-authoring this?"

"How could that happen?"

Steve patted Stark on the shoulder and smiled.

"After all, you are still my eldest nephew."

"roll roll roll!"

For a moment, Steve and Thor both laughed, leaving Stark alone with a dark face.


On the helicarrier, in the conference room hall, except for the controlled Hawkeye, the first-generation Avengers members were officially assembled.

Through the monitor, everyone saw Loki who was imprisoned in a special prison.

Steve spoke first.

"Okay, although we have caught him now, I'm afraid he won't hand over the Cosmic Cube so easily."

Banner on the side asked curiously.

"His name is Loki, so he must be very cunning. After all, he is the god of trickery in mythology."

"Thor, you know Loki best here. Do you know what he wants to do?"

Facing Steve's question, Thor thought for a moment and said.

“He has an army called the Chitauri, but it’s not an army from the divine realm, and I don’t know where he got it from.

But I know that he wants to use this army to invade the Earth. There is a deal between them. The Chitauri help Loki occupy the Earth. In exchange, I think the Cosmic Cube is the reward. "

"An army, an alien army?"

Steve felt that it was a bit fantasy. Although he had seen a lot of strange things after waking up, when he heard that there was an army from outer space, he still felt that it was a bit too fantasy.

But Banner on the side grasped the key point.

"If he has an army, then he may need to build a portal so that he can send the army over. Otherwise, if they come in directly from the atmosphere, we can prepare in advance. Before they enter the atmosphere, we should be able to use nuclear weapons to attack them. They were caught off guard.”

Natasha from the side interjected.

"So they caught Dr. Selvig."

Upon hearing this familiar name, Thor's expression changed slightly.

"Selvig? That Selvig?"

Steve knew the relationship between Selvig and Sol and immediately comforted him.

"It's the Dr. Selvig we know, but he was controlled by Loki, but we will find a way to rescue him, don't worry too much.

And what we should be most concerned about now is why Loki was captured without mercy. You must know that in prison, he should not be able to control his army. "

But Banner had different ideas.

"I don't think we should focus on Loki. His thinking is very confusing and dangerous. He is a madman."

Thor looked at Banner dissatisfied.

"You are as thin as a piece of paper, watch your words. Although he is indeed rude, he is still the god of Asgard, and he is still my brother."

Natasha on the side said silently.

"Your brother killed eighty people in two days and destroyed one of our bases."

Sol immediately changed his tune.

"Well, he's actually adopted."

Banner said, bringing the topic back on track.

"I think they may have mastered some kind of technology. They stole a large amount of iridium from a base, but what did they do with so much iridium?"

Stark, who had been watching the show for a long time, spoke.

"It's a stabilizer. Really, what kind of people did Nick Fury find? I'm sorry I didn't mention you, Dr. Banner."

Stark took out his phone and flicked it, and a projection appeared.

"Look, this is a scene taken at the SHIELD base at that time. Although the portal was opened, it eventually collapsed after teleporting Loki due to instability, so they definitely want to build a stable portal to use. Teleport their troops.

However, in order to build a portal that is enough to transport the army, in addition to iridium, they also need a stable, high-quality energy source. "

Then Stark noticed that everyone except Banner looked confused.

"Oh my god, it's so difficult to communicate with you. Why didn't that guy Nick Fury bring Mu En? With him here, at least communication won't be so difficult."

Thor looked at Stark.

"Do you know Mu En too?"

"Of course, I am his partner."

"How could my friend cooperate with a guy like you."

Banner raised his hand weakly.

"Well, I also know Mu En."

"I know Dr. Banner, so those words just now were not meant for you."

Natasha on the side was speechless.

"Am I the only one here who doesn't recognize the pastoral grace you speak of?"

Stark and others looked at Natasha, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. Except for her, the spokesperson of SHIELD, everyone else was more or less connected to Mu En.

Chapter 342: Position

Steve asked, changing the topic of Mu En.

"Does this stable energy source you mentioned have any special requirements?"

Before Stark could return, Dr. Banner said on the side.

"He has to heat the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to 1.2 billion Kelvin so that he can open the Coulomb barrier and establish a hyperspace channel to transport his army. However, the energy generated by this method is unstable. of."

Stark expressed great satisfaction with Dr. Banner's speech and spread his hands.

"But Dr. Selvig has mastered the method of stabilizing the reaction, so Loki cooperated with Dr. Barton to steal the iridium element. Using iridium element as a stabilizer, they can safely complete the quantum tunneling effect."

"In fact, at this point, they can do baryon fusion with any nuclear reactor on Earth."

After listening to Dr. Banner's answer, Stark happily walked forward and hugged Dr. Banner politely.

"Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I wouldn't know how to communicate with a group of people."

He shook Banner's hand seriously.

"Dr. Banner, your paper on anti-electron collision is really wonderful. I think we can have a good exchange on academic issues if we have time. I think we will definitely have a lot of common topics. And I really like how you look after you lose control, that powerful beauty is so handsome."

Banner also nodded happily.

"Of course, I have read many of your papers, and I have to say that the knowledge you have is really vast. But you are wrong about one thing. Hulk will not lose control easily anymore, he is another me. "


After listening to Banner's words, Stark looked at him in surprise. But when I think about Banner staying at Mu En's place during this period, and considering the group of strange guys around Mu En, it seems that a big green guy is not that special.

"Dr. Banner was just invited by me to track down the Cosmic Cube. He can't fight, and he won't lose control and become that rude and crazy guy."

Just as the two were having fun communicating, Nick Fury walked in from outside and interrupted their conversation.

"Of course, I also hope that you two can cooperate sincerely, and it is best to stay here, so as to ensure your safety."

Dr. Banner glared at Nick Fury with some dissatisfaction.

"Watch your words Director Fury, Hulk is a bit violent, but he is just an ignorant child."

Stark also said disdainfully.

"I am the super genius Tony Stark. You said you guarantee my safety. I am watching you in the most dangerous place. A closed floating can. Don't you think that if something goes wrong inside, you won't even have a place to run?" ?"

Faced with these two willful geniuses, Nick Fury was somewhat helpless.

"Okay, I'm rude, but I think you can start working. After all, if you finish early, you can leave early. You don't like staying here anyway."

Banner suggested.

"I suggested that we start researching from the scepter in Loki's hand. Through testing, I found that some of the radiation on it is very close to the values ​​of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"I think this is a good idea, so let's go."

Stark and Banner walked to the laboratory, and everyone else also retreated to rest.

Nick Fury looked at the people who dispersed, and finally walked towards Steve.

"Captain, did Mu En show up when you were fighting in the forest?"

"Mu En?"

Steve frowned slightly.

"No, I thought it was you who gave the order not to let others contact him."

"On the contrary, Captain, when you were chasing Loki, I went to see him in person."

As he spoke, the expression on Nick Fury's face became serious.

"Captain, Mu En is extremely dangerous and uncontrollable. The most important thing is that I can feel his disgust for us and the country below us."

"Dangerous, uncontrollable?"

Steve smiled when he heard Nick Fury's comments about Shepherd.

"It's so interesting that a dignified director of S.H.I.E.L.D. would actually give such an evaluation to a high school student. But my evaluation is exactly the opposite of yours. What I feel in him is his concern for human freedom and peace. Love.”

As Steve prepared to go somewhere else, he suddenly felt that this conference room was a little stuffy.

"team leader!"

Nick Fury stopped Steve as he was about to leave.

"Don't forget the significance of this shield in your hand, and the responsibility Professor Erkins has given you."

Steve understood that Nick Fury was reminding him of his position.

However, Steve felt that he seemed a little tired, and the shield in his hand seemed much heavier than it was seventy years ago, or that it had changed a lot.

He casually placed his shield on the seat and said calmly.

"Director Fury, I have been fighting for many years. When I woke up, the war was already over. I am a veteran. Although I still look young, my heart has followed the changes in the world. Change gets old.

I am very grateful to Professor Erkins for giving me a change, but I think I should repay everything he has given me. After all, I missed a date that is very important to me. "

As he spoke, he tugged on his collar.

"This outfit is out of date, after all, I didn't like it very much before."

After saying these words, Steve seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

Steve has never been stupid. The super serum has never only strengthened his physical strength, but also his thinking.

When he got along with Mu En, he got a lot of information from Mu En. He analyzed a lot of things about the current situation in the world, and he also understood that a lot of things had changed.

What I admire and pursue has long been lost in the long river of time.

Looking at Steve leaving, Nick Fury's dark face became even darker. Why do these guys with extraordinary powers have such distinctive personalities? Why are they unwilling to use them honestly for themselves?

Fortunately, I have considered all possible situations and have already left a way out.

Everyone on the aircraft carrier was busy with their own things, and no one noticed that a familiar guy had returned to the battleship.

In the laboratory, Dr. Banner and Stark were studying Loki's scepter.

"All the radiation and data measured on this scepter are completely consistent with the information left by Dr. Selvig. I think we should have found the correct solution to the problem."

Dr. Banner looked at the data detected together and said with some excitement.

"Indeed, but I'm still not used to the equipment here. It's much worse than the equipment in my laboratory."

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